Customer Loyalty

Think back to any time you were rudely refused a refund, cold-called or received an impersonal birthday message from a stranger on LinkedIn, and you’ll realize you know exactly how to destroy a potential customer relationship.

Keeping customers loyal? That’s a whole other story.

If customers are the glue that holds a business together, then customer retention is integral to keep a company growing and successful. And to maintain your business empire you need to learn how to build trust and create loyal connections.

This course will show you how to do that.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand why customer retention is important (for new and existing customers)
• Create and maintain loyalty
• Understand the effectiveness of word of mouth
• Build brand ambassadors

Why take this course?

Customer loyalty is an essential part of growth. Loyal customers trust you and your brand and will spread the word about your business.

This introductory course will help anyone who works with customers, including sales, marketing or customer support teams, understand the benefits of customer retention. And show how to create and maintain loyalty to keep your brand’s reputation positive.

15 mins | SCORM | Workbook

Category: Customer Service Applied