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The Power of a Strong Password(hxCS001) How many times have you opened a new app and typed the same password you’ve had since forever? And if it doesn’t accept it, you say, “Ok, I’ll add a 1 on the end. A capital letter? Fine. Now it wants to recommend a password too? How on earth will I remember that nonsense! I’ll have to get it tattooed on my arm.” This rigmarole may seem like someone’s testing your limits, but password protection isn’t there to annoy you – it’s there to protect your data and personal information. In the workplace, it’s not just your data and personal information you need to worry about. It’s your customers’ too. While having the same password for everything seems convenient, a weak password can be your biggest downfall. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the downfalls of a weak password • Understand the need to protect any data you access • Set a strong password <b>Why take this course?</b> Learning to come up with a strong password is really important, whether it’s for work or personal tech. To help you successfully navigate the online world, this course explains why you should be using a strong password and how to create one. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 36
The Danger of Viruses and Malware(hxCS002) There are lots of sci-fi classics about dystopian futures where the human race is enslaved by the technology it has created. All of this used to sound implausible, but take one look at social media today and you’ll see we’re not that far off. One of the biggest problems with modern tech is the threat of viruses and malware hijacking computer systems. This not only is an inconvenience to you or your business but also poses serious risks to data. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why people create viruses • Identify common computer viruses and how they work • Understand what malware is <b>Why take this course?</b> If rogue agents take over your computer, you’re at risk of financial or personal loss. So, you need to know how to protect yourself and your business. Whatever your role, this short course will help you understand the dangers and how to prevent them. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 36
Keeping Your Data Safe(hxCS003) There are currently over 4.5 billion internet users. That’s a mind-boggling amount of people creating data – no wonder the internet is called the “information superhighway.” With every webpage you visit, you leave a digital footprint. In some places, you offer further information, like when you’re inputting your credit card details for that latest must-have! But how do you know that your data is safe? For businesses, ensuring data is secure should be a top priority. If it’s not handled correctly, sensitive customer data could be lost or stolen, resulting in some pretty harsh consequences. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why it’s important to look after data • Understand the consequences of poor data storage • Keep data safe <b>Why take this course?</b> Often, we take for granted that data is secure. We assume it’s inaccessible to anyone but the people who need it, and that it will stay that way. But the truth is, you need to take steps to ensure this. Regardless of your role, keeping data safe is everyone’s job. This course will show you why, and also how you can take steps to make sure your data is secure. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 36
Keeping Your Mobile Safe(hxCS004) Who could have predicted that the sum total of all knowledge in the world would be accessible through a tiny device that we all keep in our pockets? Even fewer could’ve predicted that we only seem to use it to watch cute kitty videos. Totally worth it. Your cellphone is so much more than just a way to stay connected. Your contacts, diary dates, and business notes are inside. Not to mention medical records, fastest run times, pictures of everyone and everything you’ve ever met! You’ve simply got to keep it safe. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why keeping your phone safe is so important • Identify the potential consequences of losing your work mobile • Use practical methods to minimize the risk of theft, loss, and damage <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether it’s a personal or work mobile, lose it, and you’ve lost a lot of data. Some of this data may be clawed back, depending on how carefully you’ve been managing it. But if personal or confidential information falls into the wrong hands, that could cause trouble. This course is designed to help make sure that your cellphone is in safe hands. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 36
The Risks of Ransomware(hxCS005) It’s been a stalwart of movie plots since cinema began: Bad guy kidnaps the love interest of the main protagonist, demands an impossible ransom, and hero has to try and save the day. When it happens on screen for your entertainment, it’s fine, right? The thing is, criminals these days might not kidnap people. They’ve learned from the mistakes people made in the movies and go after something much easier. Your data. Whether it’s at home or at work, when a rogue element takes over your computer and encrypts your files so you can’t access them unless you pay a fee, that’s called ransomware. This can be scary, and also financially damaging if you don’t know what to do. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what ransomware is • Understand the consequences of not protecting data • Protect yourself from ransomware attacks <b>Why take this course?</b> Imagine the damage it would cause if you could never access your computer again. That business plan people are relying on. The payroll details. Holiday schedules. It doesn’t bear thinking about. And a simple ‘reset password’ call to the IT department isn’t going to work. This course will show you how you can prevent attacks and protect your data. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 36
Maintaining Customer Service Across Channels(hxCSE01) “Should we be focusing on customer service or customer experience?” That might sound like a trick question, but customer service and customer experience are two very different parts of the same puzzle. Understanding how the two terms interlink will have a huge impact on your ability to improve your relationship with clients and customers. This course clarifies the difference between customer service and customer experience once and for all. Then, it goes on to show how not all customers will enjoy the same type of interaction. So, for truly top-notch customer experience, it’s important to learn to adapt to the customer’s preferences. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what people expect from good customer experience • Identify the differences between CS and CE • Understand what multiple channels are, and how service should flow between them • Maintain context across channels • Find the balance between online and human interaction <b>Why take this course?</b> Understanding how to create an effective customer experience is essential. Whether you have a product, a service, or simply want to become better at communicating. This course will benefit any team that communicates with customers through more than one channel, be it social media, email, telephone or face-to-face, or those wanting a more comprehensive understanding of the breakdown of the customer journey. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
The Importance of Brand(hxCSE02) Know your brand. Would it surprise you to learn that knowing your brand is one of the best ways to provide top-notch customer service? A brand isn’t only a logo, a quirky name, or a social media presence – it’s also the knowledge and passion every team member displays when dealing with customers. It means understanding company values, what they stand for, and delivering the style of service that customers expect from your brand. Many businesses forget to tell their employees what their vision and values are, and how these flow into the brand. This lack of training can mean employees second guess and misrepresent the brand causing knock-on issues, often unintended. Luckily, this course is designed to help you ensure you and your staff know exactly why representing your brand when interacting with customers is so important. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the meaning of a ‘brand’ • Understand how branding affects the consumer • Identify why it’s important to breathe your brand • Identify how lack of brand knowledge creates a bad customer experience • Successfully train staff on your brand <b>Why take this course?</b> If your customer experience doesn’t consistently deliver on the promise your brand makes, then you have a problem. By matching customer service with your brand values, you’ll generate new leads, get better feedback, and offer consistent service across your entire company. This course is essential for teams working directly with customers, like customer support and success, as well as those that represent the brand's voice, like marketing and sales. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Customer Relationships(hxCSE03) When you’re trying to solve a customer’s problem or make a sale, it can be a challenge not to focus on your own agenda. You have quotas to meet and metrics to beat. But handling a situation incorrectly or in a pushy manner will not inspire customers to brag about your service, or keep them coming back. To build good customer relationships you need to build trust. Building trust requires you to focus solely on the needs and feelings of your customers. This is what ultimately leads to better business success. That’s what this course is all about. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Read a situation • Read your customers’ body language • Begin a conversation confidently • Understand communication etiquette – what can and cannot be said • End a conversation • Deal with difficult situations • Follow up with a customer <b>Who should take these courses?</b> This course will help anyone working around or targeting customers for the first time. i.e. customer support, sales, and marketing. It will guide you through what it means to build a relationship, provide advice on how to read a person’s behavior, and assess the situation. It will also help you to create conversation builders and follow up with customers, ensuring you close sales with maximum success and customer satisfaction. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 20 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Customer Loyalty(hxCSE04) Think back to any time you were rudely refused a refund, cold-called or received an impersonal birthday message from a stranger on LinkedIn, and you’ll realize you know exactly how to destroy a potential customer relationship. Keeping customers loyal? That’s a whole other story. If customers are the glue that holds a business together, then customer retention is integral to keep a company growing and successful. And to maintain your business empire you need to learn how to build trust and create loyal connections. This course will show you how to do that. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why customer retention is important (for new and existing customers) • Create and maintain loyalty • Understand the effectiveness of word of mouth • Build brand ambassadors <b>Why take this course?</b> Customer loyalty is an essential part of growth. Loyal customers trust you and your brand and will spread the word about your business. This introductory course will help anyone who works with customers, including sales, marketing or customer support teams, understand the benefits of customer retention. And show how to create and maintain loyalty to keep your brand’s reputation positive. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Effective Problem Solving(hxCSE05) You’re most likely familiar with this scenario. A difficult issue or unreasonable request comes up during the 5 minutes before the end of your shift. You’re tempted to shoot off the first response that comes to mind just to get the customer off your back. Netflix isn’t going to watch itself, is it? But customer service is about helping customers, not giving them false hope. It’s about identifying the real problem and coming up with a suitable solution. Not just telling customers what you think they want to hear. It takes time to learn how to handle delicate situations and think on your feet. These 6 mini-lessons will teach you how to address problem points, read between the lines, and propose meaningful solutions to keep customers satisfied, even when there is no easy solution. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the customer’s point of view • Communicate effectively • Manage the balance between company policy and satisfying the customer • Manage the customer’s expectations • Find solutions and follow-up on inquiries <b>Why take this course?</b> Since unsatisfied customers can result in loss of sales and bad publicity, effective problem solving is a crucial skill for teams in sales, customer support, marketers, and company managers. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Being Authentic(hxLE005) Being authentic is pretty big right now. We’re constantly calling out “fake news” or celebrity “fake-overs”. You might even have a few “fake friends” who you just don’t trust. If you stop being authentic, you take away all the things that make you… well, you. By trying to be something you’re not, whether to impress someone or fit in more easily, you’ll always lose something. In the workplace, being authentic is vital. It increases your clients’ and your team’s trust in you and your judgment. This can help boost productivity and ensure that you maintain a healthy working relationship with your team. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify common problems the can arise from not being yourself • Understand how authenticity can boost productivity • Be authentic and remain professional <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a leader, being authentic is crucial not only to your career but also to the success of your team, as it helps to build your team’s trust in you. This course will help you understand why being authentic is so important, and the common problems that can come up as a result of not being yourself. It’ll also give you useful advice to help you be yourself in the workplace while still remaining professional. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/19 27
Emotional and Cultural Intelligence(hxLE004) We tend to measure intelligence with things like academic grades, IQ, or the ability to solve complicated math problems. But intelligence isn’t just about being good at exams or having superhuman math skills. Did you know that a large part of intelligence is about reading emotions and adapting to culture? In the workplace, reading emotions and adapting to cultural differences helps teams work together more effectively, leading to increased performance and productivity. So, being able to understand and organize emotions is a vital skill. As businesses become more diverse, cultural intelligence is now an essential tool which, if mastered, will improve your personal and work relationships. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what emotional intelligence (EQ) is • Understand what cultural intelligence (CQ) is • Define how they coincide • Identify why they’re important for business • Improve your EQ and CQ skills <b>Why take this course?</b> For leaders, using and modeling good EQ and CQ skills is an essential part of keeping your team on track. If you’re new to leadership or more experienced but want to refresh, this course will help. It will explain what emotional and cultural intelligence are, how they coincide, and how using them benefits your business. It will also give you some useful advice on improving your skills. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/19 27
Humility(hxLE003) If you look around at your friends or coworkers, you can probably identify a few different types of character based on how they behave – there might be a go-getter, a diva, a shy one. But there’s probably also a humble, levelheaded one. Having different character types in a group does make it diverse, but which one would you turn to if you had a problem? If you choose to approach your life and career with humility, putting others’ needs before your own, you’re likely to make friends and influence people. In business, this is an essential leadership skill that will not only improve your relationships but can also help boost your team’s performance and success. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what humility is • Identify how humility can improve relationships • Demonstrate humility to advance your career <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a member of a team, a team leader, or a manager, you’ll need to interact with others on a daily basis. This course will help you improve work relationships and boost success by showing how powerful humility can be. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/19 27
Delegation and Empowerment(hxLE002) Most people have a playlist of go-to songs for when they want to feel confident and appreciated. Songs like Aretha Franklin’s iconic “Respect”. Listening to uplifting music can be especially helpful right before starting work or heading into a meeting. But wouldn’t it be great if those extra confidence boosts weren’t needed because every workplace made everyone feel valued? Knowing how to effectively delegate and empower your workforce are vital components of strong leadership that significantly improve employee wellbeing, team morale, and productivity. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Make distinctions between assigning and enabling • Understand how successful delegation can lead to empowerment • Identify the major benefits of employee empowerment for your organization <b>Why take this course?</b> The best leaders entrust their teams to complete tasks independently and give them the freedom to be accountable for their own choices. If you’re new to leadership or simply want a refresh, this course will help. It will show you how to positively allocate responsibilities to members of your team, while also endorsing their skills and contributions. As a result, your employees will “Respect” you more too. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/19 27
Going beyond customer service(hxCSE10) You can probably think of a time when you’ve been at the checkout, and the server has done the bare minimum. Checked out your items, ran your cash through the register, smiled and told you to ‘have a nice day’. All fine and dandy, but could they have gone further? If they were practicing great customer service, then yes, they could have tried cross-selling or upselling or used a range of other techniques to make you feel really special. Now imagine If everyone started offering this same type of excellent customer service. To stand out you’d need to go beyond the same same. This course will show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the life cycle of customer service • Use ‘out of the box’ thinking specific to your brand • Personalize without annoying your customers • Follow top tips from business CEOs on how to go above and beyond • Understand ‘High touch’ customer service <b>Why take this course?</b> When it comes to customer service, you don’t just want to be as good as the rest – you want to be better! If you work as a leader or manager in a customer-focused role and want to take your customer care to the next level, this course will help. It will explain the life cycle of customer service and help you think outside the box. You’ll also learn how to use techniques to deliver a personalized service that won’t annoy your customers and will keep your brand at the top of their list. Who knows, you could even overtake Amazon as the leading customer service brand. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Technology(hxCSE09) We all know technology is great. Take electric motors – they work exceptionally well for Tesla. They’re eco-friendly and quiet. The invention is also thrilling because Tesla’s customers expect innovative changes. What would happen if you put an electric motor on the menu of the local Chinese restaurant though? Would those customers be as thrilled? Unlikely. Now, this may sound far-fetched, but you’d be surprised how often technology is used incorrectly. Instead of helping, it makes jobs harder for staff and drives customers away from businesses. When technology is used well, though, it can work wonders for a company, adding excitement, reducing workload and improving communication with customers. But with so much tech out there, how do you choose what to use? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the differences between tangible technology and intangible technology • Understand connected personalization • Know what technology will make your customers’ lives easier • Put the customer ahead of data (GDPR) • Outsource technology <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether it’s used for ordering equipment, creating an algorithm on your website, putting a purchase through the till or just making a phone call, technology is brilliant for building and improving businesses. But, used in the wrong way, technology can annoy customers, hinder their experience and create friction within the company. This course is essential training for anyone involved in customer-focused decision-making processes, as it explains what technology is and how it can be used. It will also show you how to select the right technology for your company and how technology has the power to generate better customer service. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Managing Customer Expectations(hxCSE08) Imagine if trains were to arrive ‘when they can’. Or people turned up at weddings on a different date than the one on the invitation. Or use-by dates on food weren’t accurate. The world would be in chaos. The most successful companies know how to manage expectations the best they can. Others decide to be vague with dates to avoid false hope. But that brings disorganization. And with disorganization come disgruntled customers and a tarnished name. This course will teach you how to manage expectations to ensure a seamless and satisfying customer experience. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Set achievable goals • Offer promises about deliverables • Align customer and business goals <b>Why take this course?</b> Managing customer expectations is a small but powerful skill for teams working in any part of the customer experience. When a company is able to make promises (and keep them) it demonstrates confidence in its ability. But, more importantly, it builds a smooth and frustration-free journey for the customer. This is essential training. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Cross-selling and Up-selling(hxCSE07) Imagine this: you’re in a salon booking an appointment for a basic haircut. The receptionist tells you that you can book with a different stylist – one with a fancy title – who’ll give you a better cut, but it will be pricier. You agree. That’s called upselling. Now imagine you’re sitting in the chair, and this stylist informs you there’s a new take-home treatment out that will make your hair shinier. That’s cross-selling. Both upselling and cross-selling are brilliant ways of making extra sales and increasing profit. But if you look like a ‘wheeling and dealing’ con artist, it can at best come off as desperate and off-putting. At worst, it will look like you’re taking advantage of your customers. This course will show you how to recognize opportunities and choose appropriate methods of cross-selling or upselling in a way that keeps both the business and the customer happy. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the importance of knowing your product • Identify different methods of up/cross-selling • Decide when to up/cross-sell • Choose the appropriate up/cross-selling method for different channels • Use appropriate pricing systems • Focus on customer service rather than sales <b>Why take this course?</b> If your teams are using poor upselling or cross-selling techniques, you risk bombarding people with irrelevant products. It also gives the impression you have little knowledge of your merchandise or the needs of your customers. On the other hand, if you’re not cross-selling or upselling yet, you might be leaving money on the table. This course is ideal for anyone who works with customers and wants to learn how to make more money without driving their customers away. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 37
Handling Complaints Gracefully(hxCSE06) It’s a well-known fact that everyone loves to give advice, but nobody likes to take it. And this doesn’t change because you’ve got your name on the office door, or you’re the employee of the year. But, unhappy employees or disgruntled customers are an expected part of any business. So, it’s essential to learn how to handle complaints gracefully. Handling a complaint well demonstrates compassion for your customers and a willingness to improve your company. On the other hand, if your staff often ignore people. Or consistently repeat that they can’t do anything because it’s “against company policy”, then you have a problem. Ignoring a customer’s needs or not dealing with an issue can leave a customer just as unsatisfied as if you were rude and patronizing. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what a complaint is and why you should listen • React to a complaint appropriately • Assume positive intent • Understand the difference between an apology and sincerity • Resolve problems effectively • Understand the value of compensation • Use complaints to the company’s advantage <b>Why take this course?</b> Not listening to or solving a customer complaint is bad customer service. This can lead to dissatisfied customers who try to tarnish your brand’s name. You could also lose the opportunity for free referral marketing through happy customers (or brand ambassadors, as we like to call them). This course will help anyone who is working around customers, be it in technology, sales, or customer support, deal with complaints effectively and ultimately improve customer service, retention, and loyalty. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/24 37
Being Brave(hxLE012) It was Neil Armstrong’s job to go to the moon in a spaceship with less computational power than a modern smartphone. He became the first brave human being to stand on the lunar surface. Your job might not be as outer worldly as Neil’s, but there may still be times you feel fear. And, there are times when you need to be brave. Examples of bravery like Neil Armstrong’s are exceptional. But everyone feels fear, particularly in the workplace. Dealing with that fear and overcoming it can help you become a better worker and improve your leadership qualities. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how you can be brave at work • Identify the benefits of bravery in the workplace • Use strategies to beat your fear <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a CEO, manager, or team leader, being brave at work is an essential leadership skill. From speaking out when there’s a problem to making tough decisions, showing bravery will help your team develop respect and loyalty, leading to improved results and a happier workplace. This course will help you understand how to overcome everyday fears you may face in your job, and what the benefits of workplace bravery are. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/19 27
Being Confident(hxLE009) Have you ever watched a news bulletin of a head of state or world leader giving a speech? Regardless of what they’re saying, imagine how nerve-wracking that must be, standing in front of a large audience and being watched on TV by millions around the world. Scary stuff! Chances are, in your work, you won’t be addressing millions or leading an entire country – most jobs aren’t that demanding. But just putting yourself out there can be scary. Even in a regular, everyday office environment, being confident in the workplace is important for your career. Showing self-belief will encourage others to believe in you, too, and listen more readily. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the positive effects of self-confidence • Identify how your confidence affects others • Take positive steps to be more confident <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a leader, being confident in yourself and your team can inspire team members to build their confidence and achieve better results. This course will help you understand the benefits of being self-confident, and how being more confident in the workplace can improve your working relationships and career prospects. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/22 27
Making Decisions(hxLE008) Everybody has that one friend who’s terrible at making decisions about anything – what to eat for lunch, which movie to watch, what outfit to wear – the list is endless. It can be pretty infuriating, right? While these examples of indecisiveness might make you mad, they probably won’t have a huge effect on your day. But what about important decisions? In the workplace, decision-making skills are vital. Whether it’s choosing the correct person to hire, the best way to undertake a task or project, or how to resolve a conflict or situation, the outcomes of your decisions will affect the success of your business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why decision making is so important • Tackle uncertainty • Make better decisions <b>Why take this course?</b> Decision making is a crucial leadership skill, as being able to give your team a clear direction boosts trust and productivity. If you’re new to leadership or find decision making tough, this course will teach you how to stop avoiding uncertainty and make better decisions with confidence, so you can lead a team successfully and build better relationships. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/22 27
Taking Accountability(hxLE007) In the workplace, being able to see your faults and accept responsibility is vital. Not only does it set a positive example for others, but it can also help to inspire teams and improve your business’s development. Sometimes admitting you got something wrong is tough, and passing the buck or trying to cover it up may seem like the easier option. You can probably think of some politicians who do this all the time, right?! While it might seem like a good way of protecting your pride, acting this way can make situations worse and, most importantly, doesn’t give you a chance to learn from your mistakes. When it comes to being accountable, it’s best to lead by example. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what accountability means • Understand why taking accountability is good for business • Conquer the common pitfalls of taking accountability <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a leader, either new or experienced, being able to see your faults and admit them is key to building trust and respect within your team and improving morale and productivity. This course will show you how to master taking accountability in a few simple steps, so you can self-reflect and improve both professional and personal relationships. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/22 27
The Psychology of Learning(hxLNE01) Does Pavlov’s Dog ring any bells? Professor Pavlov rang the bell, then fed the dog. Eventually, the dog made the connection. After that, every time the bell rang, the dog began to salivate. Learning doesn’t just happen in laboratories, though. We are constantly learning, both in and outside of work. And that learning happens in different ways. Sometimes we’re conditioned, while others we learn by watching or interacting with someone else. Each type of learning has its place, whichever one we use. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what ‘the psychology of learning’ is • Identify types of behavioral learning • Test different learning theories to benefit your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever job you do, you’ll be learning new skills all the time, and you may even need to teach others new skills. Therefore, understanding the psychology of learning is useful. This course will look at what the psychology of learning is, the different types of behavioral learning, and different learning theories. It also covers the benefits of understanding the psychology of learning. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 41
Learning Styles(hxLNE02) Do you remember having a favorite teacher in school? Maybe they talked calmly, explained things well, or did practical, ‘hands-on’ lessons. Whatever they taught you, it seemed to stick. That could be because their teaching methods matched your learning style. We all have different, preferred ways of learning, known as learning styles. They’ve been used for many years to help tailor learning to individual strengths. You’re constantly learning, both at work and in life. Knowing how you learn can help you decide how to approach things like training and development. Recent research into how human brains learn, however, has shown that tailoring learning to individual strengths may not be the best approach. So, if you’re a trainer, it’s important to know how to get the balance right. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what learning styles are • Identify your learning style • Understand the benefits and drawbacks of tailoring learning to fit a style <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re an employee struggling to make new skills stick or a trainer wanting to refresh your style, this course will help. It will teach you about different learning styles and the range of theories for and against their use, how to identify your preferred learning style, and how recognizing your favored way of learning can be useful. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 41
The Power of Microlearning(hxLNE03) You know the old saying, ‘Good things come in small packages’, right? Well, when it comes to learning, that can be pretty on the mark. Microlearning gives you the chance to learn new skills in small doses without pushing your brain into overload. In the workplace, microlearning can be a great way of training employees, as it concentrates learning into “nuggets” with engaging content that’s both fun and informative. This can be far more beneficial than long, information-packed sessions delivered as text or a presentation. And, as a bonus, microlearning can streamline your company’s training scheme. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what ‘microlearning’ is • Appreciate the convenience of eLearning & technology • Use microlearning to demonstrate that learning can be fun <b>Why take this course?</b> Microlearning is effective for challenging short attention spans, and the best way to learn about it is… you guessed it, in a microlearning course! For managers or persons responsible for training, this course will give you a greater understanding of learning in bite-sized chunks, showing how engaging content can make learning fun. It will also show you how technology and eLearning can be harnessed to allow training to be delivered quickly and on the go. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 41
Defining Learning Objectives(hxLNE04) Training comes in all shapes and sizes. But whatever the subject or your skill level, one thing needs to be crystal clear – what it is that you’re aiming to learn. This is where learning objectives come in. They’re an important aspect of learning, and there’s a trick to creating good ones. In the workplace, it’s essential to write clear learning objectives for any training you offer. Defining the aims of the course will help ensure that trainees have coherent end goals and are fully engaged with the learning. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what learning objectives are • Identify the benefits of learning objectives • Write effective learning objectives <b>Why take this course?</b> Learning objectives are essential for giving direction and purpose to learners as well as helping you assess their work. If you’re a manager or person responsible for training, this course will explain to you what learning objectives are, discuss their benefits, and show you how to write them. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 41
Learning ROI(hxLNE05) If you’re a manager or in charge of training, you’ve probably come across ‘revolutionary new training packages that will ensure your workforce has all the skills to keep up with a growing market, blah, blah, blah’. Some of it might look pretty good, but it could cost your business both financially and in physical hours spent with staff stuck in training, away from their jobs. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. And it can be easy to calculate the value of training after it’s happened. But, how do you figure out whether training is worth pursuing? There is a way of assessing its value before starting too - learning return on investment. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what learning ROI is, and why it’s important • Choose training based on value rather than cost • Calculate learning ROI <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a manager or person in charge of training and want to ensure that any training you undertake is financially viable, this course is for you. It will teach you about learning ROI, discuss its benefits, show you a simple method for calculation, and explain why measuring learning ROI is so important to your business. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 41
Your Shop Window, Your Website(hxME001) In the ‘old’ days, before we started living online, we actually had to go out to shop. Whether for essentials at the grocery store or just to browse the main street, we had to get up and physically look for products. Now we live in a virtual world, and our ‘window shopping’ is done online. This means that to make a good first impression, your window display should be virtual too! This course will show you how and why setting up shop online is essential to preserving and growing a business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why it’s important to have a great website • Make your website stand out • Use your website as a marketing tool to grow your business <b>Why take this course?</b> The internet has turned our world into a global shopping mall. If you’re a business owner or marketing manager, you need to make sure that your online presence stands out. This course will help ensure your business is positioned at the front, with a catchy ‘window’ to draw customers inside. Your website is your virtual window display – let’s ensure it has ‘the look.’ <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Do Your Research (Brand and Product)(hxME002) Market research helps establish a connection to customers, which can provide invaluable information. It helps you understand what customers do and don’t like, which, in turn, helps you make better-informed business decisions. Market research must simply be taken seriously. Thankfully, you don’t need to stand on the street with a clipboard to get customer feedback. By conducting market research online, you can drive business growth and get ahead of the competition. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what market research is • Identify why brand research is as important as product research • Conduct effective market research <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re starting a business or are in business already, and whatever your company does, effective market research is a vital part of moving forward. This course will help you discover easy ways to grow your business using the power of effective market research to inform your business plans. Clipboards are optional! <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Know Your Customers(hxME003) Sometimes, characters surrounded in mystery and the unknown can be really entertaining – horror movies use dark and shadowy presences to scare us out of our minds! Characters like these are intriguing, and trying to figure out what makes them tick is pretty exciting. In business, not knowing your customers can make your life as scary as any horror movie. If you don’t know enough about them, especially what they want, it can have a drastically negative effect on your sales. Investing time in getting to know your customers is a crucial part of running a successful business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what it means to ‘know your customers’ • Identify how you can get to know them • Apply customer knowledge techniques to boost your sales <b>Why take this course?</b> If you run a business or deal with customers in any way and want to ensure a successful sale or keep them coming back for more, you need to offer the service or product that best suits them. This course will show you how analyzing a range of factors and habits helps ensure you get your products and your delivery just right. Get ready to hop into your customers’ shoes. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
The Power of Social Media(hxME004) Social media has become a huge part of our daily lives, with millions of people online at any given moment. This makes it a powerful marketing tool for every business. Establishing and building a strong social media presence may seem challenging, and it does take time. But it can be a game changer for your business’s growth and success. Learn how to leverage the power of social media to get your brand and products in front of millions of potential customers. Soon, you’ll see a boost in your sales and the overall success of your business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why social media is important to business • Use social media as a marketing tool • Create good content that can get your business trending <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you run a small business or a huge corporation, social media is a vital part of your marketing. Having an ineffective social media presence, or not having one at all, could be very bad for your business. This course will guide you through setting up and maintaining an effective social media presence to boost your business. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Curating the Right Content(hxME005) Maintaining an active social media presence is important for your business, but it’s also time consuming. Creating original content to post and share on a regular basis is a demanding task you may not always have time for. Don’t worry, there is a more efficient way to maintain your social media channels. The process of sharing other people’s content, rather than creating your own, is called curating content. In business, using curated content can be a brilliant marketing tool, but there’s a method for getting it right. Correctly curating content for your audience will help eliminate the stress of always having to create original content while still keeping your audience engaged with your brand. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what ‘curating the right content’ is • Identify the benefits of sharing content other than your own • Select strong content in order to boost your business <b>Why Take This Course:</b> If you’re a business manager or someone who’s in charge of online content, creating content from scratch every time can be difficult and time consuming. By following the advice in this course, you’ll be able to curate content that benefits your company and saves you time. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
The Role of Partnerships(hxME006) It may seem like businesses are stand-alone entities that are always competing with one another for customers. But more often than not, there’s another product or service out there that compliments what you’re selling, and establishing a partnership with that business could bring a lot of added value to you. Creating a partnership in business can be a great launching point for your marketing strategy. Establishing the right kind of business connection with the perfect partner could be the key to unlocking a whole new customer base and incentivizing your regular clients. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand different partnership models • Understand how partnership marketing could benefit your business • Choose the right partnership for your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether your business is big or small, partnerships can be a great way to promote your brand and pool marketing plans, cutting down on your costs as you go. The information in this course will help you choose and close a partnership deal that’s right for you, and guide you on getting creative with partnership marketing to boost both your businesses. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Brand Ambassadors(hxME007) A strong brand relies on many factors to promote its values and ideas. If you were asked to draw the logo for Apple, Nike, or McDonald’s from memory, you’d find it pretty easy, right? And you could probably also name some famous “fans” who have helped promote those brands. These “brand ambassadors” play a crucial role in helping enterprises increase the size of their target audience. In the social media age, EVERY customer can become a brand ambassador, regardless of their level of fame. And no matter how big or small the company, having people promoting your products will certainly help your business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why brand ambassadors are so important in today’s world • Define the role of a brand ambassador in your marketing • Choose the correct ambassador for your brand • Establish a brand ambassador program <b>Why take this course?</b> Society demands that everything be accessible, recognizable, and relatable. If you’re in business, using a brand ambassador can help you achieve all of these, as long as you get it right! This course will help you discover how to use a brand ambassador to give your company a familiar face, and how to establish an ambassador program that can grow the face of your company. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
The Power of Networking(hxME008) Building connections is important in every business and in every department of a company. Knowing how to form and grow these connections is a crucial part of helping your business succeed. That’s where networking comes in. Simply walking up to someone random to say hello during a conference is probably not going to result in a valuable connection. Instead, you should know a few things about the person before approaching them, and also have a plan for starting a conversation. Even if meeting strangers may not be your favorite thing to do, this course will help make the process feel easier and more natural. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why “who you know, not what you know” is true in networking • Build strong connections • Find networking opportunities that will benefit your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a business owner, manager, or in charge of marketing, networking is a powerful way of putting your business out there. But, like any other tool, if you don’t use it right, things could go very wrong. Getting the balance of power just right could make you the face everyone wants to meet. So, before you check out the complimentary buffet at the next trade show, use the tips and advice in this course to make sure your networking skills are top notch. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Show, Don't Tell(hxME009) Customers are now able to compare multiple products right from their phones and computers. Depending on your business, the way you’ll show customers the results from using your product or service will vary. But if you manage to determine the best way to show these results and the most suitable platform for sharing your product’s benefits, you can increase your sales and growth dramatically. Customers are now able to compare multiple products right from their phones and computers. Depending on your product or service, the way you’ll show results will vary. But if you manage to determine the best way to show these results, and the most suitable platform to share this information, you can increase your sales and growth dramatically. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why the simple “hard sell” no longer works • Identify how powerful images can say more than words • Create effective content to help convert sales <b>Why take this course?</b> In a world where consumers have become savvier, using “show, don’t tell” will keep you ahead of the game. If you’re a business owner or marketing manager, this course offers useful tips on mastering the art of subtle persuasion. Showing customers you understand their needs and demonstrating how your product can help will take your sales to the next level. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Introduction to Marketing Automation(hxME010) With never-ending to-do lists, multiple mandatory meetings, and constant interruptions, completing tasks becomes a challenge. Particularly in marketing, where responsibilities vary widely from writing original content to maintaining social media and gathering and analyzing data -- and much more. There has to be a better way to get all of these things done. And there is. It’s called marketing automation. By determining which tasks are repetitive and can be automated, you can cut down on all the individual things on your to-do list. Investing time upfront to establish automations will save you even more time in the future. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what MA (marketing automation) is • Identify how it can streamline marketing and make it more effective • Implement MA into your current strategy • Understand the “dos and don’ts” of marketing automation <b>Why take this course?</b> The thought of AI taking over is scary, but using it to assist with marketing could save time and help maintain, or even improve, your whole strategy! By using MA correctly, you can lighten your workload, and offer your customers more targeted marketing. If you’re a busy marketing manager, this course will show you the benefits MA could bring to your business, how to implement marketing automation into your current strategy, and things to watch out for to ensure it’s effective. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 51
Sales Listening Skills(hxSE001) Did you know: better listeners are more likable, more successful, and research says they have better relationships too? This means that listening effectively during the sales ceremony is an essential skill. Because the more likable you are and the better relationships you can build with your prospects, the more likely you are to reach your sales goals. Listening effectively will also help you develop mutual trust, make fewer mistakes and even enhance your product and customer knowledge. Sounds good, right? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the benefits of becoming an effective listener • Identify effective sales listening skills and techniques • Use your listening skills in your everyday sales conversations • Understand what makes a great conversation and when to use humor • Be yourself, genuine & build relationships • Understand social contracts and connecting with people • Follow tips for better active listening <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is ideal for those who are in sales and want to improve their communication skills. See, listening effectively is an essential part of communication. Particularly when you’re meant to be listening to your customers, so that you better understand their problems. When you know what their problems are, you can start figuring out the best way to solve them. This course covers how to become an effective ‘active’ listener and will help your sales team connect and build relationships with their customers. It also gives tips and techniques they can use to improve their whole sales pitch. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 52
Creating Your Pipeline(hxSE002) When it comes to selling things, you’ve got it covered, right? You’ve got the swagger, the attitude, the sharp suit. What more could you need? Well, when you’re trying to get ahead in the cut-throat world of sales, consider swapping those Gucci loafers for a pair of rain boots. Because every good salesperson should start by creating their pipeline – build their network from the ground up to ensure they are working from solid foundations. When you put in the hard work, you get the rewards. And if you want to make real headway in improving your sales performance, then you need to start by creating your pipeline. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Research your audience • Understand the customer lifecycle • Define a ‘pipeline’ • Prospect to generate leads • Nurture and qualify leads • Make a meeting plan • Move sales along the pipeline <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in sales and marketing, you need to understand exactly what is meant by ‘pipeline’. This course has been designed to help you get started with that. It gives you advice and tips on the life cycle of a customer, how to start your pipeline from generating and qualifying leads, as well as moving your prospects along the pipeline. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 4
Managing Your Pipeline(hxSE003) You’ve got a great product. You’ve done your research and identified your customers. Maybe you’ve even had some initial contact or meetings with them. Great work so far. So what comes next? Time to put your feet up and let the sales roll in? Not quite. Even the best products don’t sell themselves, despite what you may have been told. With so many potential deals in the pipeline, it’s going to take some effort to manage them all. Working through that pipeline can be a tricky process. It can make or break a business. If you fail to deliver, consider the impact on your reputation (or worse, your wallet) further down the pipeline with your customers. But it doesn’t need to be hard work. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Follow up on your best leads and drop the dead ones • Assess the needs of your customer • Monitor pipeline metrics • Manage time effectively • Prioritize your prospects • Meet critical targets • Deal with and use CRMs <b>Why take this course?</b> To get ahead in the tough world of sales, you need to have the edge. When you’ve got your pipeline in order, you’ll find the rest comes much more easily. This course is designed to reduce the friction inside that pipeline and give you some useful advice on how to make the sales process smoother for everyone involved. Anyone in sales or marketing will find this course useful. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 52
The Sales Pitch(hxSE004) “Strike two!”. The bases are loaded, the ball is in your hands. If you pitch well, you’ve won the game. The crowd is expectant, the atmosphere is electric. It’s make or break time, all coming down to this final move. You’ve already created your pipeline, done your research and made those connections. Now it’s time to take the next step. That means delivering the best pitch you can to get the best result for yourself, your team, the business, and the customer. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Know your offering and Unique Selling Points (USPs) • Understand the ‘elevator’ pitch • Up your pitching game • Understand storytelling & the release of the trust hormone • Use flattery to build confidence <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re in the sales or marketing business, getting your pitch right is essential to make a sale. You might think you know everything there is to know about pitching your product or service, but there is always something new to learn. This course is designed to add to your growing arsenal of sales skills. It will be of significant interest to salespeople who want to give their pitching technique a real boost, as it offers tips and advice to help you hone your pitching skills so you can make your product or service really stand out from the crowd. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2022/02/23 52
Effective Presentations(hxSE005) Sometimes, it’s less about the product itself and more about the way that product is presented, right? Take ‘Pet Rock’, for example. In theory, it’s a product no one wants, needs, or would even consider buying. I mean, it’s a ROCK. In reality, it was so well presented that the plucky entrepreneur who inspired ‘Pet Rock’ became a millionaire almost overnight. This course won’t make you a millionaire overnight, but it will show you the importance of presentation. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the art of presentation • Communicate successfully • Understand the importance of storytelling <b>Who should take this course?</b> If you want to put your product or service on the map, this course is for you. Armed with tips and advice to get your product noticed, you’ll be more prepared and confident the next time you’re with a prospect. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 52
Celebrating Differences and Diversity(hxTWE04) A team that is filled with differing genders, interests, cultures, and abilities has a selection of ideas to consider and more perspectives to help. And the more diverse your workforce, the more tasks will be completed with ease. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what it means to be diverse • Identify how a varied workforce helps business • Celebrate culture and differences • Create an inclusive workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Having differences and diversity in the workplace is desirable, but not always easy. Different mindsets mean different expectations – so pleasing everyone is no easy task. If you’re a manager, team leader, or just want to brush up on your teamwork skills, this course will teach you how to celebrate differences to encourage inclusivity and boost morale. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
The Power of Teamworking(hxTWE01) While teamwork may not be everyone’s favorite way to get things done, there are many tasks and projects that simply cannot be completed by a single person. Love it or hate it, teamwork is a necessity in the workplace. Even if your job is largely independent of others, sooner or later, you will have to work in a team. If you feel like you’re not equipped for teamwork, then just think about the skills and expertise you can bring to the table. Successful teams build better businesses and are highly valued by employers. When you don’t embrace teamwork, you’re instantly reducing your worth to an organization. The great news is, you can work on your soft skills to become better at teamwork. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the benefits of teamwork • Negotiate the barriers to teamwork • Use essential skills to improve your team working <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever your role and wherever you work, making sure you can work in a team is essential. This course will teach you about the benefits of teamwork, look into some barriers, and discuss essential skills you’ll need to become a more successful team worker. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
Setting Common Goals(hxTWE02) If you work in a team, it’s likely you’ve felt frustrated at times when everyone seems to be pulling in different directions. Because when this happens, teams become disjointed and unorganized. And with each member believing their way is best, disagreements arise. This is probably because your team doesn’t have a common goal. To be a successful team, common goals are crucial. They help employees stay focused, keep tasks on track, and aid in organizing valuable resources. Without common goals, teams will just become a group of individuals with their own aims. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what common goals are • Recognize the benefits of setting common goals • Define and set common goals • Communicate goals effectively • Differentiate between short- and long-term goals <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in a team, then being able to set and work toward a common goal is essential. This course will help you better understand what common goals are, how they’re beneficial, and how to set and communicate them. It will also look at the relationship between short- and long-term goals. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
Collaboration(hxTWE03) Just like in sports, working with others in your job makes you far more effective than when you work alone. Larger tasks and projects can’t be accomplished by just one person and, usually, better ideas come about when multiple people put their heads together. Collaboration is key to improving output, quality, and effectiveness. Each person brings something unique to the table and contributes to achieving the best possible result. Luckily, thanks to technology, there are now even more ways to work together efficiently. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what collaboration is • Identify the benefits of collaborative working • Overcome barriers to collaborative working • Use technology to work collaboratively <b>Why take this course?</b> Wherever you work, if you manage or are part of a team and want to improve collaboration, then this course can help. It will discuss the benefits of working collaboratively, ways to overcome barriers to collaborative working, and how technology can assist collaboration. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
Importance of Sharing Sales Feedback(hxSE010) Phew. It’s over. Your hard work has paid off, the sale has been made, and all parties are happy. Well, you’re not quite done yet. There’s still an important part of the customer lifecycle to pass, and it’s the part where you share sales feedback with your team. Why’s that important? Just like taking a course about sales techniques, any form of learning should be encouraged. Because it will most likely benefit you or your teammates, or indeed the wider business. Sharing your feedback is a great way to improve future sales, start a discussion about different strategies moving forwards, explore the main selling points and help identify and resolve any concerns. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Share your feedback to improve offerings • Identify real concerns and objections • Establish USPs through feedback • Understand how sharing feedback benefits us <b>Who should take this course?</b> In sales, feedback is a brilliant opportunity to look at what went well or areas you can improve to help enhance future business. It’s a crucial part of growing future sales. If you’re in sales or marketing, this course is going to be very useful. In fact, everyone who’s involved in a sales project may find this useful. It will help you and your team ask and answer pertinent questions that’ll improve future offerings and the sales experience. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 52
Closing Difficult Deals(hxSE009) You’ve got a great product, and you’re confident. All that remains is closing the deal. The thing is, your customer has a reputation for being a tough nut to crack. When you have a customer that insists on making everything unnecessarily hard, closing that deal can seem impossible. But, hey, no one said it would be smooth sailing. The thing is, in this high-pressure sales world, you simply don’t have time to waste on deals that drag on for weeks or months – especially if you’re pretty sure these interactions won’t end in a sale. But there are ways you can make deals happen faster. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why persistence is key • Master the art of negotiation • Make a compelling offer • Understand influencing and its importance <b>Why take this course?</b> Closing that deal is inarguably the most important part of the sales cycle. And even the best salesperson sometimes requires that extra little push to make a really good deal come to fruition. This course has plenty in store to help you make those ‘impossible’ deals become reality. Whether your role is in sales or marketing, you’ll learn different ways to negotiate, make compelling offers and better understand the importance of influencing. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 4
Keeping Prospects Engaged(hxSE008) Goldfish are said to have an attention span of just 9 seconds. So when you put a treasure chest in their tank, they are grateful almost 7 times a minute. Since the emergence of social media, however, research has found that we humans have an attention span of just 8 seconds! There is just so much information to consume that people often can’t focus for extended periods of time. For those in sales and marketing, this can be an issue. Because if you can’t keep your prospects engaged, then they probably won’t stay prospects for long. To keep them focused on your products, you need to make sure your company becomes encoded in their minds. This course will show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how and why you should engage • Identify ‘calls to action’ and how to employ them • Keep prospects invested • Personalize your content <b>Who should take this course?</b> Getting prospects to engage is key to making a sale. If they’re not engaged, they’re unlikely to buy. If you work in sales, marketing or are a brand manager, this course will be useful to you. It will help you identify how and why you should engage with prospects, as well as offer useful tips on how to personalize your content to help keep prospects invested in your company. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 4
Building Benefits(hxSE007) It’s often said that respect is a two-way street. Same with love, success, trust and more – it’s a crowded neighborhood. When you think about it, conducting a sale is also a two-way street. A sale will only take place when both sides get something out of it. Buying a product offers the customer a return on their investment – whether that’s monetary compensation or simply the thrill of owning a product. But prospects won’t even see the potential return for their investment unless you make your product or service enticing enough for them to invest in. You can do that by building the benefits that make your product stand out from the crowd. Whether you like it or not, customers don't care about your product itself. What they care about is what your product can do for them. People don’t want a lightbulb. They want to be able to see where they’re going in the dark. People don’t want a lightbulb. They want to be able to see where they’re going in the dark. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Tell the difference between benefits and features • Understand ROI – a change of perspective • Identify the not-so-obvious advantages of benefits • Understand why customers don’t care about your product <b>Who should take this course?</b> This course is aimed at salespeople and marketers but would also interest content writers or others in e-commerce. It’s important to distinguish between the features of a product or service and its benefits. When the signature is still missing from that dotted line, selling the benefits can make all the difference. This course should get you thinking about the best way to explain the benefits of your product or service to your prospects. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 4
Selling the Proposed Solution(hxSE006) Back in the 1980s, it was a simpler time. Hair was big, fashion was colorful, and music was better. And, in the world of sales, a new strategy was emerging -- solution selling. It’s pretty simple. A salesperson was on hand to diagnose a prospect’s needs and recommend the right products or services to fulfill those needs. It’s a technique that asks questions and reveals problems that buyers didn’t know they had so that you can sell them your solution. Simple but clever stuff. Although much has changed since then, the interaction with a customer hasn’t. Customers still have problems, and you can still resolve these problems with an appropriate product or service. When you know your customer, you can tailor your product towards being the solution to a problem they didn’t even realize they had. The result? More sales for you! <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the meaning and methods behind solution selling • Understand the needs of your customers • Identify when to use questions rather than a hard sell <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in sales or marketing, being able to sell solutions is an essential skill. This course will help you understand the intricacies of solution selling. Dealing with customers and their needs hasn’t changed too much in a long time. But now, more than ever, gaining and retaining customers is trickier because customers are spoiled for choice. This course will help you understand the methods used in solution selling, and how questioning techniques can improve your pitch. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2022/02/23 52
Communicating Openly(hxTWE07) An obvious downside of social media is how much it encourages us to keep scrolling when we should be working. The brilliant upside is that it allows us to share. This includes our opinions, fascinating articles about, say, the dangers of procrastination and, of course, cat videos. Sharing is especially important in the workplace. And, no, we’re not talking about those cat videos. Work-related sharing is always a good thing because it allows everyone, from employees to managers, to feel like they’re valued and trusted members of a company. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what communicating openly means • Identify the benefits to your organization • Encourage an open communication culture in your workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Organizations that value transparency over secrets have employees with greater job satisfaction, which in turn results in higher performance levels and productivity. Whatever your role, this short course will help you understand the advantages of communicating openly and honestly with every member of your workforce. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 61
Encouraging Different Opinions(hxTWE08) Whatever you think of the Beatles, their historic impact on music cannot be disputed. But did they always see eye to eye? Nope. Chances are, if they’d agreed on everything, then “Love Me Do” would now be regarded as a one-hit-wonder by some obscure band from the 1960s. This is because differences of opinion, whether creative or otherwise, are vital for growth and development. Welcoming diverse thoughts at work can equally lead to more fruitful ideas and efficient, productive teamwork. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the risks of conformity bias • Understand how dissent can lead to innovation • Create a psychologically safe workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> A work environment in which all employees share the same views and where disagreements are nonexistent may sound idyllic. But, organizations like that are also likely to remain static and resistant to progress. Whatever your role, being able to appreciate differences of opinion is a crucial part of building collaboration. This short course will show you how to embrace different opinions while also strengthening your collaborative skills. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
Dealing with Difficult Personalities(hxTWE09) We all know someone who can be bossy or a bit of a know-it-all, don’t we? How about someone who always criticizes or doesn’t contribute at all and lets others pick up the slack? Politely, we describe them as ‘difficult’. Dealing with pleasant, positive people is easy. But everyone goes through a period in their life when they aren’t at their best or are ‘difficult’, at least from someone else’s point of view. Whether it’s a ‘one-off’ or a permanently difficult personality you’re dealing with, being able to maintain a relationship with them in the workplace is vital for achieving goals successfully. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how to be assertive with someone difficult • Keep a clear narrative and communicate successfully • Deal with difficult people • Defuse difficult encounters • Identify the different types of difficult people <b>Why take this course?</b> Dealing with ‘difficult’ people can be, well, difficult. But your ability to deal with different types of people may influence your success and overall happiness more than many other skills you might develop, so it’s important stuff. This course will help by teaching you coping and negotiating strategies for dealing with those difficult people in your life. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
Celebrating Success(hxTWE10) Imagine if your birthday passed by every year without celebrations. What about graduating from University? Passing your driving test? Hitting a sales target? For most of us, the thought of never celebrating anything is a pretty bleak one. So why should it be any different in our work lives? Achievements and milestones in the workplace can be big or small. But if they are routinely getting overlooked and ignored, it can feel like...like it’s your birthday and everyone’s forgotten. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why recognizing achievements is important • Identify when and how to celebrate successes • Create a culture of appreciation <b>Why take this course?</b> When employees feel that their efforts and accomplishments matter, they’re much more likely to continue working hard. They’ll feel empowered and motivated to perform at their very best, both for themselves and their teammates. If you’re a manager or team leader, this short course will help you understand how celebrating success boosts staff morale and organizational productivity. Just be sure to congratulate yourself once you’ve completed it. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/25 48
Slips, Trips and Falls(hxWE001) In slapstick comedy, slips, trips, and falls create the humor. While it’s funny to see comics and clowns slipping, tripping, or falling about, it’s not so fun when we are the ones having an accident, especially in the workplace. If we slip, trip, or fall at work, we’ll get a minor scratch at best. At worst, these accidents could result in major injuries or even death. This makes identifying hazards and taking preventative steps really important. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify hazards in the workplace • Take action to prevent accidents • Know what to do if an accident happens <b>Why take this course?</b> This course will help you avoid slipping, tripping, and falling at work. It highlights common hazards and explains what to do if an accident does happen. Hopefully, this good advice will slapstick in your mind (see what we did there?) and help prevent bumps and bruises in the workplace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Manual Handling(hxWE005) Flatpack furniture – irritating to build, and when it’s all still packed up in the box, it’s pretty heavy to carry! But then it is an entire closet or sideboard, so that figures! Handling heavyweights like this is tiring and can cause some serious injuries. In the workplace, there are correct procedures for lifting and manual handling that need to be followed so that we can avoid getting hurt. The harm we might suffer can range from fairly minor to serious, life-changing injuries. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the types of injury caused by incorrect handling • Lift and handle heavyweights correctly • Prevent accidents <b>Why take this course?</b> This course will teach you how to correctly handle heavy objects and lift them without injuring yourself. You’ll also learn about the different types of injuries that can be sustained and how to prevent accidents. If you do any kind of manual handling at work, even just occasional lifting, then this course is for you. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Reporting a Hazard(hxWE019) Clowns – whether you love them, hate them, or find them terrifying, there's no denying they’re hilariously accident-prone. A custard pie to the face, all 4 wheels falling off their car at the same time, or a bucket landing on their heads! They’re pretty hopeless at spotting hazards, but that’s all part of the show, right? In the workplace, hazards are serious business though, so spotting and properly reporting them is vital. Getting it right could mean avoiding injury. Getting it wrong could result in anything from minor bumps and bruises to serious, or even fatal, accidents. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the risks of not reporting hazards • Identify hazards in your workplace • Report hazards correctly <b>Why take this course?</b> This course will help you spot different types of hazards in the workplace, show you how to report hazards correctly, and explain what might happen if you don’t report hazards properly. If you want your teams to stay safe in the workplace, this course is essential. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Cable Management(hxWE003) Anybody who has ever used wired headphones will know the pain of trying to untangle them. I mean, how do they even get that tangled? You only put them in your pocket for two minutes! So, you can imagine the frustration when dealing with tangled and unorganized cabling at work. Almost every electrical item you have on your desk has got some sort of wire coming out of it, we’d guess. They need to be kept tidy. Not just because they’ll look nicer that way but also because tidiness makes it easier and safer all round. <b>By the end of this course you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand cables and how they work • Understand the importance of good cable management • Keep cables organized <b>Why take this course?</b> There are several reasons why cables should be organized correctly, but there’s a critical one you need to get it right: poorly organized cables have a risk of fraying and starting a fire. Now, that’s next-level serious. If you have cables on or around your workstation, taking this course will help you get them organized and safe. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Use the Handrail(hxWE002) Alright, we know. It’s not the most “glamorous” of courses. In fact, it might even sound a bit patronizing. But since over a million people in the US have accidents from falling down the stairs, it clearly is important stuff to know. A fall down steps, wherever you are, is not only going to hurt your pride, but it could land you with a serious injury, or worse. By making small changes, you can ensure that you navigate steps and stairs without any mishaps. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the importance of handrails • Stay safe on stairs • Better understand the consequences of a fall <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether in the office, on a building site, at home, or anywhere else with steps or stairs, handrails are there for a reason – to keep you safe. Why take the risk? The statistics are damning, and the consequences can be severe. Taking this short course will benefit everyone. You’ll discover some interesting facts and statistics to make you pause for thought before tackling your next set of stairs. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Going Remote(hxWE010) Work in an office? Then you’ll know the feeling of taking that awful commute, in the pouring rain, only to be tied to your desk by 9 am, feeling slightly soggy and contemplating the meaning of life. Don’t despair! Office work is changing. Yes, in the modern world, work can fit around the rest of our lives. Thanks to advances in technology, such as Wi-Fi and cloud storage, remote working is on the rise. That means you’ll be able to do your job from the comfort of your home. But keep in mind, if your organization is embracing the idea of remote working, you’ve got a whole new set of challenges to face though. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why working remotely can be good for everybody • Deal with misconceptions • Motivate yourself to keep your output high • Choose helpful digital tools to enhance communication <b>Why take this course?</b> Setting up remote working teams offers staff a better work-life balance. More than that, it means companies can hire the best talent, regardless of location. That’s great, but it can cause issues, such as communication breakdown and poor timekeeping. Whether you’re about to become a remote worker, or you’re a manager considering using remote work to enhance your business, this course will help get everyone working. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Don't Walk and Text(hxWE009) Technology is great. We have the world literally at our fingertips: we can research, play games, work, and keep in touch with our friends and colleagues. All this on devices that fit in the palm of our hands. But, for all its brilliance, technology still poses some dangers. Being addicted to our tech means it’s easy to get distracted and attempt to multitask. Some times that’s successful, but other times we might take unnecessary risks, putting ourselves and others in danger. Texting while walking may not seem like a big deal, but it regularly causes accidents that could have easily been avoided. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why walking and texting is a dangerous behavior • Identify how small actions can lead to serious consequences • Take steps to avoid risks <b>Why take this course?</b> When you’re busy, it’s tempting to try to do things “on the go” to save time for those bigger daily tasks. Regardless of your role and whether you’re in or outside of the workplace, it’s worth sparing some time to think about those little actions that can be risky, like texting while walking. This course will help you identify the risks and the steps you can take to avoid them. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Driving and Using Your Phone(hxWE018) It goes without saying that when you’re driving, you shouldn’t use your mobile phone. It’s something we all already know, right? Even so, one in four automobile crashes in the US is caused by texting and driving and, worryingly, this figure is increasing. It’s tempting to use your cellphone while driving because it’s really useful; you can dial into that meeting, find the quickest route to your destination, or play your favorite songs with one swipe. But there are better ways to do all these things, without taking your full concentration off the road ahead. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Appreciate the dangers and consequences of using your phone while driving • Understand the legislation about phone use while driving • Choose safer alternatives <b>Why take this course?</b> It’s simple, really. You don’t want to be another statistic. While the work meeting or arriving on time is important, staying safe when you’re behind the wheel is vital. This course will help by giving you information and advice on alternatives to using your cellphone while driving. Don’t take the risk, take the course instead. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/24 0
Don't Speed on Site(hxWE020) You might be thinking, “Why have a course about something that can be covered by a four-word warning sign?” Well, it’s not quite that simple. If simply telling people not to speed on site worked effectively, there wouldn’t be any accidents because of it, right? It’s generally thought that if someone’s driving a vehicle that isn’t their own, they’re more likely to act irresponsibly behind the wheel. “It doesn’t matter if I break it, work will pick up the bill…” Stats actually show that people driving company cars are twice as likely to consistently break the speed limit than those who are driving their own vehicles. That’s why we’ve created this course. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the consequences of breaking the speed limit • Understand why people might speed on site • Instill a ‘care culture’ in your workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> If your work involves driving a vehicle of any sort, or you manage workers who use company vehicles, this course is for you. It will give you some quick facts and figures to make you think twice about stepping on the accelerator around the worksite, as well as some useful advice on keeping things safe and developing a ‘care culture’. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Workstation Ergonomics(hxWE007) Whether you love your job or not, you’ll likely have to sit at your desk for 8 hours a day (or maybe more). Sitting in one position for extended periods of time can have harmful effects on your body, so you’ll need to make sure your workstation is set up correctly. There are easy ways to achieve this -- simple things that you probably haven’t thought about. And, since people have varying heights and body types and therefore different requirements, there shouldn’t be a ‘standard’ setup. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what injuries a poorly set up workstation can cause • Identify the benefits of implementing good ergonomics • Set up your workstation correctly for YOU <b>Why take this course?</b> You don’t have to be a nine-to-fiver in an office to benefit from the information shared in this course. Whether you work on a factory floor or from home, you’ll likely have some sort of base in which you spend most of your time. This course will help keep you as comfortable and injury-free as possible when you’re at your place of work. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/05/09 2021/11/23 53
Introduction to Coaching(hxCE001) When thinking about coaching, you may imagine a gym teacher on the basketball court or a therapist helping someone work through a phobia. Although these roles have “coach” in their title, what they’re actually doing is “managing.” They’re helping clients reach a goal by giving them instructions, setting tasks, and offering feedback. In the workplace, these tactics push employees in the right direction, but there are more efficient techniques you can use to develop their thinking skills. Coaching employees differs from other managerial behavior. It involves maximizing staff potential by encouraging them to learn, rather than giving them the answer. This allows employees to trust their instinct and come up with solutions, without relying on others for help. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify how coaching applies to the workplace • Understand the benefits of coaching in leadership • Apply your new skills to coach your team successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> Being in charge all the time and fixing problems for employees means they’ll rely on you for instruction and won’t develop the skills to learn for themselves. Whether you’re a manager or trainer, or simply want to coach those around you, this course will help. It looks at coaching your team to learn, so you improve your employees’ skills and increase their work efficiency. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
Using Coaching Models(hxCE002) If you understand the difference between managing and coaching and you’ve practiced pointing out employees’ strengths, then you’re already a better listener than most managers out there! For managers and leaders, coaching is key to improving the skills of their team and encouraging individuals to constantly learn. Great coaching is more than simply encouraging your team to learn. There are certain models you can follow to optimize your coaching skills and cover every angle of your employee’s life, to maximize their chance of reaching goals. This course will explain the 3 coaching models and how to select the right one for each case. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the benefits of using coaching models • Identify different coaching models (GROW, OSKAR, CLEAR) • Select the right model for your needs <b>Why take this course?</b> You don’t just want to be a good coach; you want to be the best! If you’re in a leadership or management position and understand the basics of coaching, then this course is for you. It will guide you through specific points to focus on in coaching conversations to help you cover every angle of the employee’s situation. This way, you can work together to map out a plan and identify obstacles – giving you the best chance of helping employees reach the next step. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
Establishing a Coaching Culture(hxCE003) Coaching is a brilliant one-on-one technique that you bake into your relationship with employees to encourage them to learn. It’s not only important for you to coach your staff, but for all staff to understand this skill, because coaching and encouraging someone to improve their skills reaps further rewards if they then use that knowledge to coach someone else. Teaching your employees to coach each other stops you having to coach each person individually and take responsibility for everyone. A coaching culture creates teams in which everyone’s thinking of solutions instead of relying on one person for ideas. It’s a unified win! <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what a coaching culture is • Identify the benefits of a strong coaching culture • Filter a coaching mindset through the business • Maintain a coaching culture in the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> You may have mastered coaching your staff, but if nobody else in the company understands this practice, then you lose the opportunity to filter the benefits through the business. Whether you’re a manager, leading a team, or training a new employee, this course is for you. Those in teaching positions must learn to encourage a coaching community to optimize staff productivity. This course will teach you how to establish that culture in a few easy steps. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
Building Trust and Rapport(hxCE004) Coaching is a brilliant tool that managers use to maximize staff potential. By using your relationship with employees, you can encourage them to learn. But, if you don’t have a reasonable relationship with your employees to begin with, you won’t be able to improve their skills. A large part of coaching involves knowing enough about the person’s life to develop a joint plan to reach their goal. Those that don’t trust their manager won’t be able to have an honest conversation about their situation. If you want your team members to be passionate about their work and motivated to learn for themselves, you need to build trust with them and give them a reason to push themselves further. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the importance of trust and rapport in coaching • Use strategies to get to know your staff • Adapt to people’s comfort levels <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a manager looking to improve your team’s skills, hope to be a manager one day, or simply want to improve your coaching skills with colleagues, understanding the correlation between trust and commitment is a must. This course will explain how getting to know your staff individually will open your eyes to their situation and allow you to optimize their efforts by building a connection with them. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
Asking the Right Questions(hxCE005) Have you ever been on a date with someone that did nothing but talk about themselves? Yep, we’ve all been there. They may have impressed you with funny stories, but they didn’t ask you any questions or take an interest in your life. Of course, they are not getting another date with you. Because they didn’t earn your trust or respect. And it’s the same when it comes to coaching. If you don’t take an interest in your employees and find out what makes them tick, they will not feel motivated to work hard for you and will rely on others to fill in the blanks. By asking the right questions, your employees will be engaged and will start to reflect on how they can achieve their goals. This will inspire them to think for themselves and improve their skills. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the importance of questions in coaching • Know what makes a good question, and why • Use the 5 questions most coaches recommend <b>Why take this course?</b> Coaching isn’t just about having a set of correct questions to ask. It’s about asking the right questions, in the right way, at the right time, to help your team members reflect on their actions and make improvements to achieve their goals. Managers or leaders looking to improve their team’s skills through coaching should take this course to understand how to get staff to think from different perspectives and steer their thinking in the right direction. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
The Art of Listening (for Coaching)(hxCE006) If you want to find out how a person feels, or what they think, the best place to start is with a conversation. That’s only the beginning though. If you really want to figure out how they tick, you’ll need to listen and not just hear what they’re saying. When you hear, you’re aware of sounds; when you listen, you hear those sounds and understand them. Actively listening to someone means that you’re involved in a conversation. You’re actively looking for solutions and trying to comprehend them. This kind of approach will make your conversations and coaching a lot more effective. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the benefits of listening • Compare different types of listening • Ask open and closed questions • Improve your listening skills <b>Why take this course?</b> Everybody needs to be able to listen properly. You might be pretty good already, but if you’re coaching in the workplace then you’ll benefit from learning to really listen. This course will teach you why being able to listen properly is so valuable, the difference between active and passive listening, and what you can do to enhance your listening skills. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
The Power of Silence(hxCE007) Have you ever been in a situation that has blown up because of something someone has said? You know that if they’d just taken a few moments to think about what they were going to say, they could have avoided all kinds of trouble. Sometimes, silence is most definitely golden. It can give you time to think about what you’re going to say next. It can help you to relax, and it can even make people listen. Without silence, information can be missed, tensions can rise, and patience can grow thin. Harnessing the power of silence in the workplace can improve communication, focus, and overall performance. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why silence can be powerful • Identify the benefits of using silence • Use silence successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever your role, using the power of silence can improve the way you communicate. But if you’re coaching, then it’s a vital tool that you can use to improve performance. This course teaches you how silence can be powerful, why it can be useful, and how to use it in coaching. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
The Importance of Goal Setting(hxCE008) Setting goals is a great way to get things done more effectively. Whether it’s in or outside of work, having clear goals gives you a purpose, and helps concentrate your mind on the steps you need to take in order to reach them. Whoever you are, and whatever your role, setting relevant and achievable goals will help you become more motivated, focused, and successful. Even lone workers can improve productivity and focus by using goals correctly. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what goals are • Understand the importance of goal setting • Use ‘SMART’ to help with goal setting • Set goals successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever your role, goal setting will help you to be more successful in the workplace. It’ll help you in your everyday life, too. This course will show you how to identify goals correctly, why goal setting is important, and how to set goals successfully. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
Creating Accountability(hxCE009) Ever heard the phrase “the buck stops here”? US President Harry S. Truman had a sign saying just that on the Oval Office desk at the White House. It meant that he was ultimately accountable for the decisions that he made. Accountability isn’t about taking the blame, though. Sure, if things go wrong you should be prepared to fix them, but it’s not just about pointing the finger. In fact, creating accountability is one of the best ways to improve performance in the workplace. Taking ownership enhances workplace culture, improves relationships, and motivates staff. By making employees accountable you’re actually empowering them. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand accountability • Identify the benefits of accountability • Establish accountability in your workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> To successfully run a business, you’ll need to create accountability. Whether you’re coaching large or small teams, or even individuals, you’ll find this course valuable. It will explain what accountability is, why it’s so important, and how you can create accountability in the workplace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
Giving Effective Feedback(hxCE010) Many things in life involve feedback, like your school reports for example. The feedback from your teachers gave you a good idea of whether you were doing ok, or if you “must try harder”! Without feedback, it’s difficult to decide if you’re on the right track, or completing tasks as they should be, so this makes it an essential part of achieving goals. Effective feedback is essential in the workplace. It keeps employees firing on all cylinders – making sure they’re continually learning and developing – and adds value to their business. Without effective feedback, relationships can be damaged, employees can lose focus, and common mistakes can be made over and again. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what effective feedback is • Identify the benefits of effective feedback • Give effective feedback <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re coaching work colleagues or employees, it’s vitally important to give them effective feedback. It can help save time in correcting mistakes and prevent further mistakes from being made. This course will explain what effective feedback is, how to give it successfully, and why giving effective feedback is so important. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 34
The Importance of Training(hxHRE01) No one knows everything, despite what they might tell you. When it comes to your workforce, you might have hired highly skilled and qualified staff, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need training. Many businesses overlook the importance of training, marking it as too costly or time consuming. But not offering training can be extremely detrimental to your whole business, as it prevents the workforce from adapting to change. This can slow down processes and damage staff well-being, leading to higher accident rates and lower productivity. Continual training and development is vital for improving and refreshing skills, and gaining new skills, to keep up with changing methods. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why training is vital for your workforce • Start a training and development program • Identify types of training available to your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Creating an environment of continual learning will not only benefit morale but will streamline working methods, boosting productivity and cutting long-term costs to improve your whole business. So, if you’re a leader or HR manager, this course is for you, as it shows how continual training and development ensures your staff always have the right skill set, and guides you through starting a program in your workplace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Performance Management(hxHRE03) “Performance management” – 2 words that strike fear into the hearts of many employees. That’s because, in the past, performance management focused on negatives, picking out underachievement and missed opportunities without working proactively to solve the issues that led to them. HR departments are responsible for designing performance management processes. Doing so isn’t easy though, because methods are constantly evolving, and new trends emerge every year. Getting it wrong can leave employees feeling deflated and unmotivated, and managers frustrated with poor levels of performance. In order to maintain and improve performance, designing a process that’s beneficial to all is vital. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the benefits of effective performance management • Understand the role of HR in the process • Design and initiate performance management in your workplace • Make processes effective and fair <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in or manage an HR department, you’ll play your part in performance management, whether initiating, monitoring, or mediating the process. This course will guide you through creating an effective process that motivates employees instead of leaving them feeling apprehensive. HR managers should pay close attention as it also offers advice on dealing with issues that may arise and methods for maintaining a fair process. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Handling Disciplinaries(hxHRE04) For many managers, disciplinary procedures are the least favorite part of their job. It’s an integral part of a management role but, done incorrectly, it can cause tension and ill feeling within any organization, negatively impacting the whole business. Because of this, any disciplinary action or grievance needs to be handled with care and professionalism by all parties involved. Although HR staff don’t directly manage procedures, they do play a vital role throughout the process. They act as administrators but also as advisors to the person in charge of investigation. Making sure you remain impartial within this is key to delivering a fair, independent process. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Construct a disciplinary process • Understand the role of HR as an impartial advisor • Understand how disciplinary matters should be investigated • Conduct a fair process <b>Why take this course?</b> Undertaking disciplinary procedures can be delicate and awkward, so maintaining a professional stance is vital. Managers and HR managers conducting a disciplinary procedure for the first time or wanting to refresh their knowledge will benefit from this course. It provides a step-by-step guide to disciplinary procedures and gives advice on keeping the process impartial and fair. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Talent Management and Development(hxHRE05) Talent competitions are everywhere! Every time you turn on the TV, famous judges from the world of entertainment are critiquing acts or hailing them as “the next big thing.” But you don’t have to be famous to be able to manage talent. In business, a workforce with the correct “talents” is crucial to an organization’s success. Human resources departments are at the forefront of managing this. Whether it’s scouting out new talent or developing current talent within the business to better achieve goals, having a good talent management strategy is a must. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what talent management is • Identify the business benefits of managing talent • Create a successful talent-management strategy <b>Why take this course?</b> A successful talent-management strategy will have a positive impact on your business, as it lets you employ, nurture, and further employees’ skills to help meet and even surpass targets. If you work in or manage an HR department, then building this strategy is up to you. This course will help you better understand what talent management is, and how to create the right strategy for your business. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Bullying and Violence(hxHRE07) Bullying isn’t just confined to the playground, you know. In fact, research suggests that almost three-quarters of us have experienced workplace bullying in some form or another, either as a victim or a witness to it. And bullying doesn’t have to be physical violence either – it usually amounts to verbal, written, or social harassment of some sort. In the workplace, anyone can be on the receiving end of bullying. People may become targets because they are highly skilled, smart or charming, and that threatens the bully. So, we’re all at risk and need to take steps to detect and eliminate bullying behavior. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the role of HR • Respond to bullying • Protect employees from bullying and violence <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in HR, it’s the primary purpose of your team to ensure a solid, compliant work environment. That means improving efforts to eradicate workplace bullying. This can be achieved by simple steps such as taking harassment training and having a zero-tolerance approach to bullying and violence. Find out how to implement these steps and more during this course. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Employee Engagement(hxHRE08) It’s called work for a reason. Or so they say. Most of us don’t expect work to be something that we actually enjoy. We’d rather clock out after our shift and go home unfulfilled. Consequences of this negative attitude include stress and low productivity, enthusiasm and energy, which may result in high staff turnover and reduced profits. Thankfully, there are ways to revitalize work and become engaged. Doing so offers some great benefits, like better job satisfaction, improved health and well-being, and more. Helping others to become engaged too can decrease staff turnover while increasing revenue growth. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how you can contribute to employee engagement • Identify the benefits of an engaging culture at work • Promote a culture of workplace engagement <b>Why take this course?</b> Although the responsibility of measuring employee engagement has been given to the HR team, the truth is, to truly find out how engaged the workforce is, the responsibility should be shared. Senior leaders and direct managers should consider taking this course alongside HR employees, because we can all contribute to improving engagement at work. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Flexible and Remote Working(hxHRE09) There are plenty of reasons why a person might not be able to get to work: weather, transport issues, illness management… From an HR point of view, when people can’t make it in, often with little or no warning, that can cause a real headache. But there’s an easy solution: flexible or remote working. Allowing staff to work remotely can support the business and allow it to function as normally as possible. Forget all the “issues” that you think remote or flexible working may bring, we’re going to debunk or explain how to tackle them. And we’re also going to explain the many benefits that remote working can bring, too. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Ditch misconceptions about remote working • Identify the benefits of flexible working • Keep things running smoothly with tech <b>Why take this course?</b> If you have a role in HR or a hand in hiring, you should consider the benefits that remote or flexible workers can bring to the business. Being able to work remotely offers staff a better work/life balance, can save the company money, and offers many more benefits too. Understanding is key to implementing effectively. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
HR for Non-HR Managers(hxHRE10) To some people, the HR department is a magical place that deals with all those issues that crop up with employees. And to some extent, that’s true. But, consider this: if you’re a non-HR manager or supervise/lead a team, there are still plenty of issues you’ll have to deal with that you might consider to be HR’s responsibility: performance reviews, absenteeism, and discipline, for example. While HR usually handles employee relations, non-HR managers are the front line for these types of issue, so you’ll need to know how to deal with them effectively to keep your team happy and productive. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define HR issues • Effectively manage absences • Handle discipline and termination <b>Why take this course?</b> Being able to handle critical HR issues like annual leave, absenteeism, and diverse hiring is part of the roles and responsibilities of non-HR managers. This course would be ideal for first-time managers, supervisors, or team leaders, or indeed anyone within HR departments who needs to understand HR roles. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 54
Managers vs. Leaders(hxLT001) So, you’re a manager, right? Great! It’s tough getting there, and your experience and hard work have paid off! But are you a leader? Many people say they’re the same thing. Although they do come hand in hand, to really be a leader you need to level up on skills. The main difference between leaders and managers is leaders have vision. They’re constantly driving towards the bigger picture, while managers maintain the status quo, often focusing on organizing others’ ideas to reach set goals. You might have great management skills like coordinating teams, delegating tasks, and monitoring progress, but what if the safety net of working from someone else’s vision is removed? To be a successful leader, you need to think like one. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Compare management and leadership • Identify leadership styles • Develop your leadership skills <b>Why take this course?</b> By developing your leadership skills, you’ll improve your confidence and creativity, and inspire your team to do the same. Becoming a leader gives you the ability to truly lead your team to a goal, boosting morale and the performance of your business. This course will benefit those new to leadership by giving useful advice to help start the journey towards being an inspirational leader. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/22 27
Conflict Management(hxLT002) Conflict can be hard to deal with, and sometimes the workplace can feel more like a battleground. As a leader, it’s your job to step in, but it can be tricky knowing when and how to do that. Some leaders ignore conflict altogether, which can lead to a toxic and damaging work environment for everyone, impacting productivity and, ultimately, the success of your business. But conflict is just part of life. Having the skills to know when to step in and how to approach situations is a vital part of becoming a successful leader. This will help your team to work together and improve performance. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify conflict in the workplace • Know when to intervene • Manage conflict successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> Although conflict can feel quite daunting, it’s normal – not everyone will agree with everything all of the time. As a good leader, identifying when conflict needs intervention is crucial. This course will help you pick the right time. Believe it or not, conflict can be great for highlighting issues and creating better understanding if it’s handled and resolved correctly. Using the tips in this course will help all leaders achieve that, regardless of experience. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/22 27
Effective Meetings(hxLT003) In many workplaces, any mention of the word “meeting” is met with a collective sigh. That’s usually because people’s experience is of ineffective meetings which they see as boring, pointless, and a waste of valuable time. Like any task, holding an effective meeting needs careful planning and set goals to identify who should be involved and what should be discussed. Done right, this will dispel the myth of “boring” meetings in your workplace and, importantly, streamline the meeting process, leading to more successful outcomes. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Plan effective meetings • Implement meeting etiquette • Create actions and set goals <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’ve ever been in a pointless meeting, you’ll know how irritating it can be. As a leader, you can change that. Regardless of your experience in leadership, this course will benefit you. It gives useful advice on the things you need to know, and do, to deliver effective, focused, and purposeful meetings, to improve outcomes. Streamlining your meetings like this will not only save time but it will have positive effects on the performance of your team, and your business. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/24 0
Motivating Others(hxLT004) Ever had a manager who criticizes everything you do, right down to the tiniest detail? Urgh, it’s frustrating. We know that they have the company’s best interests at heart, but that constant attack isn’t exactly motivating. You see, as a leader, one of your key roles is to be a motivator – someone who inspires their team to achieve targets and goals in order to maximize their success and ultimately the success of your business. As a business tool, motivation is often overlooked. This can lead to a disaffected workplace that suffers decreasing productivity and performance. Get it right and you’ll have happy, engaged employees that will always give you extra to help you achieve that success. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify motivation types • Understand the benefits of motivation • Motivate your team <b>Why take this course?</b> Keeping your team motivated is the only way to deliver the full potential of your goals. But if you’re new to leadership, knowing how to motivate people can be tough. This course will help develop your motivational skills in order to truly inspire your team and drive results. It will also be helpful for seasoned leaders wanting to refresh their ideas, to continue that push toward a fully motivated workforce. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/24 27
Promoting Talent(hxLT005) You’ve reached the dizzy heights of leadership, but it’s easy to forget how you got there. Looking back, you can probably think of a time when you felt frustrated because your talents and skills were being overlooked. Promoting talent in your workforce is a vital part of being an effective leader. Creating an environment that nurtures and manages the talents of its workforce will lead to a more successful business, because it plays to everyone’s skills. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what “promoting talent” means • Identify the benefits of promoting talent • Successfully promote talent <b>Why take this course?</b> Good leadership is critical to the success of your business, as it encourages your teams to aim high and work collaboratively to achieve their full potential. This course will be useful for new and seasoned leaders, as it highlights the benefits of talent management for your business and guides you through ways to approach promoting talent within your workforce. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 27
Leading by Example(hxLT006) “If they can do it, I can do it.” When you lead by example, you make it easy for others to follow you. You might be the type of person who jumps in with both feet, or perhaps you prefer to sit back and only ever take calculated risks. Whatever you do and however you do it – when leading, people are influenced by your actions and behavior. For leaders, setting a “good” example for your workforce is key to gaining trust and boosting the productivity of your business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what “leading by example” really means • Identify the benefits of leading by example for businesses • Set good examples to your workforce <b>Why take this course?</b> Like it or not, you’re always leading by example. And that might have a negative or positive impact on your business. You should be clear on what you aim to achieve, and reflect that clarity of vision in your own words and actions. This course will help both new and experienced leaders to match goals with actions and behaviors in order to actively lead by example. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/24 27
Facilitating Results(hxLT007) Facilitative leadership is the process of enabling your team to maximize their contributions, in order to get better results. To do this you need to establish a culture of “the team,” where you manage everyone’s skills, set clear goals, and nurture team spirit and communication. If your team is working on a project, answering questions like who, how, and why for them will increase purpose and drive, making good outcomes easier to achieve. As workplaces become more reliant on interpersonal problem-solving, not just tactical execution, you’ll need to use facilitation more and more, so having the right skills is a must. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify what “facilitating” is in leadership • Understand how a facilitative approach drives results • Structure facilitation to reach goals <b>Why take this course?</b> This course will show you why lacking facilitative leadership skills can be damaging for your business, and how effective facilitating can actually drive results. Taking this course will help all leaders develop and improve their skills, regardless of experience, to help ensure your results are good for business. It can also benefit those in any level of management, as these skills aren’t exclusive to leadership. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 27
Making Deals(hxLT008) The ability to spot and make deals is a key ingredient in a successful business. Companies thrive when leaders use initiative to counter any setbacks. Good leaders are always on the lookout for arrangements with other businesses, or seeking opportunities to negotiate with clients, to maximize profit and negotiate the best situation for their team. They keep an eye on internal affairs too, in order to resolve conflicts by negotiating well with staff. But making good deals isn’t just about banking a check or resolving arguments – it’s about forming relationships with those in the business, and contacts outside the business, to continue making better deals. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Use techniques to improve your negotiation skills • Consider future benefits, not just current deals • Build relationships with those you do business with • Be transparent with your team to help each other <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re leading a small team or you’re the CEO of the next big gaming company, being able to negotiate deals will help improve business plans, make more money, or further the status of the business. This course will show you how to make deals well, build relationships, and stay transparent to your team, showing them how and why you’re making these deals, to help them learn from your example. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 27
Leading Remote Teams(hxLT009) Do you know the magic trick where you guess which of 3 cups a ball is hidden under? Although an easy game to follow, many people become confused and end up guessing wrong. Because we rely so much on being able to see the thing we’re focusing on, when it’s out of sight we believe we lose control of it. With practice, we can learn to follow the cups carefully and keep track of the ball. It’s the same for leading a remote team. A remote team is a team of employees that work in separate places. And although you may not be able to physically see them, there are ways to regulate their workload and keep communication clear. You just need to know how to do it! <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Learn to trust “out of sight” working • Understand how to empower, trust, and avoid micromanaging your team • Build effective communication across your team • Select the best technology for your remote team <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a manager, leading a remote team means you can’t always see what everyone’s doing. But you can implement reliable systems to inspire your workers and keep them organized. This course will help you learn how to manage everyone’s workload and keep things running smoothly. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 27
Managing Change(hxLT010) Remember Heinz green ketchup? It looked, smelled, tasted, and acted exactly like original ketchup. The only difference in the sauce was the color. If you closed your eyes and tasted it, you wouldn’t have any idea it was different. But this random color change caused so much controversy that nobody wanted it. Humans aren’t great at handling change, especially if it’s random, or has no benefit or explanation. But in every profession, sometimes change is necessary to improve or streamline the business. Being able to manage, and present change, so it comes across as a positive part of progress, is essential for keeping your business moving. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand change management and its benefits • Effectively explain the need for change • Use techniques to make change manageable for your team <b>Why take this course?</b> Presenting change in the right way will eliminate fear in workers and encourage them to embrace the change in order to make progress for the company. If you are leading a team, it’s essential to make the process of change easier for those involved. This course will help you understand how to talk to your team about change and the techniques used to make stakeholders more confident in your decisions. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/24 0
Closing a Project(hxPME05) Well done, you’ve almost reached the end. The project life cycle’s final phase is closing the project. This ties up loose ends, making sure everyone’s happy with the outcomes, and formally recognizing that the project is complete. It also provides the opportunity to unpick, review, and evaluate the whole project to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Bringing closure to a project is important and beneficial, as it can inform decisions and strategies to streamline and improve future projects. This will not only help meet future targets but will make your job as a project manager easier and more efficient, too. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify what project closing should include • Understand the impact of not closing a project • Close a project successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> Getting a project to this stage is hard work, so jeopardizing all the valuable time and resources used by not closing it correctly would be neglectful. Seasoned project managers and those new to project management will benefit from taking this course. It highlights the pitfalls of not completing this phase and guides you through the “how-to” of closing your project. This is course 5 in a series of 5. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 56
Monitoring a Project(hxPME04) Monitoring a project is a crucial part of keeping your project on track. Unlike the other phases in this collection, the monitoring phase takes place continuously, throughout the project’s life cycle. How well you monitor will ultimately determine how successful your project is. If monitoring isn’t undertaken effectively, elements of the project can be missed, or go off plan, so making sure you monitor the project correctly is vital. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why project monitoring and controlling is important • Carry out project monitoring • Track and replan projects • Implement changes successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> Wherever you are in the life cycle of a project, monitoring is the only way of knowing what’s going on and who’s responsible. It identifies where improvements can be made and reveals challenges and hurdles. You might be a seasoned project manager or a novice trying to hit a target. Either way, this course will give you the tools in order to meet your project goals successfully. This is course 4 in a series of 5. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 56
Inspiring Others(hxLE006) In the workplace, inspiring others plays a huge role in ensuring that your team is performing at its best. When you see someone accomplish something remarkable, you experience a feeling of awe. Witnessing someone save their spouse’s life or win an Olympic medal, might bring about this feeling. It could even give you the motivation to go out and do something remarkable yourself. Inspiring and motivating your team creates a happier workplace, boosting productivity and success. And you don’t have to make headlines in order to encourage employees to push themselves. It just takes a few key skills. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what inspiration means • Appreciate the importance of inspirational leadership • Inspire others • Decide when to inspire your team <b>Why take this course?</b> Inspiring your team increases productivity and motivation. Whether you’re a CEO or head of a department, or simply want to improve morale in your team, it’s a skill you need. This course will help you understand the benefits of inspiring others and give you some useful advice on improving the lives of your employees, as well as their workflow. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/22 27
Initiating a Project(hxPME01) Multitasking can be difficult, especially if you’re completing tasks in random or haphazard ways. To effectively and efficiently complete several jobs at once, it’s much easier to plan what you need to do, and when you need to do it. Project management is essentially this, just on a larger scale, and is a key part of business. Project management organizes work around the project in order to communicate and coordinate tasks throughout departments more effectively. It splits projects into five phases – once they’re all complete, the project life cycle is complete. This course will look at how to get started – the initiation phase. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Make a business case • Identify stakeholders and document requirements • Create a project charter • Conduct feasibility testing <b>Why take this course?</b> Project management may seem like a complicated way to reach a target, but careful planning to take a project through its life cycle helps streamline tasks. This makes the process more efficient and less likely to hit bumps along the way. Whether you’re a sole trader, business manager, or in charge of managing projects, this course will help you give new projects a flying start. This is course 1 in a series of 5. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 56
Planning a Project(hxPME02) In business, to turn an idea into a reality you need a plan. And in project management, the planning phase helps organize ideas and set goals and targets. Making sure the project planning phase is done correctly streamlines processes, ensuring time spent on them is valuable, and helping everyone understand their tasks. Sounds straightforward, but where do you start? This course will help to get your planning off the ground. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Decide on tasks to achieve the project goals • Schedule effectively to maximize productivity • Create supporting plans <b>Why take this course?</b> Embarking on a new project can be daunting, and getting the planning stage wrong could spell disaster. For those new to project management, or project managers looking to streamline their processes, this course will guide you through the planning phase. It’ll help you create a watertight plan to bring an idea to life without wasting time or budget. This is course 2 in a series of 5. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 56
Executing a Project(hxPME03) Phase 3 of the project life cycle is where you execute the plan, turning ideas into reality. It’s the longest and most involved phase. The “doing” part, where the deliverables of the project are built. This could be anything from a physical product to a policy document, depending on what your project is aiming to achieve. In order to successfully reach project goals, there are many factors to think about and control, such as building a team, hiring suppliers, communicating with stakeholders, etc. Getting this phase right is crucial for the success of the project. <b>By the end of this course you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the processes of project execution • Carry out “change management” planning • Monitor the execution phase • Complete a phase review <b>Why take this course?</b> In this phase, you need to keep all the plates spinning and balanced at once, making sure all tasks are under control and following the plan. If you’re new to business or project management, or simply want to improve your project execution skills, you should take this course. You’ll learn vital skills such as: how to control and monitor tasks effectively, managing change, and meeting project goals. This is course 3 in a series of 5. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/24 56
Interview Skills(hxRE001) So, all that hard work creating a first-rate application and resume has paid off and you’ve landed an interview for your dream job. Do you: A) sit back and count down the days before you start your new position? B) skim through the company’s website 2 minutes before the interview? Or C) prepare thoroughly, dress appropriately and arrive in plenty of time? Okay, it’s pretty obvious what the right answer should be. Yet, having a solid interview technique can take time to master. Even after careful preparation, you may still be caught off guard by some unexpected questions. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Effectively improve your interview technique • Handle group or panel interviews • Answer difficult questions and use the STAR method <b>Why take this course?</b> Developing strong interview skills means that you’ll be able to present your best self in all types of interview situations. This course is for anyone who wants to improve their techniques. It will help you to not only secure that dream job but become a dream employee in the eyes of hiring managers and employers. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 57
First Impressions(hxRE002) When meeting someone new we have less than 30 seconds to make a good first impression. People form an opinion of us from our posture, the way we speak, and the type of handshake we give. Well, would you want to shake hands with someone again if it felt kind of icky the first time around? While it might be possible to eventually turn around a negative first impression, it’s far better to create a positive one to begin with. Making a good first impression – whether in person or via your digital presence – can have a huge impact on your success in the workplace. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Use verbal and nonverbal skills to impress employers and clients • Make a positive first impression when starting a new job • Create a great first impression using digital media <b>Why take this course?</b> Following a few simple steps will ensure that those crucial first 30 seconds are positive and constructive. This course is suitable for many professionals, including permanent and freelance workers, and those currently seeking or starting a new job. It will help guide you in presenting your best, most authentic self. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 57
Career Planning(hxRE003) Planning for your career might seem like something that only needs to happen once, like getting braces to straighten your teeth. For example, many of us probably made a plan near the end of high school or college. Then, well, we’re set. This might have been true if we only had one job which lasted the whole of our working lives. Yet, most adults will change careers – not just jobs – up to 7 times. Creating career plans on a regular basis can therefore be hugely beneficial. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand exactly what a career plan is • Identify the importance of having a strategy and why it can lead to success • Write an effective career plan and use SMART goals <b>Why take this course?</b> Effective planning is a worthwhile investment to ensure that you reach your full potential and develop a rewarding, fulfilling career. This course is suitable for professionals of all ages, at any stage of their career. It will help you to understand the advantages of regular planning and show you how to put those techniques into practice. After all, those perfectly straight teeth can sometimes become crooked again… <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 57
Hiring Right, First Time(hxRE004) Hiring the best candidate for a role can often be a long and complex process. While an impressive resume might look great on paper, how do you really know whether that person will be a good fit for your organization? Unfortunately, the outcomes of recruiting the wrong person can seriously affect team productivity and lead to significant financial losses. Not to mention the emotional and mental toll that the process takes on your own well-being and efficiency. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the benefits of hiring right the first time for your organization • Avoid the negative consequences of a “bad hire” • Ensure you choose the right candidate <b>Why take this course?</b> The great news is that hiring right the first time is something that you can, well, get right. And once you do, the many positives include greater team morale, which leads to higher productivity and performance levels. This course is suitable for business owners, managers, and anyone who is actively involved in the hiring process. It will help you learn how to attract and recruit first-rate employees who will add value to and enhance your company. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 57
Importance of Onboarding(hxRE005) After hiring a brilliant new employee, you’ll want to make sure that they choose to stay with you for a long time, right? Well, you may need to act quickly as almost 90% of new hires decide whether to remain or leave within their first 6 months. So, it’s crucial that companies make sure their newest employees are in the “remain” camp. One of the best ways to achieve this is through effective onboarding. Without a solid onboarding program, organizations put themselves at risk of experiencing not just a high turnover rate but also employee stress and decreased productivity. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the differences between onboarding and orientation • Identify the major benefits of successful onboarding for your organization • Create an effective onboarding program <b>Why take this course?</b> When new employees are successfully integrated into their new workplace culture, they’re much more likely to perform at their very best. This course is suitable for hiring managers and supervisors, and those working in HR. It will also benefit team members, helping them to understand how the process works. Onboarding is hugely important, as it empowers new hires to truly prosper and boost organizations. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/23 57
Eating Healthily(hxWE004) Sugary treats all taste great, right? But, nutritionally, they’re not so good and have dangerous effects on much more than your waistline. So, making good food choices is a crucial part of maintaining your overall well-being, both in and out of work. Food for thought! While getting through a workday without that sugar fix might seem impossible, by making better food choices, you’ll see improvements in your energy levels and work productivity. And don’t worry, there are still ways to satisfy cravings and maintain good eating habits. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the dangers of making the wrong food choices • Make better choices to satisfy the sugar cravings • Choose healthier food options to improve your work, as well as your life • Create a healthy-eating workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Everyone’s gotta eat, right? So, whoever you are and wherever you work, this course is for you. Starting a habit of healthy eating in your workplace could see great improvements in staff well-being and productivity, making your company more efficient. Now that’s definitely an idea worth sinking your teeth into! <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 79
Understanding Emotions(hxWE008) Ever wake up feeling irritated with the world for no particular reason, or feeling like a million dollars even though you’ve got some serious ‘bed head’ going on? Emotions are weird like that. But they do inform every part of our lives, because they’re how we feel. Having emotions is one thing, but understanding them, especially at work, is a whole different ball game. So, making sure you can read, understand, and manage your emotions, and the emotions of your colleagues, is vital to maintaining a content and productive workplace. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how managing emotions can help keep you on task • Use our handy tips to manage your emotions effectively • Understand the importance of empathy <b>Why take this course?</b> Every action or experience invokes an emotion, so encountering other people’s emotions at work is inevitable. Knowing how to handle this is the only way to keep your workday on track. Whatever job you do, the way you react to emotion is going to influence your work. This course will help you understand the benefits of handling emotions correctly in order to maintain an efficient and productive workplace, as well as your own sanity. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 79
The Importance of Sleep(hxWE011) According to the old rhyme, being “early to bed and early to rise” makes you “healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Unlike most “old tales,” this one has a lot of truth in it. Sleep, or lack of it, can have a huge impact on your entire life. Everything from mental well-being to physical health can be affected by not getting enough shut-eye. When it comes to work, being sleep deprived isn’t only bad for productivity, but depending on the job you do, it could be really dangerous too, so making sure you get enough of the right sort of sleep is vital. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why too little sleep does you more harm than good • Understand the impact of tiredness in the workplace • Understand how good “sleep hygiene” can change your life <b>Why take this course?</b> While you may have been doing your job so long you could do it with your eyes shut, actually being asleep on the job is a pretty bad idea. Taking this course will benefit everyone, no matter what job you have. It will help you understand how much sleep you should get, and how to achieve the perfect rest to keep your workday productive and safe. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 79
The Importance of a Good Work-life Balance(hxWE012) When you’re on an important task and the end of the workday is approaching fast, it can be tempting to stay late, or even take work home to finish. You might feel like you have to, to keep the boss happy. It’s fine to do this occasionally, but don’t make it a habit. Striking a good work/life balance is vital for your well-being, as well as your job. Getting it wrong could cause your mental and physical health to suffer, which isn’t great for your productivity. It can impact everyone around you, both in and out of work. In fact, many say the goal is having a good life balance – and your job is just one part of that! <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the need for a good work-life balance • Manage staff workloads to help productivity • Use strategies to make sure the balance is right for you <b>Why take this course?</b> It sounds morbid, but this isn’t a rehearsal – you only get one life, so making time for everything you need to fit in is essential. This course will give you useful tips (both for employees and those leading people) on encouraging a good life balance and managing workloads. See how this will help maintain and improve productivity and keep your health and well-being levels up. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 80
The Importance of Exercise(hxWE013) How many times has “get a gym membership” been a New Year’s resolution that you’ve just never gotten around to doing? It’s understandable. Life can be very busy and “working out” often gets pushed aside. But getting enough exercise is important. Regular exercise not only improves physical health, but studies show that it can have a positive effect on mental well-being, benefitting your life both in and out of the workplace. If you feel sluggish or have trouble concentrating at work, then your performance suffers. But knowing the benefits of exercise, and trying it out for yourself, can really help. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how regular exercise benefits your work performance • See how making small changes can get big results • Work out at work! <b>Why take this course?</b> Good news: you don’t have to train like an Olympic athlete to get results! This course will show you how small changes to your routine can boost your energy and overall well-being, and keep you performing at your best. Wherever you work, and whatever your level of fitness, the tips in this course will help you start a routine to get your overall fitness and work performance powered up. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 79
Promoting Health and Well-being at Work(hxWE014) Promoting health and well-being at work is becoming more and more popular, with big companies like Google and Pixar “splashing the cash” on initiatives for their staff. But aiming for and promoting a healthy workplace lifestyle isn’t just for giant companies. It’s something that all businesses need to invest time in. Why? Because a workforce that feels healthy and content will not only be more creative, but more productive, too. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the problems with ignoring health and well-being at work • Promote health in the workplace • Use easy strategies to improve workplace well-being <b>Why take this course?</b> We don’t live to work; we work to live, right? But, because work fills a lot of our time, taking positive steps to boost health and well-being in the workplace is essential to fulfilling that mantra. This course will help you make small changes that could have a big impact on your wellness. Managers and persons in charge should pay close attention, as leading by example is the best way to engage your workforce and make your working environment more efficient, productive, and happy. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 80
The Dangers of Sitting Down(hxWE015) When you think about “dangerous” activities, sitting down probably wouldn’t be the first thing to come to mind! But, surprisingly, the health risks of prolonged sitting are actually pretty big. So much so that it’s now a recognized health condition – sitting disease! The “sitting disease,” or having a “sedentary lifestyle,” are terms used to describe individuals who engage in prolonged periods of sitting or overall inactivity. While sitting down all day may seem harmless, it can impact your health negatively, affecting things like breathing, blood circulation, and posture. This potentially leads to serious long-term health problems and can really affect your work. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the dangers of sitting for too long • See the impact of the sitting disease on productivity • Promote an active workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> If your job involves sitting for long periods, you’re at risk, so getting the right amount of active time is essential. This course teaches you and your colleagues how to stay active, improving productivity and well-being. Whether you’re an employee or manager, you’ll find useful tips to keep everyone motivated and active. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 80
Kicking Bad Habits(hxWE016) Everyone’s got something that could be considered a bad habit. From smoking or drinking too much, to staying up until 3am building a virtual Minecraft village – these are things that can get in the way of day-to-day activities. While it’s very easy to fall into bad habits, kicking them is a lot harder. Bad habits can infiltrate every part of your life, with things like sleep, mood, and concentration all being affected. They can even affect others around you. This will have damaging effects on your performance at work, as well as your health and well-being, so it’s important to recognize them, and make changes. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how bad habits affect our brain • Identify what needs to change • Replace bad habits with good ones <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever you do, or wherever you work, having strategies to deal with bad habits is a vital part of getting rid of them. This course will teach you how to recognize bad habits and start kicking them, to improve your health, well-being, and productivity. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 79
Well-being and Productivity(hxWE017) Our general well-being affects every part of our life, so it’s not rocket science to link general well-being and productivity at work. If you don’t feel great or have something on your mind, then you can’t be completely focused on your job. As a result, productivity will fall. In an ideal world, things would always run smoothly but, sadly, life’s not like that. Thankfully, there are solutions, and adopting them in your workplace will have positive effects on well-being and, ultimately, productivity. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what’s meant by “general well-being”, and how it affects productivity • Implement small changes to boost productivity • See how leaders can be well-being role models <b>Why take this course?</b> Looking after your well-being, both in and out of work, is vital. The better you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally, the more productive you’ll be, so it’s worth investing time in. This course will give you some useful advice about working on your well-being. Every worker can benefit from taking this course. However, managers and persons in charge should also pay close attention, as this course will show how small steps can make big improvements to your employees’ well-being and your company’s productivity. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 80
Dealing with Stress(HXWE006) You know that feeling: you’ve burnt your breakfast, the freeway is a nightmare, and your to-do list is huge. Meanwhile, your 10:30 meeting has been pushed forward and the phone’s ringing off the hook. No wonder your hair is turning grey. Stresses like these can be difficult to deal with. If you don’t recognize the signs and symptoms quickly, stress can be seriously damaging to your mental and physical health, impacting every part of your life, including your work. This course is designed to help you cope with those stresses so you can stay healthy and productive. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the main causes of stress • Know how to spot if you, or someone else, is showing signs of stress • Use simple strategies to manage your stress <b>Why take this course?</b> Feeling “stressed out” occasionally is normal, but you’ll need to take action before it starts affecting your life. This course will teach you how to recognize if you’re suffering from stress, and what to do about it. It will be beneficial to all workers, but managers or persons of responsibility pay close attention, as having a team member who’s suffering from stress will have a negative impact on the productivity of your company, making early intervention key. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2020/07/15 2021/11/25 80
Conflict of Interest(hxCME10) As organizations become larger and more complex, the possibility for conflicts of interest grows. While sometimes accidental, they’re quite common, and are generally easily managed. But they’re considered a form of corruption which, when handled badly, could create serious legal and financial impacts. Creating an environment that’s open about its definition of conflicts of interest and being clear about how to manage them when they arise, will help reduce the risks. The safest approach is to have a process in place to handle conflicts of interest, which will allow everyone to work together more securely. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain the risks involved in a conflict of interest • Describe a process to put in place • Implement best practices for managing a conflict <b>Why take this course?</b> If you need to deal with conflicts of interest in your organization, this course will help you get started. You’ll learn about the risks involved, the processes you can put in place to mitigate those risks, and how you can implement effective solutions. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/02/21 2021/11/24 30
Fire Safety Awareness(hxCME03) From celebratory bonfires, to singing around the campfire and toasting yummy s’mores – we probably all have lovely memories attached to fire. But, if not controlled properly, fire can be lethal. Fires can destroy property, cause injuries, and in a worst-case scenario take lives. Everyone can be at risk in the event of a fire. But, with proper training, employees can eliminate fire hazards and respond quickly and efficiently if a fire ever does break out in a place of work. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize fire hazards • Identify ways to prevent fire in the workplace • Demonstrate how to respond in the event of a fire <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is for employees of all levels who want to brush up on their fire safety awareness. Regardless of your role or level of experience, everyone needs to know basic fire safety skills. Knowing what to do in the event of a fire emergency can save your life and the lives of those around you. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/02/22 2021/11/24 30
Creative Thinking(hxBI002) Creative Thinking in Business is the process by which individuals come up with new ideas or new approaches in order to solve problems. Whether it’s inventing a new product or finding ingenious ways to cut costs and improve quality – like a bagless vacuum cleaner, for example – creative thinking underpins development and innovation. And now, more than ever before, the ability to think outside the box is necessary right across organizations, in order to keep pace and push business forward. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the meaning of creative thinking • Identify the benefits of creative thinking in business • Practice strategies to improve your own creative thinking skills • Encourage teams to think creatively <b>Why take this course?</b> Thinking creatively will help find solutions. If you’re a business owner, leader, manager, or team member, this course is for you. It will explain the concept of creative thinking and the benefits it can bring to businesses. It will also give you strategies to help improve your creative thinking and, for leaders and managers, will show you how to encourage your teams’ creativity, too. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/04/20 2021/11/24 31
Critical Observation(hxBI003) Observation is a key component of innovation. By observing how we and other people do things, we will spot opportunities for improvements. The more we observe, the more opportunities we’ll find. And if a problem is spotted, we can work to provide solutions. In business innovation, becoming a critical observer can help you recognize problems before others do. It allows you to predict obstacles on the horizon. And, by heightening awareness of the unexpected, and plotting and analyzing data, you can provide original solutions to problems that would otherwise be unforeseen. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the principle of critical observation • Identify the need for critical observation in innovation • Practice critical observation techniques to improve problem-solving <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether it’s predicting where supply issues could arise to ensure you’re not caught out, or modeling the ways a global crisis could affect your sales, in business being able to expect the unexpected is a crucial element of progress. Whatever field you work in, the ability to do this can help improve plans and streamline processes. For leaders and managers, this course will explain what critical observation is and why it’s important in innovation. It will also give you advice on improving critical observation skills across your business. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/04/20 2021/11/24 31
The Key Values of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion(hxDI001) Most organizations are aware of equality, diversity, and inclusion (or ED&I) and how they can positively impact the workplace. Unfortunately, however, many businesses might only implement the diversity part such as hiring employees from untapped groups. They may fail to treat everyone fairly and actually make them feel included. When diverse employees are given equality of opportunity and are actively included in an organization, they’re more likely to feel valued and respected. In turn, this creates a strong sense of engagement which drives innovation and performance as well as productivity levels. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain the differences between equality, diversity, and inclusion • Describe the business benefits and importance of ED&I • Demonstrate how to make your organization more equal, diverse, and inclusive <b>Why take this course?</b> Suitable for business owners and managers, this course will show you why implementing the values of ED&I will enhance your organization’s growth and prosperity. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/05/19 2021/11/24 33
The 7 Skills of Critical Thinking(hxBI001) The philosophies of history’s great thinkers have been the starting point for much of the innovation we take for granted now. Without them, we might never have had cell phones, computers, or even electricity! See, critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, to fully understand the logical connection between ideas. In business, critical thinking is vital to keep innovating and stay ahead of the game. The business world is moving faster than ever before, so the need for critical thinking at every organizational level is growing. But despite this, these skills seem to be lacking. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the 7 skills of critical thinking • Use techniques to improve critical thinking skills • Use the RED model to assist decision-making <b>Why take this course?</b> The ability to use critical thinking to drive problem solving and innovation is a sought-after skill, so instilling a critical thinking culture in your business could be a game changer. For those in leadership and management, or employees wanting to take their skills further, this course will help. It explains the 7 skills of critical thinking and offers techniques to help improve your skills. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/06/30 2021/11/24 31
Being Adaptable(hxBI004) Can you think of a ‘Hero to Zero’ company? Forerunners in their field, but when others started offering the same or better, times got hard, and they disappeared? But what went wrong for them? Well, they didn’t adapt. Adaptability is a crucial part of innovation. Successful companies constantly adapt to keep ahead of the curve and give customers what they need and want. This gives them the edge over companies that standstill. In business, being adaptable is the only way to keep moving forward. By getting too comfortable and not adapting to changing markets, businesses fail to keep pace. And in today’s fast-moving world, companies that stand still can fade away very quickly. Because of this, adaptability is vital. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify why adaptability is essential for success • Identify how your business could become more adaptable • Cultivate an adaptable culture throughout your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever field you work in, if you’re a business owner, leader, or manager, being adaptable starts with you. And if you’re a freelancer, adaptability needs to be your number one skill. This course will help you understand the need for adaptability and identify how your organization can adapt to keep pace with changes. It will also show you techniques and strategies to help both you and your business create a culture of adaptability across your organization. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 31
Driving Innovation(hxBI005) Innovation is everywhere. Whether it’s advancement in tech or private companies achieving the first manned commercial spaceflight to the International Space Station. But in fact, these are only the “end product.” Innovation is the actual process that unearths better solutions to problems and makes improvements to suit ever-changing needs. Driving innovation is about steering the processes and practices of an organization as a whole. This creates a “thinking outside the box” mindset at every level, and keeps businesses building and growing. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe what is meant by “Intrapreneurship” • Create an innovation strategy • Use techniques to encourage innovation at every level of your organization <b>Why take this course?</b> In business, innovation is a survival tool. By constantly innovating, companies can stay ahead of the curve, align with the needs of the customer, and buck any negative market trends. If you’re a leader or manager, driving innovation begins with you. By creating an innovation strategy and actively encouraging staff to be intrapreneurs, you can unlock potential at every level of your business. This course will guide you through creating your strategy and give you tips and advice on driving innovation from within, in order to boost the success of your organization. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 31
Thinking Logically(hxBI006) Logic and creativity are opposite forces. They’re crucial for any successful business, especially when it comes to innovating.Creativity is required in order to keep things fresh, generate new ideas, and keep the company flexible. Logical thinking on the other hand requires reasoning and facts. It’s needed to instill sensible strategies, resolve problems quickly, and ensure that any bad or crazy ideas don’t get out of hand. Even in the most creative of companies, a lack of logical thinking within your teams and your business can be disastrous, leading to inefficiencies and bad business decisions. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> · Identify the different types of thinking needed for successful teams · Understand the benefits thinking logically can have on your business · Use techniques to encourage logical thinking at every level of your organization <b>Why take this course?</b> No matter what type of industry you’re in, logical thinking is needed to ensure that individuals and teams remain efficient, focused, and adaptable. If you’re a business leader who values innovation, then this course is for you. It will guide you through how to utilize logical thinking to continually maximize the input and performance of your teams. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 31
Problem-Solving(hxBI007) Do you know what the world’s best-selling toy is? No, it’s not some new-fangled, shiny, or high-tech gadget. It’s actually the humble Rubik’s cube! That colourful 3D puzzle with problem-solving at its core. And despite the amount of competition out there, the Rubik’s cube has stood the test of time. See, solving is all about using logic and imagination to make sense of a situation and come up with an intelligent solution. And it’s vital in the business world, too. It encourages you to find fresh perspectives and come up with innovative solutions, so that you can formulate a plan to overcome obstacles and reach your goals. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the term “problem-solving” within business • Identify the benefits of effective problem-solving • Demonstrate strategies that can improve your team’s problem-solving skills <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is for leaders of all levels who want to encourage better problem-solving within their teams. No matter what the problem or need your business may be addressing, creative ideas and fresh approaches can often make the difference between a successful company and one that’s unable to keep up with its competitors. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 31
Dealing with Uncertainty(hxBI008) Remember being a kid and wishing you had an all-knowing crystal ball? Or wearing out your collection of magic 8 balls only to keep getting the same fate? “Try again later!” Unfortunately, we can’t see into the future. And that’s the thing about dealing with uncertainty. If we knew what was about to happen, would we change our decisions? As businesses, we take risks all the time. Risks are about probabilities that can be reasonably assigned. But uncertainty is trickier – it’s about futures for which a probability can’t be determined. It’s fear of the unknown. And that very fear can prevent us from making bold choices, initiating change, and innovating in our businesses. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Differentiate between uncertainty and risk • Identify tools for dealing with uncertainty in the workplace • Demonstrate what’s needed from an innovation strategy when facing uncertainty <b>Why take this course?</b> Innovation is what drives business forward and allows for growth. But without overcoming uncertainty, innovation can’t happen. If you’re a leader, manager, or business owner, then this course is for you. It will provide guidance and practical tips to help improve how you tackle uncertainty in the face of everyday business decisions. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 31
Being Resourceful(hxBI009) Ever thrown together a great last-minute meal even though the fridge looked bare? Or winged your way through a successful presentation even though someone dropped out at the last minute? That’s resourcefulness. When applied to the business world, being resourceful is the ability to find and use available resources to solve problems and achieve goals. It’s seeing challenges as opportunities, rather than problems to fix. From delegating and improvising, to thinking on your feet, being resourceful is more than just a skill, it’s a mindset. It’s the ability to think differently, generate new ideas, and visualize all the possible ways to achieve your desired outcome. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define what is meant by resourcefulness • Understand the benefits being resourceful can bring to business innovation • Demonstrate resourcefulness in the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> When it comes to gaining success in business, there’s no silver bullet. But if anything comes close, it’s resourcefulness.This course is for any business professional wanting to fine-tune their resourcefulness by using ingenuity, common sense, and good judgement to overcome obstacles and achieve success. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 31
The Power of Analysis(hxBI010) What’s your hidden superpower? Creativity? Hawk-like hearing? Maybe the ability to always be barefoot at the exact moment a rogue Lego piece appears on the floor? (Ow, we’ve all been there.) For businesses in the real world, their hidden superpower is analysis. Modern companies the world over are using the power of analysis to become more efficient. A great business analyst increases profit margins and identifies compliance gaps, ultimately paving the way for businesses to beat their competition. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define and identify the benefits of business analysis • Recognize how analysis can support and encourage business innovation • Demonstrate ways of levering business analysis to drive your company forward <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is for leaders and business owners in any industry who want to better understand the role of business analysis, and harness its power to make them stand out. When it comes to business innovation, the devil is in the details. Ideas can come from anywhere, but only through analysis are you able to spot gaps, find solutions, add value, and continually bring about innovation in your business. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 31
Equality and Diversity(hxCME01) What comes to mind when you think of equality and diversity? In the present day, the aims of equality and diversity in the workplace remain simple: to ensure that everyone has access to the same opportunities and the same fair treatment We all deserve to work in an environment free from discrimination, harassment, victimization, and bullying, but all businesses aren’t made equal. In order for teams to successfully work together, effective equality and diversity management in the workplace must not only be applied, but valued. Beyond this, it has many benefits: from expanding your talent pool, to helping drive innovation and development, and even improving your brand reputation. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain what is meant by equality and diversity • Recognize the benefits equality and diversity can bring • Identify ways to promote equality and diversity in the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is suitable for leaders, employees, and business professionals of all kinds who want to learn the undeniable benefits equality and diversity can bring to a team. By respecting equality and diversity in the workplace, you’ll create a culture which values individual differences and variety – not only for the benefit of society, but for individuals and organizations, too – so your team and your business can truly thrive. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 30
Sexual Harassment(hxCME02) Sexual harassment certainly isn’t an easy subject to bring up, but it’s a serious issue that shouldn’t be avoided. Workplaces of all kinds need to adopt a zero-tolerance policy from the start, and ensure that the details of which are communicated clearly to all staff. Harassment can happen to anyone and involves any unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that affects working conditions or creates a hostile working environment. Employers are responsible for ensuring that employees never have to face harassment in their workplace. They have a legal obligation to take reasonable steps to protect their employees and keep them safe. And if they fail to do so, they’re legally liable. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify what is meant by sexual harassment • Recognize the various categories when dealing with harassment • Demonstrate how to prepare for and respond effectively to incidents of harassment <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is for employers of all kinds. While we all hope to never experience sexual harassment, knowing what to do if it ever does occur is crucial for getting the protection and respect everyone deserves. Following this course will enable you to take steps to keep everyone safe, while protecting you and your company from running into liability issues. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 30
Drug and Alcohol Abuse(hxCME04) From Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman, to Shakespeare’s Bardolph, entertainment throughout history has long featured disorderly characters and their drink and drug use. Perhaps less spoken about, though, is how to handle these types of behaviors when they enter the workplace. Drug and alcohol abuse by employees is a serious issue, and one that can cause many problems for both the individual and the business itself. From emotional turmoil, to lost productivity, it can also result in injuries and an increase in health insurance claims. By developing a clear policy and providing the right level of support, workplaces can prevent problems from ever escalating. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define what is meant by drug and alcohol misuse in the workplace • Recognize the signs of drug and alcohol misuse, and what to look out for • Implement techniques for managing drug and alcohol misuse at work <b>Why take this course?</b> If misuse occurs and is not handled correctly it can put employees’ health at risk and jeopardize the reputation and finances of the business. This course is suitable for any business professional wanting to provide a safe and supportive environment for their employees. Even if there is no evidence of their use, organizations can benefit. from a policy on drugs, alcohol, and other substances in consultation with staff or health and safety representatives. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 0
Anti-Bribery Practices(hxCME05) Bribery is a term you’re likely to associate with those classic black-and-white mobster films, right? But when applied to our modern lives, it’s actually a term that businesses need to be familiar with, too. Bribery in the workplace involves an employee or associated person accepting or issuing a bribe in order to gain a business advantage for either themselves or their organization. It’s more common than you might think and can be used by individuals to achieve targets and business deals which they might not be able to achieve through normal business conduct. For example, an employee might issue a bribe to another member of staff in order to gain a promotion there weren’t legitimately in the running for. In actuality, anti-bribery compliance makes up an important part of a company’s protocol. But to avoid liability, companies worldwide must implement adequate measures. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define what is meant by bribery, including who can be responsible • Recognize how to spot the signs that bribery might be taking place • Demonstrate ways to reduce the risk of bribery and corruption in the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Bribery is an illegal and unethical practice that could pose a serious risk to your organization, so it’s essential to have the right training in place. This course is for business professionals in any industry who want to promote a fair and safe environment for their workforce. It will ensure staff can identify potential bribery situations and follow correct procedures to demonstrate compliance. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2022/05/20 0
Anti-Money Laundering(hxCME06) As organizations increase in size and complexity, the opportunities for money laundering grow too. At the same time, regulators are becoming more watchful. In recent years, they’ve imposed penalties that ran into the billions. They even ordered companies closed. The risks of AML noncompliance have never been greater. The specifics vary by jurisdiction but there are steps that all organizations can take. Written policies and training give you a head start. Developing a culture of AML compliance helps, too. This produces a risk-averse environment which greatly reduces exposure to the dangers. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the risks of money laundering • Highlight key components of an AML program • Outline strategies and practices to implement AML <b>Why take this course?</b> The risks of poorly implemented AML policies are real and serious. Understanding those risks and building an awareness of effective strategies to mitigate them is vital in the current environment. Anyone responsible for an organization that could be exposed will benefit from this course. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/09/14 0
Code of Conduct - Working Well with Everyone(hxCME08) It used to be that employees picked up how to act in the workplace as they went along. But guessing how to interact with others isn’t ideal. What if people don’t share the same ideas? They can get things wrong. That can lead to friction, or even legal and financial impacts. A simple, well-written code of conduct helps everyone understand company values, and the ways people should work together. It doesn’t need to be complex, it just puts everyone on the same page. But it has valuable benefits. For employees it eliminates uncertainty and mistakes; for a company it guards against the risk of misconduct. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain the benefits of a code of conduct • Outline what can go wrong in the absence of a code • Utilize hints and tips for drafting an effective code <b>Why take this course?</b> Every organization will benefit from a code of conduct. You might have been asked to create one, or even take a fresh look at one that’s already in place. This course will outline the benefits of a good code, highlight the risks of not having one, and offer hints on how best to draft your own code of conduct. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 30
Whistleblowing(hxCME09) No organization is perfect. Sometimes employees can make suggestions that can help improve their work environment. Sometimes, though, they need to go further. For example, if they witness behavior or practices that are illegal or stray into gross misconduct. Employees may have to make a disclosure to an outside authority. To blow the whistle on a company is a big step and comes with a lot of pitfalls. Some things justify whistleblowing, others are more suited to internal resolution. There are certain disclosures that are protected by the law, others that are not. It can be an intimidating process, even when an employee is trying to do the right thing. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define whistleblowing and who can be protected when they do it • Recount reasons someone might blow the whistle • Outline common steps in the whistleblowing process <b>Why take this course?</b> If you are working within a company and feel you have a reason you need to blow the whistle, but are concerned about your justifications, or don’t know where to begin, this course will give you the basics of the process. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 0
Network Security and Cloud Computing(hxCS006) Would you leave your house without first checking that all windows and doors are locked? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you live in a magical dreamland. Maybe you have a strong alarm system or motion detectors in place, too. These are vital and essential steps we all take to ensure security and prevent intruders from stealing our belongings. Computer networks and cloud storage systems are also at risk of virtual intruders breaking in and stealing our data. Alongside theft, compromised security may lead to the corruption of files through viruses and the erasure of critical documents via harmful malware. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of securing your network and cloud services • Identify the risks of inadequate network and cloud security • Understand how to improve protection and prevent threats <b>Why take this course?</b> Cyberattacks continue to rise as criminals find sneakier ways of infiltrating security systems. If you’re a business owner or employer, this puts your organization at an increased risk of sabotage. This course will show you effective ways to reduce the risks and help ensure safety. It’s also suitable for individuals, because even in a dreamland there might be gremlins. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 36
Phishing and Anti-Spam Software(hxCS007) Ever received an email from your bank which seems to be legit but, well, there’s something off about it? Maybe it starts with, “Dear valued customer” instead of using your name? If you have received anything like this, then it’s likely you’ve been targeted by phishing criminals. Phishers pretend to be from authorized organizations to trick you into giving away sensitive information, such as usernames or credit card details. It’s a malicious and widespread activity. But suffering loss as a result can be prevented. One of the most effective ways is through anti-spam software which blocks suspicious emails from getting into your account. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize a phishing attack, for example an email or cell phone message • Understand how anti-spam software works to prevent email spamming • Protect yourself and avoid becoming a victim of phishing <b>Why take this course?</b> Phishing scammers release thousands of attacks every single day. Yet knowledge is power, and by learning how to spot the signs you will help to protect yourself. This short course is suitable for professionals, organizations, and any individual who uses a computer or cell phone. Yep, that means pretty much all of us. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 36
Social Engineering(hxCS008) “You must trust and believe in people, or life becomes impossible.” So said the famous Russian writer Anton Chekhov. And, well, he had a point. Without trust, we wouldn’t form friendships or relationships. But here’s the thing, Anton: you really can’t trust everyone. It was probably a bit different back in the 19th century what with the lack of computers and everything. But cyber tricksters and con artists are everywhere today, and they’re preying on our natural inclination to trust and help others. By pretending to be genuine, social engineering criminals manipulate people into giving away confidential and sensitive information. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the dangers of social engineering and how it works • Recognize the different types of social engineering attacks • Avoid becoming a victim of social engineering <b>Why take this course?</b> The majority of cyberattacks are the result of social engineering. Yet, we can reduce the chances of falling victim by spotting the signs and remembering to think before opening that attachment. This short course is suitable for everyone, particularly organizations, professionals, and social media users. So, trust this course to help you protect yourself. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 36
Internet of Things Attacks(hxCS009) Imagine a world where you can feed your cat or dog remotely via your cell phone and the thermostat is set to your ideal, toasty temperature. Wait a minute – we already live in that world! Yep, the future, aka the Internet of Things, is here and it is very smart. The Internet of Things (IoT) creates connections between multiple devices, or things. This connectivity enables data to be delivered to the internet, allowing for improved efficiency and reduced human effort. But there is a downside: security threats and cyberattacks. These can include device hijackings and home invasions. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand how the Internet of Things works • Identify the security risks associated with the IoT • Protect yourself and avoid an IoT attack on your devices <b>Why take this course?</b> It isn’t just in the home that we’re vulnerable to an IoT attack. Workplaces are also at risk. For example, smart assistants may be hacked, meaning that confidential data is exposed. Suitable for organizations and individuals, this course will show you how to tighten your IoT security measures and prevent an attack. So, let’s get smart about security. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 36
Security and Compliance Audits(hxCS010) Risk is everywhere. Just by having your morning shower, you risk getting shampoo in your eyes and being temporarily blinded by soapsuds. But it isn’t just humans who are at risk. Computer networks are also highly vulnerable and susceptible to potential dangers. These include cyberattacks which can result in sensitive data being compromised and breached. Yet, there are ways of reducing and managing serious risks by implementing effective security and compliance audits. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the differences between security and compliance • Recognize the importance of audits and why these must be carried out • Understand how to prepare for and conduct effective audits <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re an employer or work for an organization with an IT infrastructure, carrying out security and compliance audits is essential. This course will show you why effective auditing will help preserve the safety of your clients and customers’ data. We know they’re not exactly fun. But without auditing, you’re at risk of suffering a major cybersecurity headache and losing vital business…which is a lot worse than getting shampoo in your eyes. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 36
Identity Theft(hxCS011) Considering there’s over 7 billion people in the world, it’s pretty amazing that no 2 people have been found to have the same fingerprint. Even between identical twins! This just goes to show that our identities are completely and utterly unique. Unfortunately, however, and even though we are unique, cybercriminals have found several ways to steal our information and commit identity theft. This is a major crime and can have serious, long-lasting effects on its victims. Consequences include financial, emotional, and physical stress. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the different types of identity theft and how they occur • Understand the effects and know what to do if you are a victim • Prevent and reduce the risk of your identity being stolen <b>Why take this course?</b> Identity theft is a preventable crime. Simple things like creating stronger passwords and not using public Wi-Fi to make bank transactions can significantly reduce the chances of becoming a target. This short course is suitable for everyone, particularly consumers, social media users, and professionals. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 36
GDPR(hxCS012) Do you ever think about your data? Like who’s got it, and what they might do with it? Y’know, bank details, shoe size, places you visit, restaurants you like to eat at? Someone somewhere will have at least some of that information. Your bank, a shopping website, a travel company, your credit card supplier… In the EU, all that data, and more, is protected by a law called the GDPR. The General Data Protection Regulation is designed to protect personal data within the European Union. It stops governments, companies, and even individuals from using your data in ways that you wouldn’t want them to. The GDPR also protects personal data when it leaves the EU. So, even if you’re outside Europe, but still do business there, it’ll still apply. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize how the GDPR applies to you • Explain the 7 principles of the GDPR • Apply the GDPR regulations to spot data breaches <b>Why take this course?</b> Wherever you are in the world, you should know about the GDPR. This course will help you recognize how the GDPR might apply to you, how it protects the rights of individuals, and assist you in understanding the 7 principles of the GDPR. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 20 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 36
Data Protection(hxCS013) These days, pretty much every industry uses and stores some kind of data, so you need to think very carefully about how to protect it. Just running a garage business on the World Wide Web can see you handling personal data from the other side of the planet. The problem is, data protection laws are different the world over. And when you do business in global markets, data regularly travels across borders. So, how do you deal with that? Well, while rules and regulations might change from country to country, techniques you can use to protect data remain largely the same. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize some of the differences in data protection laws worldwide • Describe how data can be used • Apply data protection techniques <b>Why take this course?</b> No matter your industry, if you work with data, then you need to know how to protect it and what the consequences might be if you don’t. This course will show you some of the differences in data protection laws around the world, explain the ways you can protect data, and show you how to put data protection laws into practice. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 36
Data Breaches(hxCS014) Data is the most prized resource in the world and is far more valuable than money, precious metals, or even oil. It’s no wonder then, that so many criminals seek to steal it. Every hour of every day, hackers and cybercriminals attempt to breach IT networks. They’re trying to gain access to stores of data with the aim of selling them on to the highest bidder. The consequences of data breaches can be catastrophic, both financially and on a human level. So, it’s important you do everything you can to stop them. The great news is that data breaches, both intentional and unintentional, can be prevented. But how do you do it? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways in which data breaches can be prevented • Recognize the consequences of data breaches • Apply solutions to prevent data breaches <b>Why take this course?</b> In this digital age, almost all of us work with data of some kind. So, it’s important to know how to stop data breaches from occurring, to recognize the consequences of data breaches, and to be able to apply preventative solutions. This course will show you how. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 20 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 36
PCI DSS (Payment Card Compliance)(hxCS015) Paying with plastic. It’s great, isn’t it? So quick, so easy, and so secure. Except when it’s not. As a vendor, there are things you need to get right to ensure that credit card and other online payments are secure. If you don’t, you’ll not only lose the trust and loyalty of your customers, you can wind up on the wrong side of banks and credit card companies and, in some places, the law, too. Being PCI compliant will reduce the risk of liability in the event of fraud, build trust with customers, and prevent fines and account suspensions with banks and other financial providers. The great news is …we can show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the requirements for PCI compliance • Compare the benefits of PCI compliance with the impacts of noncompliance • Complete a security audit of your network <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a merchant that wants to process, store, or transmit credit card data and other payments either online or off, then you need to be PCI compliant. This course will show you the requirements for PCI compliance, compare the benefits of compliance with the consequences of noncompliance, and show you how to complete a security audit of your network. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 36
Information Security(hxCS016) Infosec. It sounds mysterious, right? Like something supersecret spies deal with while sitting in darkened rooms, wearing sunglasses, and still somehow managing to see what they’re doing. Well, it’s not. It’s just a shortened version of information security, which is something we should all be aware of. Information is the world’s most valuable commodity, so keeping it secure is vitally important. It’s something we should all know how to do well. Poor infosec can damage your business, and leave your reputation in tatters. And, with online threats becoming more common and increasingly sophisticated, you really can’t afford to leave anything to chance. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the 3 pillars of information security • Recognize the impacts of poor information security • Apply information security successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> If you deal with sensitive information of any kind, then you need to make sure it’s secure. This course will help you identify the 3 pillars of information security, recognize the impacts of poor information security, and figure out how to apply information security tools and techniques successfully. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 36
Using the Right Language(hxCSA01) Using the right language is like, really important man. ’Cos if you don’t then people might not respect you and stuff. That’s right. People will perceive you differently depending on the language you use. Be too conversational and relaxed, and they may not think you’re professional. Be too pompous and stuffy, and they might think you’re not human. When you deal with customers, it’s vitally important that you use the right language. Be positive, confident, clear, and polite. It’s also important to be empathetic, showing that you understand how they feel and what they want. If you can do all that, you’ll build great customer relationships. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify right and wrong language • Recognize the benefits of using the right language • Describe how to use the right language <b>Why take this course?</b> It’s so important that you use the right language when working in customer service. That’s why this is the right course for you. You’ll find out the types of language you should and shouldn’t use, understand the benefits of using the right language, and learn how to use it in your job. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 37
Nurturing Customer Relationships(hxCSA02) Good customer relationships are worth their weight in gold. Without them, sales will be more difficult to close, and your business will start to fail. When customer relationships go bad, things can very quickly become toxic and your business might suffer. To stop this from happening, you need to work on those customer relationships. If they’re good, make sure they stay that way. If they’re not so good, then give them some TLC. Nurturing customer relationships is all about keeping current customers happy and building relationships, so they keep coming back for more. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand why good customer relationships are important • Identify what makes a good customer relationship • Develop & nurture excellent customer relationships <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in customer service, then you’ll need to nurture your customer relationships. This course will help you to figure out what makes a good customer relationship and understand why it’s so important. It’ll also give you tips on how to develop and nurture excellent customer relationships so that your business can continue to grow and thrive. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 37
Practicing Positivity(hxCSA03) Positivity is great! When you’re positive, you lift everyone around you. You create positive energy that affects everybody you interact with, making everything you do seem easier. The opposite is also true. Negativity will make you unhappy and make the things you do more difficult to achieve. Positivity will help you to be happier, healthier, and more productive. When you work with customers, you can’t afford not to be positive. Be positive and you’ll make problems seem smaller or even go away altogether. Your customers will be happier too, and they’ll always come back for more. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways that being positive affects your attitude • Explain how to think positively • Interact positively with every customer • Demonstrate positive problem-solving <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work with customers of any type, they’ll expect you to deal with them positively. This course will help you achieve that by showing you how to interact and engage positively with every customer. You’ll also see how positive problem-solving can help you resolve even the most difficult situations favorably. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 37
Maintaining Composure(hxCSA05) Dealing with people can sometimes be stressful, especially in customer service. Your customer could be frustrated, angry, or even upset. And sometimes, when they need to complain, it’s going to be you they’ll complain to. When you’re faced with situations like these, staying calm isn’t always easy. If you can maintain your composure when you’re dealing with customers, it’ll bring a whole range of benefits. Stay calm in the face of a storm, and you’ll diffuse a situation. Keep your calm when your customers are losing theirs, and you’ll solve their problem. After all, if you don’t, you could lose more than your temper! <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways to detach yourself but remain empathetic • Utilize techniques to diffuse difficult situations calmly • Develop ways to control your stress levels <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in customer service, then you’ll need to maintain your composure. This course will help you do just that. You’ll learn how to deal with the most challenging situations and remain calm, control your interactions with customers, and keep your stress levels manageable. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 37
Data Literacy(hxDA001) There are around 7,000 spoken languages in the world right now. According to research, the average person speaks just 1.5 of them. How about you? You might speak English, Spanish, Chinese, or French. But do you speak data? Of course not. You can’t speak data, but you can be data literate. Data literacy is the ability to work with data, understand it, and turn it into information. And that’s important, because data can be an incredibly powerful tool. For any business it can mean the difference between success and failure. With so much focus placed on using data in the modern workplace, data literacy is a vital skill to possess. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define data literacy • Recognize the impacts of data illiteracy • Create and communicate data as information <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone who handles data of any kind needs to know how to read, understand, use, and communicate it. This course will describe all you need to know about data literacy, explain how illiteracy can affect you, and show you how to create and communicate data more effectively. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
The Power of Big Data(hxDA002) Data: there’s a lot of it about. And there’s more and more each day. It’s been estimated that the amount of data humans generated from the dawn of time to the year 2003, is now produced in just 2 days. That’s a lot of information. When we talk about data in those amounts, we call it big data. And big data can be powerful. Companies use big data to make important decisions and identify new opportunities. Imagine being able to analyze the shopping habits of users from an entire social media platform, or the web searches of a whole country’s population carried out over the course of a year. Well, with big data, you can. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify big data sources • Describe the benefits of big data • Use big data to enhance your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Big data can be a powerful tool in the hands of key decision makers. So, if you’re involved in making choices that affect the business you work for, or even own, this course is for you. Take it to find out just how powerful big data can be, and how you can harness that power, too. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
Visualizing Data(hxDA003) We’ve all been there. You’re trying to explain something, but it’s just not getting across. No matter how hard you try, something’s been lost in translation. If only there were a simpler and more visual way to explain difficult subjects, y’know… like, that data set you’ve been working on? Well, maybe there is. Data isn’t always easy to understand. Often, it’s just lots of pretty meaningless-looking numbers. That can make the information you’re trying to share look boring and seem incomprehensible. So, it helps everyone if it can be visualized. Data visualization can make even the most abstract-looking strings of numbers visually appealing and easier to understand. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize ways to visualize data • Discuss the benefits of visualizing data • Create simple and effective data visualizations <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone who works with data and needs to share their findings with others will benefit from taking this course. You’ll see how data can be visualized, what the benefits are, and learn how to create simple and effective data visualizations that everyone can understand. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
Data Ownership(hxDA004) Data is everywhere. For instance, it’s estimated the world’s leading search engine processes 70,000 search queries every second. That’s 5.8 billion searches every single day. While that’s a lot of data, it’s really just the tip of the iceberg. Everything we do generates data which is collected and stored. The people in charge of all that data, are data owners. A data owner is a senior member of any organization, who is responsible for a specific data set. They’re accountable for the quality of the data and have authority to make things happen to ensure it’s maintained. So, for example, if you want to use certain data, you’ll need permission from the data owner to access it. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define data ownership • Compare data owners and data stewards • Describe the responsibilities of data owners <b>Why take this course?</b> Every kind of organization will handle data of some kind, and a data owner will be accountable for it. So, it’s important to know what their responsibilities are. This course will help you understand what data ownership is, explain how a data owner differs from a data steward, and explore the responsibilities of data owners. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
The 5 Cs of Report Writing(hxDA005) Badly written reports can be very frustrating. They can hold up meetings, deliver the wrong information, and lead to some poor business decisions. All this can be avoided by following the 5 Cs of report writing. For reports that can help your team in any situation, make sure each one you write is clear, concise, complete, consistent, and courteous. Well-written reports are worth their weight in gold. Whether they’re designed to be read in meetings or alone, reports need to convey information in a way that’s easy to read and understand. With effective reporting skills, you and your colleagues can make informed decisions that move your business forward. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the 5 Cs of report writing • Recognize the importance of good report writing techniques • Implement the 5 Cs in your report writing <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone who writes reports will benefit from using the 5 Cs. This course will help you understand what they are, recognize why good report writing practice is important, and show you how to use those 5 Cs to write effective and easy-to-use reports. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
Developing Research Skills(hxDA006) Have you ever presented something as a fact, when in reality it might have been fiction? Writing an effective report relies on ensuring that everything you include is correct, no matter how well you know the subject. To make sure you get your facts right, you need to do your research. Good research isn’t just about collecting as much data as you can. You also need to be able to recognize which sources are reliable, and which are less trustworthy. Poor information gathering or presentation might mean you present incorrect information and could affect your credibility. So, it’s important to develop your research skills to ensure you’re increasing your knowledge and communicating new facts to your colleagues effectively. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize reliable sources • Gather and select useful information • Organize and present your findings effectively <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is aimed at anyone who needs to write reports and might need to refresh their research skills. It will help you plan a clear course of action for your research, gather relevant information, and show your findings in a well-organized document or presentation. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
The Basics of Business Writing(hxDA007) All professional writing needs to meet a certain standard. No one wants to read a badly written story or report. If the content doesn’t make sense and the sentences are grammatically incorrect, the readers will quickly give up reading it, and its message will be lost. This is also true of business writing. You don’t need to write an award-winning novel every time you send a memo. But learning to write well will help you in all aspects of your job. From sending perfectly pitched letters and emails, to writing clear reports that will influence important business decisions, increasing your skills in written communication can make your working life a whole lot easier. This course will show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Use good techniques in internal business correspondence • Apply effective writing techniques in letters and emails • Improve your written communication skills in reports <b>Who should take this course?</b> Everyone can benefit from improved business-writing skills. This course will provide you with useful tips to improve your written communication skills, teach you how to plan and edit your writing, and help you apply these techniques to all areas of your work. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
The Stages of Report Writing: Investigating, Planning, Writing and Revising(hxDA008) When you’re part of a team that makes important decisions or presents vital information, the ability to create a well-written report is essential. But where do you start? And, when you’re writing a report, how can you be sure it’s useful and effective? You won’t get the best results if you just sit down and start writing. With a bit of planning and organization, you can write reports that help keep your team members well informed, as well as help them make great business decisions. This course will show you the stages of writing clear and concise reports, and how to apply them to your writing. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways to investigate your report effectively • Choose the best planning technique for your report • Apply effective report writing techniques • Recognize the importance of revising your reports <b>Who should take this course?</b> Everyone who writes reports will benefit from improving their report writing skills. This course provides an in-depth look at each stage of report writing, providing easy-to-follow steps that can be applied across all industries, at all levels. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i>Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 38
Unconscious Bias(hxDI002) Have you heard of a supercomputer that can run up to 11 million bits of information per second? Actually, you have. It’s your brain. No wonder you’re feeling so tired! You’re only aware of around 40 of these processes at a time, so it’s great to have the remainder running in the background. But with 11 million of them, the brain is bound to take shortcuts. Some of these shortcuts take the form of unconscious biases. We all have them. Thanks to our culture, upbringing, and environment, our brain makes decisions for us, without us even realizing. We might favor others whose values are similar to our own, hire someone because of their gender rather than experience, or give a project to a friend instead of someone more suitable. These biases aren’t your fault, but you do need to keep them in check. And that’s what this course is all about. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the effects of unconscious bias • Understand where unconscious bias comes from • Demonstrate how to overcome unconscious bias <b>Why take this course?</b> All of us should take unconscious bias seriously in the interest of fairness. Ignoring biases may have a detrimental effect on other people's lives, including your colleagues, potential new starters, and customers. Take this course and you’ll soon understand better how to make the world a fairer place. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i>Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
Recognizing Your Privilege(hxDI003) Many of us have privileges. Owning a car, going to college, and even having a device to read this information on are all privileges. But there are much more substantial ones that can significantly impact our lives and jobs. Privilege is a form of unearned power and means having advantages that you didn’t ask for. It’s often invisible to those who have it, yet, for those who don’t, their lack of privilege is apparent and persistent. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the importance of recognizing your privilege • Explain what privilege looks like in the workplace • Demonstrate ways to use your privilege to benefit others <b>Why take this course?</b> It can be hard to admit and talk about our own privileges, but recognizing them is the 1st step in helping others who have fewer privileges. This is especially important in the workplace. Suitable for all individuals, this course will show you why being an ally for others can truly make a difference. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i>Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
Gender Inclusion(hxDI004) We no longer live in a world where gender is defined as either male or female. Gender now describes a range of identities, such as transgender and non-binary. Having a wider spectrum shows huge progress in accepting and including the many people who do not subscribe to traditional identities and gender expressions. Unfortunately, however, people continue to face discrimination based on their gender. This is especially true in the workplace. But the good news is that gender inclusion really does benefit everyone. People feel more engaged, happier, and motivated to produce their best work. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain the importance of gender inclusion • Identify how gender exclusion affects people in the workplace • Describe ways to be more gender-inclusive <b>Why take this course?</b> If all people feel welcome and are treated equally, engagement and productivity will be unhindered. Suitable for all individuals, but especially business leaders, this course will show you the benefits of gender inclusion and why it’s so crucial for everyone. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
LGBTQ+ Awareness and Inclusion(hxDI005) Referring to both sexual orientation and gender identity, LGBTQQIP2SAA covers people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous and asexual. There are many other terms and it is commonly shortened to LGBTQ+. Unfortunately, this community can face discrimination by simply expressing their true gender identities and/or sexual orientation. Such hostility might take the form of bullying, harassment, and physical violence. Identifying as LGBTQ+ can even be life-threatening. In the workplace, LGBTQ+ employees are also subjected to discrimination. This ranges from “banter” or jokes about their identity to outright intimidation and aggression. Thankfully, there are many ways you can support LGBTQ+ colleagues and improve inclusion. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain how exclusion affects people who identify as LGBTQ+ • Identify the positive impacts of LGBTQ+ inclusion in the workplace • Describe ways to support your LGBTQ+ colleagues <b>Why take this course?</b> LGBTQ+ awareness and inclusion leads to greater job satisfaction and feelings of belonging for everyone. Suitable for all individuals, especially business leaders, this course will show you how crucial it is to be aware of and include all LGBTQ+ individuals. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
Types of Discrimination(hxDI006) When a person is singled out or treated unfairly because of certain characteristics, that’s discrimination. But did you know there are also different types of discrimination an individual might experience, such as workplace policies that apply to all employees but actually place some people at an unfair disadvantage? It’s really important to understand the different ways that people can experience discrimination, so we can defend ourselves and each other while making sure we don’t treat anyone in a way that is discriminatory and wrong. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define discrimination • Identify the main types of discrimination • Analyze the different ways people can be discriminated against <b>Why take this course?</b> Our differences should be celebrated. We all have a role to play in making the world a safer and fairer place for everyone. Whatever your position in an organization, it’s essential to understand how to define different types of discrimination in case you experience or witness them. It will also empower you to make sure you don’t contribute to a culture of discrimination through your own actions, both in and outside the workplace. This course will bring you up to speed. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
Digital Accessibility(hxDI007) When building a shop, it’s important to make sure facilities like toilets and parking are fully accessible. When you build a website or create digital assets, you’ll have similar considerations. Closed captions on videos for deaf people, and keyboard-navigable websites for those that can’t physically use a mouse are just 2 examples. Digital accessibility is all about making sure your website and online content can be easily used by as many people as possible. In many countries, legislation is in place to protect people’s rights by ensuring organizations adhere to standards relating to digital accessibility. But the benefits of this approach go way beyond staying on the right side of the law. This course will help you explore them. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define digital accessibility and the barriers faced by users • Describe the benefits of ensuring your digital content is accessible • Demonstrate the key principles that increase digital accessibility <b>Why take this course?</b> These days most organizations have an online or digital presence, so we all need to understand the principles of digital accessibility to make sure that we are relevant and useful to as many people as possible. Ensuring your digital content is accessible improves usability and can even boost the search engine ranking of your website. Take this course to understand best practice in this area and access the many benefits of this approach. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i>Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
Confronting Discrimination(hxDI008) It can be challenging to understand the importance of confronting discrimination. Even the word confront carries negative connotations that can make both targets of discrimination and witnesses to discrimination feel unsafe and unsure. But when people are discriminated against, their welfare and well-being is negatively impacted, and their productivity at work is also likely to suffer. Research has shown that confronting discrimination not only addresses that one specific incident, it can also help to model appropriate behavior for others as well as bring unconscious bias to light. So, when you think about it, confronting discrimination is a responsibility that we all need to shoulder. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define why confronting discrimination is important • Analyze the barriers to confronting discrimination • Demonstrate how to confront discrimination effectively <b>Why take this course?</b> Creating a workplace culture in which discrimination is confronted protects the well-being and performance of target groups and individuals, making the work environment safer for you and your colleagues. It can also help everyone to understand their responsibility to confront discrimination inside and outside of the workplace, helping to create a better world for all of us. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
Becoming an Inclusive Leader(hxDI009) Diversity is an essential part of a healthy and productive workplace culture. Companies are increasingly recognizing the many benefits it can bring to a team. But simply ensuring that a team or organization includes people from diverse backgrounds just isn’t enough. Leaders also need to ensure all employees feel they are valued and treated fairly. Research has shown that creating an inclusive environment at work enhances performance at both individual and team level. So, not only is it important for the well-being of staff, it also directly impacts workplace performance in a positive way. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define inclusive leadership • Demonstrate how inclusion benefits companies and organizations • Implement inclusive leadership in the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Ensuring that staff really feel leaders are committed to inclusivity rather than just paying lip service is central to team members feeling respected at work. From project or team leaders to senior management, everyone can benefit from learning how to walk the walk when it comes to inclusivity, and this course is an excellent place to start. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 33
The Value of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace(hxDI010) There are many benefits to having a diverse workforce, from improved public image to higher employee satisfaction. Recruitment strategies are important, but simply ensuring the presence of diversity isn’t enough. It’s also essential to focus on inclusion to really harness the true potential of a diverse workforce. Ensuring that all employees and colleagues are given equal access to opportunities and are empowered to contribute fully to an organization unlocks the value of diversity in the workplace. Not only is the culture of successfully diverse workplaces healthier, research has also shown that such organizations also tend to outperform competitors. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the value that a diverse workforce brings to an organization • Describe how inclusion is the key to adding value through diversity • Compare diversity and inclusion strategies <b>Why take this course?</b> If you aren’t making the most of the talents of all your employees and colleagues, you aren’t fully utilizing one of the biggest assets that any organization possesses. A commitment to diversity and inclusion is a business strategy that empowers and benefits everyone. Take this course to learn how enabling all your staff to make a unique contribution can really give you the competitive edge. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 33
What is Digital Transformation?(hxDTE01) It’s hard to imagine life before computers and the internet. Where would we be without trusty Google at our fingertips? Back when these technologies were first introduced, many people were sceptical. We don’t always like change. But in the workplace, being slow to adopt new technologies can quickly lead to businesses becoming irrelevant. Digital transformation means updating and adapting your business practices to keep up with new technologies. This increases efficiency because you won’t be relying on those slower, outdated methods. Businesses must adapt to survive, and that starts with digital transformation. This course will show you where to start. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain how digital transformation works • Identify the benefits of digital transformation • List the 4 types of digital transformation <b>Why take this course?</b> A willingness to adapt is a key component of success, which means digital transformation is essential for every business. Whether you’re a business owner or you simply want to improve efficiency in your workplace, this course will increase your understanding of how to implement digital transformation and help your business on its way to being future-proof. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
Why Do You Need a Digital Culture?(hxDTE02) Starting a new job can be a challenge. You have to meet a bunch of people, all the while trying to shake those new job nerves. It’s even more intimidating if you have to use technologies you’ve never come across before. Changes in the way we work can be stressful and affect our confidence. But there are ways around this. Digital culture is the understanding that our daily lives are hugely shaped by technology. It changes the way we think and interact – even the way we work. Working to promote a digital culture along with your colleagues will help to reduce those first-day new-tech nerves. Understanding and using new tech correctly can also upgrade your personal skills. This course will show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the personal benefits of a digital culture • Support a digital culture in your workplace • Identify useful technology required for creating a digital culture <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a new hire or you’ve been with a business for years, you can benefit greatly from a strong digital culture. This course will show you how a workplace that embraces changes in technology can help you feel empowered, more productive, and happier in your role. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
The Four Types of Digital Transformation(hxDTE03) You’ll probably have heard the term “digital transformation” before. Maybe in a recent meeting about updating business practices. But hearing about it isn’t quite the same as understanding what the term truly means and how it affects you. Digital transformation is the integration of new technologies within an organization. How it looks in practice will vary from business to business. There are 4 types: business process, business model, domain, and cultural. Knowing which type relates to your workplace will help you to understand how the process of digital transformation is likely to impact you at work. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the 4 types of digital transformation • Identify their benefits in the workplace • Recognize the challenges of digital transformation <b>Why take this course?</b> No matter what your role is within a business, digital transformation will affect the way you work, so it helps to know what the process involves. By taking this course, you’ll learn about the 4 types of digital transformation, what they involve, and how they can create positive change in your day-to-day role. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
Digital Disruption(hxDTE04) Digital disruption. It’s one of those buzzwords that gets thrown around so often it starts to lose meaning. Put simply, this term explains why renting a DVD or flicking through a phone book can feel hopelessly outdated. But what exactly does it have to do with you? If a technology significantly alters the way you operate, it’s considered “disruptive.” And with technology improving all the time, businesses that disrupt are the ones that stay on top. This kind of change can affect employees at any level by automating or simplifying some of their responsibilities. So it helps to know how you, too, might need to adapt in your role. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain why digital disruption is a positive step • Recognize the challenges associated with digital disruption • Apply digital disruption techniques at every level <b>Why take this course?</b> Thanks to digital transformation, the workplace is an ever-changing landscape. It’s a people-oriented process, meaning all employees are at the heart of change in the workplace. By taking this course, you’ll learn why digital disruption brings positive change and how it can help you to stay future-proof. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
The Design Thinking Mindset(hxDTE05) As humans, we’re naturally resistant to change. You love the cereal you buy every week, so why try anything new? The same attitude is often applied to our work, especially when everything seems to be running great. But sometimes we’re unaware of problems. Or, even worse, we know something could be done better but don’t have the time, resources, or opportunity to make changes. That’s where “design thinking” comes in. It’s not just a process, but a mindset that can help you identify workplace problems and then create and test solutions to them. Incorporating design thinking into current work methods and culture can sometimes be tricky, but this course will show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the 5 key steps of design thinking • Recognize the potential barriers to using design thinking in the workplace • Successfully apply design thinking in the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Everyone can make improvements in their workplace. Design thinking will help you spot any problems, and solve them, too. This course will introduce you to the 5 key steps of design thinking, highlight some of the potential barriers to using it, and show you how you can apply design thinking in your workplace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
What is a Digital Transformation Strategy?(hxDTE06) From buying online with a single click to telling your smart speaker to play your favorite cheesy love song, technology is super useful. But what if you work in an organization that’s getting left behind in this age of rapid digital transformation? In that case, suddenly, advancements in technology become more of a problem than a solution. Thankfully, a tailored Digital Transformation Strategy can help an organization and the individuals who work within it keep or gain a competitive edge in their field. It can help a business strategically position itself within an ever-changing digital landscape, allowing it to change, improve, and avoid costly and time-consuming pitfalls. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> ● Define what a Digital Transformation Strategy is ● List the components of a successful Digital Transformation Strategy ● Identify potential issues around launching a Digital Transformation Strategy <b>Why take this course?</b> Tech is a vital component of any modern business, so it’s essential to keep up with the pace of digital transformation. Unfortunately, developing an incorrect Digital Transformation Strategy can be worse than doing nothing at all. This course will help you avoid that situation and is useful for anyone wanting to use ongoing advancements in tech to their advantage. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
The Power of Data Visualization(hxDTE07) We live in a digital age, where everything can be optimized to make it more efficient. And data plays a huge role in that. But the fact there’s so much data means digital optimization just isn’t enough. Businesses need to do more to keep up. That’s where digital transformation comes in. And a vital part of successful digital transformation is data visualization. Data visualization presents information and data in an attention-grabbing, accessible visual form. Converting complicated data sets into striking but comprehensible graphs, charts, and diagrams, allows you to understand data better and use it to make informed decisions more easily. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize how data visualization enables digital transformation • Explain the benefits of data visualization in digital transformation • Create data visualizations to aid digital transformation <b>Why take this course?</b> Data is a powerful tool for any business and its employees. But to push that extra step further into real digital transformation, it’s vital to know how to present data correctly. Anyone who wants to use data, and create data visualizations, to assist with digital transformation, can benefit from this course. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
The Impact of Training on Digital Change(hxDTE08) Some people enjoy and embrace technology better than others. But, for every early adopter who must have the latest smartphone on the day it’s released, there’s someone else who’s perfectly happy to keep working with software which is years out of date. Switching to a system you’ve never used can be nerve-wracking, after all. It’s important to recognize the impact good training can have on an organization that is making changes to its use of technology. New training, with levels to suit all employees’ current digital knowledge and needs, and using the right methods and content when introducing change can help a business and its staff enjoy a successful transitional period. This course will help to show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • List the primary and secondary benefits of training for digital transformation • Identify training methods for successful digital change • Recognize the value of ongoing and adaptable training for digital change <b>Why take this course?</b> Digital transformation initiatives can take large amounts of time and money, so it’s vital to get the best results from such investments. This course provides tips that will help any organization or individual seeking to improve and update their use of workplace technology. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
Leading a Digital Transformation(hxDTE09) You’re on your break, enjoying a coffee and a donut while you check the messages on your phone, when your boss asks for a favor. Could you lead a digital transformation in your department? You know all about this digital stuff, right? Wherever you are in your organization, you might become involved in encouraging or leading a digital transformation. To do this successfully, you’ll need to communicate clearly and frequently with your co-workers. You may need to encourage others to build their digital skills and use new tools, as well. The whole culture of your organization may need to change. Thankfully, this course can help. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways to communicate digital transformation • Understand how to build digital capabilities • Apply strategies to help your workplace culture embrace change <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone who needs to lead a digital transformation will benefit from taking this course. You’ll learn how best to communicate the transformation, how to increase digital capabilities, and how to help your co-workers embrace new ways of working. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
Is Digital Transformation Just Change?(hxDTE10) You know what it’s like. You’re in one of those really long meetings where nothing ever happens. And then suddenly your boss announces that the company’s going to go through a digital transformation. Okay. But isn’t that just a fancy new buzzword for change? A few changes are no big deal, right? If it’s done right, digital transformation isn’t just about making a few changes in the organization or updating your social media skills. It can be profound, forever evolving, and it can totally change the way you work. If you understand the difference between the 2 terms, you can help make the transformation a success rather than watching it fail. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Distinguish between change and digital transformation • Understand the downsides of confusing change with transformation • Consider the benefits of pursuing transformation rather than just change <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone who is about to go through a digital transformation will benefit from taking this course. You’ll learn the difference between change and digital transformation, how blurring these terms can lead to problems, and the benefits of a digital transformation over a more traditional change initiative. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 39
The Five Ps: Persistence, Patience, Purpose, People & Profits(hxENT01) The age of discovery is upon us! The world’s advancing so fast that it can be hard to keep up. Things that once seemed unimaginable are now completely possible, and the buzzword in every business is “solutions.” So, it’s a great time to pull out your inner entrepreneur! The flip side to advancement is growing competition. So, to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to stand out above the rest. A large part of that is down to your approach. And to master a winning approach, at the heart of your mindset you need “The Five Ps”: Persistence, Patience, Purpose, People, and Profits. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define and apply the meaning of the Five Ps in entrepreneurship • Identify the importance of the Five Ps in entrepreneurship • Use techniques to improve your Five-Ps skills <b>Why take this course?</b> Coming up with a unique idea is great, but turning that idea into reality is the true key to entrepreneurship. In order to manage that effectively you not only need the idea but the personality skills to make it happen. For all budding entrepreneurs, this course will help you to focus on the Five Ps and understand why they are crucial. It will also give you tips and techniques to help improve your skills. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 40
The Entrepreneurial Mindset(hxENT02) Everyone has a mindset. And, while you might not be aware of it, it affects every part of your life. It’s an established set of attitudes you hold, which can uncover opportunities, ignite ambition, and help you thrive. It can also be an obstacle, anchoring you to familiarity. This might be comfortable but isn’t productive for thoughts and actions, and it doesn’t help you learn and grow. An entrepreneurial mindset is a set of skills that lets people identify and maximize opportunities, overcoming and learning from setbacks, in order to succeed. And while it’s often thought that “people are just born with it,” getting into this way of thinking is actually something you can train your brain to do. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the traits of an entrepreneurial mindset • Define the importance of having the right mindset • Use techniques to improve and expand your entrepreneurial mindset <b>Why take this course?</b> To be a successful entrepreneur, you have to think like one. Having the right mindset will give you the courage to push boundaries, face adversity, and carry on. For anyone looking to hone their mindset to achieve results, this course can help. It will explain what an entrepreneurial mindset looks like and why it’s important. It will also offer advice and techniques to help get you thinking like an entrepreneur. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 40
Being Curious(hxENT03) You’ve heard the saying “Curiosity killed the cat,” right? But did you know that it actually has another line: “Satisfaction brought it back”? Being curious is often warned against, in case the outcome of that curiosity isn’t favorable. But for successful entrepreneurs, curiosity is vital, and satisfaction is the prize. Curiosity is the thirst for knowledge. The desire to learn and understand new things, and to ask questions to figure out the “how” and, crucially, the “why.” It helps you expand your mind, challenge ideas, and find fresh thinking. It allows you to problem-solve more effectively and discover what might be possible, instead of just what’s feasible. And it’s an essential tool in your entrepreneur’s tool kit. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the importance of being curious in entrepreneurship • Use questioning to expand understanding and creativity • Practice techniques to improve your curiosity <b>Why take this course?</b> The more questions you ask, the more likely you are to find answers. This comes with the added bonus of new knowledge and perspectives, which can be called upon when you need them. For all budding entrepreneurs or anyone looking to expand their thinking, this course can help. It will show you why curiosity is vital for discovery and innovation, and how to improve your curiosity and use questions to achieve results. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 40
The Power of Imagination(hxENT04) Remember being a kid? Anything was possible. Ball stuck on the roof? No problem, you’d just fly up there like a superhero. But as adults, imagination gets replaced with common experiences. And drawing on those experiences, instead of using your imagination to problem-solve, becomes a barrier to progress and problem-solving. Because they have no hindering adult experiences, children think without boundaries. They use their imagination to problem-solve like superheroes and look at everything in fresh, new ways. In business, these imaginative skills are crucial for success. If everyone approached problem-solving like children do, the world would be a much more innovative place. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of imagination in business • Identify how imagination aids problem-solving in any business • Use techniques to develop your imagination skills <b>Why take this course?</b> Successful entrepreneurs embrace their inner child, harnessing the power of imagination, to turn visions into realities and use fresh thinking to problem-solve. And the brilliant thing about imagination is everyone has it. You just need to rediscover it! Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned leader wanting to refresh, this course can help. It will examine the role of imagination in business and why it’s crucial for growth. It’ll also offer some useful advice on how to harness the powers that your imagination holds. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 40
Being Self-Aware(hxENT05) Have you ever been on the receiving end of the line “Take a long hard look at yourself!”? Sobering, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in situations and lose sight of what you’re actually trying to achieve. But, for any entrepreneur to be successful, great self-awareness is a must. Being self-aware means having the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and usually some soul-searching. It might seem like a pretty abstract concept, but it helps keep things in perspective. Being able to reflect on yourself and your interactions with others will not only improve your own mental well-being, but also your vision and success in business. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify how to exercise self-awareness • Identify the importance of self-awareness in business • Use techniques to master your own self-awareness <b>Why take this course?</b> Successful entrepreneurs know the first steps to success come from inside. They understand who they are, and use their instincts and intuition to achieve their goals. If you’re a budding entrepreneur or business leader, this course is for you. It will explain how having the ability to reflect and learn about yourself helps you to achieve and progress in business. And it will give you some useful advice on getting to grips with your own self-awareness. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 40
Building Relationships and Networking(hxENT06) Fantastic working relationships have led to some great and extremely profitable products. Think Disney working with Pixar, GoPro teaming up with Red Bull, and the ultimate pairing of Taco Bell and Doritos! But your business doesn’t need to be a household name to build an effective relationship. When businesses work together successfully, they can achieve great things. But building great working relationships and maintaining them can be difficult. So, how can you make sure the relationship will benefit both sides and last for longer than a few months? And how do you make these contacts in the first place? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify effective networking techniques • Describe ways to create great working relationships • Create a plan to maintain and grow business relationships <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re just starting a new business, or looking to expand your current enterprise, this course is designed for you. You’ll learn to network effectively, cultivate fantastic business-to-business relationships that’ll benefit your company, and increase your standing in your chosen field. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 40
The Power of Influence(hxENT07) Influential people hold a lot of power, and can change the behaviors of others with just a suggestion. When a popular business or public figure advertises a certain product, you can almost guarantee that product will see a surge in orders. Using influential celebrities and leaders in advertising campaigns isn’t a new idea, it was common as far back as the Roman Empire, so it’s useful to learn how to harness that power of influence in your field of business. You might not want to reach every single teenager in America, but having greater influence in your workplace will improve your leadership skills and your results. <b>By the end of this course you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of influence in business • List positive methods for increasing influence • Examine ways to leverage your influence to create change <b>Why take this course?</b> Leaders and entrepreneurs who are looking to build their standing within their industry will benefit from a greater understanding of influence. When your influence grows, so does belief in your leadership, bringing you power in your chosen field and creating a strong, cohesive team. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 40
Taking Calculated Risks(hxENT08) You take risks every day. When you’re crossing the street, trying out a new recipe, or sending that text, you’re risking a potentially unhappy outcome. But that doesn’t stop you from doing it, so why would it be any different for a business? Every business needs to take some risks. If it doesn’t, it’ll never grow or learn anything. But the chances you take in your day-to-day life are much more familiar to you, so you know what the outcomes could be and how likely they are. Not knowing the details of risks can make you afraid, and that fear can restrict your business’s potential. This course is designed to show you how to measure the likelihood and impact of potential risks. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize methods of measuring risk • Analyze the likelihood and impact of risk • Compare measured risks to measured opportunities • Explain the importance of thorough research <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a leader, innovator, or entrepreneur, then this course is for you. It’ll help you understand that risks need to be taken to grow your business. By learning to measure potential risks and compare them to potential opportunities, you’ll be able to take your company to new heights. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 40
Being Prepared to Fail(hxENT09) When birds learn to fly, they jump out of the nest knowing that they could fly or fall. But they never know which one it will be, until they take that leap of faith. This same uncertainty applies to testing out new business ideas in the real world. You will never really know if it’s going to succeed or fail – but planning for both outcomes will leave you feeling much more prepared to try. Asking the right questions at the beginning of the venture can safeguard against failure to a point, but how do you recover financially, and emotionally, from a failed business idea? This course will show you how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Create an action plan to combat the early stages of failure • Manage your expectations of success • Outline techniques to deal with the emotional impact of failure <b>Why take this course?</b> Entrepreneurs and innovators everywhere can benefit from being prepared to fail. A failed business idea doesn’t mean the end of a career in business. When you can celebrate and learn from past failures, you’ll create a sure path to future successes. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 40
Turning Ideas into Action(hxENT10) Everyone’s had that lightbulb moment. When you think of an idea so brilliant that it could just change your life. You can almost hear the “ding!” as it appears over your head. Some ideas could give rise to huge companies with a presence around the world. Or they could turn out to be flops in an oversaturated market. Either way, you’ll never know until you take those ideas seriously and create an action plan to bring them to life. Figuring out how to turn ideas into actions can be daunting, but this course is designed to show you the steps you can take to make your vision a reality. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Analyze your ideas effectively • Create a plan to turn ideas into actions • Monitor the outcomes of ideas <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is designed to benefit entrepreneurs and innovators across all industries, with clear steps to make your new business idea a reality. Our tips will help you take the next steps to get your business ideas off the ground and let your dreams take flight. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 40
The Four Types Of Leader(hxLE001) When thinking of great leaders, people like driven presidents or heads of state who achieved their goals might come to mind. Or maybe you remember someone from your personal life, like a teacher or school principal, whose “no-nonsense” attitude helped get results. Although these types of people may not have been liked by everybody, they all used their leadership styles to create success. It just goes to show that whether you’re popular or not, adopting the appropriate style of leadership will encourage others to follow your guidance. In the workplace, the same rules apply. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand what a ‘leader’ is • Understand why leadership is important • Identify the 4 leadership styles, their advantages, and disadvantages • Adopt a leadership style that works for you <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether it’s running a team project or fairly dividing a birthday cake up for the office, leadership skills are useful. This course will help you learn about the different styles of leadership, as well as discover which method works for you so that you can always perform at your best. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 27
Learning Culture in the Workplace(hxLNE06) Culture. It’s the heart and soul of any successful workforce. But a true “learning culture” isn’t just a buzzword modern companies should throw around to sound good. It’s also not as easy as jazzing up your office décor with a ping pong table, and hoping it motivates your employees from there on in. Nope, it’s much more than that. A workplace learning culture means an organization that provides many different opportunities to learn, innovate, and grow. It’s a continual process. Constant learning is the key to a company that thrives because it elevates individuals – as employees and as people. It opens opportunities for them, and their company, to transform continuously for the better. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize what a learning culture in the workplace is • Identify strategies for building a strong culture of learning • Implement tips to create the right type of learning culture for your team <b>Why take this course?</b> No matter what your industry, there’s no doubt that your employees, your organization, and, ultimately, your bottom line would benefit from a culture in which employees are constantly learning new things, seeking out new opportunities, and developing new skills. Continuous learning not only makes employees knowledgeable about their role, but also teaches them how to enrich their time at work and truly thrive. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 41
Learning and Employee Engagement(hxLNE07) Ever seen a die-hard comic book fan at a convention? They’re usually dripping with merch, costumes made to precision, eyes wide with excitement at the thought of meeting their favorite character. Their commitment, passion, and loyalty is 2nd to none. Making them so engaged that nothing could tear them away. If only there were a way to inject that kind of enthusiasm into our workplace. (Ok… the wacky costumes wouldn’t fly with HR, but imagine having that level of dedication and passion every single day.) In business, employee engagement is the emotional commitment employees have to the organization and its goals. As a leader, it’s your job to create an environment that lights a fire in their belly. Employee engagement is one of the core pillars of a thriving workplace and is proven to decrease staff turnover, increase productivity, and even drive customer satisfaction. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify what a learning environment is and how to prioritize it • Recognize how learning and development can be used to increase employee engagement • Demonstrate best practices for creating an engaged team <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is for leaders of all levels who want to achieve a strong learning and engagement environment. Employees who are engaged go above and beyond to provide better experiences to clients and co-workers. In turn, this can benefit your organization's reputation and profitability, too. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 41
Promoting Social Learning(hxLNE08) Every workplace consists of people from all kinds of backgrounds. So, when it comes to learning and retaining new information, what works for one individual, may not work for another. Think about it – traditional learning that interests your senior staff isn’t necessarily going to keep your millennial new hires engaged too. Fortunately, one universal type of learning we can all relate to is social learning. Social learning is knowledge sharing through various interactions with others. From gamifying training sessions, to checking what’s hot on TikTok, there are tons of new and exciting ways companies can turn to their communities to engage in social learning in the digital realm. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe what is meant by the term social learning • Recognize the effects and benefits social learning can have • Implement techniques for promoting social learning in your workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> As the economy grows, businesses are looking for new ways to improve upon the skills and agility of their workforce. New types of social learning are the way to do this. No matter what industry you’re in, you’ll find this course useful for learning how to integrate social learning into your work life in order to get the very best out of your employees. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 41
Growth Mindset(hxLNE09) Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s her growth mindset. Growth is a part of life. But when it comes to learning, lots of us can be set in our ways, making it harder to grasp new information, rise to challenges, and adapt to change. You’re either smart and talented, or you’re not… right? Wrong! Fixed mindsets teach us that we’re simply born with a set level of talent, intelligence, and interests, and that talent alone is the source of our success. But this is limiting. Instead, a growth mindset teaches us to believe that our abilities can be developed through lots of hard work and dedication. People with a growth mindset are more likely to enjoy learning, seek out situations in which to experiment, and even see failure as a positive opportunity to grow. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain what is meant by a growth mindset • Recognize the benefits a growth mindset can have on an individual’s approach to learning • Demonstrate ways of channeling a growth mindset for your whole team <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is perfect for managers of all levels who are curious about adopting a growth mindset for the good of their teams. Developing a growth mindset will not only help people at work but in relationships and all other aspects of life too! <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 62
Removing the Barriers to Learning(hxLNE10) Ever heard of barriers? For instance, when the break room becomes a no-go zone because that one person in the office selfishly decided to cook fish in the microwave and stink the place out? That’s a type of barrier we could all do without. When you and your team are working toward success, barriers are never a welcome factor. But when they do pop up, it’s important to know how to deal with them. A barrier to learning is anything that prevents employees from fully engaging in learning. From workplace distractions, to negative mindsets, and even lack of training, barriers to learning come in all shapes and sizes and can be damaging to a business if not resolved in the right way. <b>By the end of this course you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify and address common types of learning barriers that exist in the workplace • Recognize the tools and approaches needed to overcome barriers to learning • Use methods that provide your teams with a healthy learning environment <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is suited for leaders of all levels who want to keep their learners fully engaged. By understanding the top learning barriers modern businesses face, and using actionable tips to overcome them, you’ll be able to create an environment that brings out the very best in your employees. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 41
Leading with Respect and Respecting Others(hxLRM01) How would you fare if the boss of your company was secretly working beside you? Would you be worried about your job because they might complicate the process? Or would you be pleased, because you know you’ve always done your best? Committed employees are often rewarded for their services, after all. It happens. Bosses who get involved in day-to-day activities are displaying one of the main cornerstones of leading with respect. Only by observing, challenging, and supporting their staff, combined with listening, learning, fostering teamwork, and more, can a manager truly foster respect. And you can lead your team in the same way. We’re going to explain how. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of leading with respect • Identify different ways to show that you respect others • Implement tips to foster respect among your team <b>Why take this course?</b> Leading your team with respect will allow you to create better relationships and environments in which employees feel successful and welcome. That’s what a good leader does – helps their people succeed and reach their goals. If you lead, then this course can help your personal and professional success, too. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Leading with Energy(hxLRM02) Look at any successful company, and you’ll see a trend. Their leaders are passionate and engaged with their employees. They lead from the front, with purposeful energy and a clear vision, and that’s what their business is fundamentally built around. On the other hand, companies that don’t lead with energy can stagnate and lose competitiveness. They also have decreased customer satisfaction, lower growth, and reduced return on investment. If you want to lead your team to success, you’ve got to learn how to channel, focus, and monitor that energy to stay energized. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define what leading with energy is • Identify ways to use energy to engage your team • Explain the benefits of leading with energy <b>Why take this course?</b> You don’t have to run a business to utilize these skills. A leader at any level can use their energy to inspire and engage their team. You don’t even have to manage people right now to take advantage of these useful tips. All you need is energy and enthusiasm. Take this course and reap the benefits personally and professionally. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Being Positive(hxLRM03) We all know someone who is a positive role model. Maybe it’s your favorite teacher from your school days, someone who inspires you in a social group, or even a relative? Whoever it is, having a positive mental attitude is likely a contributory factor to your opinion of them. Being positive as a leader uses many of the same traits. You want to bring out the best in others, supporting and building relationships with them. That’s what leaders should do. So if you can train yourself in positivity, it’ll make you a better, more successful person, and your team will improve. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of positive leadership • Identify different techniques to improve your own positivity • Implement ways of increasing your team’s positivity <b>Why take this course?</b> Improving your positivity is a great way to engage yourself and others in your team. Keep feeding yourself with positivity and you’ll be able to share it with others. If you lead a team, it’s a great and easy way to increase morale, reduce staff turnover, and improve relationships with those around you. Take this course and find out how. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/23 42
Leading with Commitment(hxLRM04) Many managers take it as read that an employee should be loyal and committed right from onboarding. After all, you’re doing them a favor by employing them, right? WRONG! This kind of attitude is simply not realistic when it comes to modern talent. People understand their worth, and if you want to bring the best out in them, you need to show commitment yourself. Being a committed leader and having committed employees go hand in hand. You need to believe in the company’s direction and purpose and communicate that effectively. That means paying attention to the individuals in your team, understanding their unique abilities, and ensuring their personalities align with yours and the business’s values. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain the importance of leadership commitment • Identify ways to increase commitment in your team • Demonstrate leadership behaviors to inspire employee commitment <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re the type of leader who wants to inspire a culture of commitment in your team, then this course is full of useful tips to get you started. If your team members are committed, you’ll see positive benefits such as higher-quality work, reduced turnover, and increased morale. Commit to taking this course and get started. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Using Humor(hxLRM05) “My manager said he wanted me to have a better day today. So, I went home.” Alright, they can’t all be winners. But you know, using humor effectively can be a great way to lead a team. Even former President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership.” And who are we to argue? Fact is, using humor effectively creates a good atmosphere, a positive environment, and a productive and happy workplace culture. Your attitude will rub off on your employees when humor is used well. You just have to be careful. Certain types and levels of humor may cause more harm than good, so you have to tread that tightrope carefully. We can help with that. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the correct level and type of humor to use • Explain the benefits of using humor as a leader • Demonstrate humor at appropriate times <b>Why take this course?</b> If you are a leader who wants to get the most out of your team, then using humor is a great way to positively engage with them. Result? Happy, hard-working employees who look up to you as the great leader you are. Learn some techniques and how to use them by taking this course. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
The Power of Patience(hxLRM06) Patience. For some it’s just a card game, for others it’s about keeping their calm when things don’t go their way. Patience isn’t just a card game or a virtue. It can be powerful, too. It’s an essential tool for every leader that will improve success rates and help build better workplaces. When you use patience in the workplace, you can improve relationships, command respect, and win better deals. Successfully exercising patience can take a little time out of your day, but it’s worth it. In the long term, you’ll save time and money by listening to staff, considering your options, and biding your time in dealmaking. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits of being patient • Describe patience-building techniques • Practice patience while interacting with your team <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a leader, you’ll need to exercise patience to be successful. Beyond just counting to 10, there are many techniques you can use to help with that. So, if you want to learn how to be as cool as ice, then this course will help you. You’ll learn about patience, how it can be useful in the workplace, and how you can be more patient as a leader. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Recognizing and Rewarding Others(hxLRM07) There’s plenty of satisfaction to be gained from doing a great job. But when you’re recognized for being a star in the workplace, it can feel really special. The opposite is true also. When you consistently perform to a high level and don’t receive any recognition, it can be demoralizing. As a leader, recognizing and rewarding others is a great way to show staff you’re paying attention to what they’re doing. When you do, you’ll set good examples, boost morale, and increase the value of your business by reducing staff turnover. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the power of recognition • Know when to use rewards • Reward others successfully <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a leader, or plan to become one, then this course is definitely for you. Recognition and reward are 2 important tools that every leader should have in their tool kit. You’ll see how recognition and reward can boost your business, how to recognize when you should reward staff, and what type of rewards you should give. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Leading with Empathy(hxLRM08) Sometimes, there’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to get your point across. Y’know, when the person you’re talking to just can’t understand what you’re trying to say or understand how you’re feeling? It could be because they can’t empathize. As a leader, you’ll need to empathize to be successful. But you might ask, “Why, if it’s all about somebody else?” Empathy will help you understand another person’s needs and feelings, and see the world through their eyes. Once you do, you’ll stand a far better chance of building strong, trusting relationships. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand empathy • Recognize the benefits of empathy • Successfully use empathy <b>Why take this course?</b> Empathizing is something we can all learn to do, and it’s an essential skill for leaders. Empathy will help you better understand and support your employees, get to the root cause of problems, and predict the effect of your future actions. In this course, you’ll find out what empathy is all about, see how it can benefit you and your business, and find out how to use it successfully to build better working relationships. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Knowing When You're Wrong(hxLRM09) We’ve all known a person who thinks they’re always right. Usually, they’re the most annoying person in the room. It can take a lot of courage to admit when you’re wrong. But to even get to that stage, you need to be able to recognize that you’re wrong in the first place. It's vitally important that leaders know when they’re wrong. Imagining that you’re right, even when you’re not, will only lead to problems and can spell disaster for a business. Knowing when you’re wrong will help you to build stronger relationships and allow you to correct mistakes before they become major issues. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways to be sure you’re wrong • Recognize the benefits of knowing when you’re wrong • Describe how to turn being wrong into a positive outcome <b>Why take this course?</b> As a leader you need to get things right, but as a human being you’ll sometimes get things wrong. This course will help you to know when you’re wrong, understand the benefits of recognizing that, and still be successful as a leader even when you don’t always get things right. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 42
Planning Campaigns(hxMSA02) If you were asked to think of a great marketing campaign, you’d probably be able to recall some classic, big-brand TV advertising campaigns. Whether they were funny, emotive, or just plain creative, they helped their target audience connect with the brand. Clever advertising is just the end product, though. Behind it sits a crucial element: campaign planning. In most organizations, marketing campaigns are not only vital for customer and sales growth, they also play an important role in building brand awareness. And, to ensure any marketing campaign hits the mark, effective and solid plans are essential. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the 8 main types of campaign planning • Identify the stages of an effective campaign plan • Describe the benefits of documenting campaign planning • Develop a successful campaign plan <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re new to marketing, or a seasoned executive or leader wanting to refresh, this course can help. It will explain the benefits of having solid campaign plans and what an effective plan needs to include. And, by examining some tried-and-tested techniques, it will help you plan your future campaigns. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
SEO and PPC(hxMSA03) The internet’s amazing, right? All the knowledge in existence is available at the touch of a button, and on devices that fit into the palm of your hand! But besides being the world’s most comprehensive encyclopedia, when used correctly, the internet’s also a marketing superpower! In this digital age, a business website is a must-have. But to make any website really work as a marketing tool, you need to choose, and implement, the right strategy for letting people know that it’s there. Two of the most effective methods of doing this are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Compare SEO and PPC • Recognize the benefits of SEO and PPC • Identify the most suitable method for your marketing • Plan an SEO or PPC strategy <b>Why take this course?</b> Having an on-point strategy for boosting internet traffic is an absolute must in modern marketing. If you’re a leader, senior manager, or marketing executive, this course can help. It’ll explain 2 of the most popular methods for driving web traffic, and how to use them. And, by following the steps in this course, you’ll be able to effectively plan SEO and PPC strategies as part of your overall marketing strategy. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i>Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Digital Marketing: LinkedIn and Social Media(hxMSA04) Social media is everywhere. Research shows that over half of the earth’s population now uses some form of social media. Did you know, in an average internet minute, Facebook has 973,000 logins? And LinkedIn has over 660 million users in total? With numbers like that, it’s easy to see how social media has become an important tool for digital marketing. Social media marketing (SMM) isn’t just about getting people to click through to your website using a catchy ad, though. It’s about designing and creating targeted content, tailored to each platform, to drive engagement, grow a following, and encourage sharing. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the marketing benefits of LinkedIn & social media • Identify the most suitable platforms for your business • Create and implement LinkedIn & SMM plans <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a business leader, or a marketing executive or manager, understanding how to use social media for marketing is essential. This course will describe the benefits of social media marketing, and examine the most popular platforms, to help you decide which ones are right for your business. And, by following the advice in this course, you’ll be able to build an effective social media marketing plan, too. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Customer Insights and Analysis(hxMSA05) Have you ever wished you could travel to the future, so you can plan ahead? Knowing what’s around the corner would be really useful for keeping everything on track, right? Unfortunately, seeing the future isn’t possible. But, in business and marketing, you do have the next best thing: customer insights. Customer insights, also known as consumer insights, are gained by analyzing data. They provide clues about consumer behavior patterns, or market trends. Interpreting these clues enables you to predict, and shape, the future. You can use them to decide on the best ways to connect with your target audience, and to achieve the results you want. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the value and benefits of customer insights in planning marketing strategies • Collect, read, and analyze a wide range of data • Plan your customer insight & analysis strategy <b>Why take this course?</b> Business is fast-paced. Keeping up with consumer behavior, and trends, is the only way to survive. If you’re a senior leader in marketing, a marketing manager, or a marketing executive, the ability to analyze and interpret customer insights is essential. This course will help you understand the importance of effective analysis and show you how to collect meaningful data. And, by using the advice in this course, you’ll be able to plan your strategy in order to make customer insights and analysis work for you. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Digital Optimization(hxMSA06) It’s a fast-paced world, right? Business is done 24/7, 365 days a year, to meet consumer demand. And failing to keep pace can see companies being swallowed up by their competitors. Because businesses are always open, marketing needs to keep up the pace, too. Thankfully, progress in technology has provided tools to help streamline activities, boost efficiency, and stay ahead of the game. Digital optimization is about using digital technology to improve the ways in which things are done. In marketing, effective digital optimization helps ensure the right markets are targeted, at the right time, and in the right way. Get it right, and you’ll enhance the success of your campaigns, as well as the efficiency of your whole marketing strategy. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain the processes, and scope, of digital optimization • Recall the benefits of digital optimization and multichannel marketing • Identify opportunities for digital optimization in your processes • Develop a digital optimization strategy to improve your marketing operations <b>Why take this course?</b> For leaders or marketing executives, understanding digital optimization, and identifying where and how to use it, is vital. This course explains what digital optimization is, and lays out its business benefits. By using the processes and methods in this course, you’ll be able to utilize digital optimization to streamline your marketing strategy. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Content Marketing(hxMSA07) Think about your favorite book, magazine, or TV show. Why do you like it so much? It’s likely your answer will be, “Because it makes me feel good, and I feel connected to it.” That’s because its content successfully “speaks” to its target audience: you. Content marketing works in the same way. Traditional marketing methods aimed to achieve one thing: sell, sell, sell! But modern methods focus on building brand identity, connecting with customers on a personal level, and helping them solve problems. Get these 3 things right by using effective content marketing, and you’ll build customer loyalty and trust. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the benefits of effective content marketing • Recognize the types of content that will be effective as a marketing tool • Create and manage content to fit your marketing strategy <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a marketing manager, marketing executive,or a senior leader, this course can help you build your brand’s voice through the content you share. It will explore what’s meant by content marketing, and show you the benefits of effective content marketing. And, by using the advice in this course, you’ll be able to create effective content marketing that complements your overall marketing strategy. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Email Marketing(hxMSA08) Technology continually brings us new ways to communicate, so using emails for marketing might sound like yesterday’s news. But recent studies show that email marketing is now more effective than ever! In fact, when it’s done correctly, it’s the most effective marketing channel. On average, every $1 spent on email marketing gets a $51 return. So it’s worth the investment. Effective email marketing helps businesses connect with their customers, develop strong client relationships, convert prospects, and turn one-time purchasers into regular buyers. And the best thing about email marketing is that the whole process can be automated. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits of email marketing • Produce an effective email marketing strategy • Design and test email marketing campaigns • Create targeted and effective email marketing using automation software and analytics <b>Why take this course?</b> To successfully market your brand, you need to have every base covered. If you work in marketing at any level, then this course can help. It will investigate the benefits of marketing by email, as well as useful approaches, and tools, to help enhance your email marketing. And by using the tips in this course, you’ll be able to create an effective email marketing strategy that suits the business’s needs. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Influencer and Affiliate Marketing(hxMSA09) In marketing, the ultimate goal is to influence consumers. Whether it’s building brand identity, selling products or services, or introducing new concepts or trends, marketing is all about influencing your targets. Successful marketing connects consumers with brands by presenting something that’s attractive to them. One of the most effective ways to do that, is through influencer and affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing gives a brand a personality, and, importantly, a face. Using influencers can take that to the next level, because it gives the brand a recognizable face. While using global celebrities to market brands isn’t a new idea, the social media boom has created a new type of celebrities with huge followings and the power to influence consumers. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits of influencer and affiliate marketing • Identify influencers that match your brand • Create an effective influencer/affiliate marketing plan <b>Why take this course?</b> As a senior leader, marketing executive, or marketing manager, you know what you want your brand to say. This course will explore the business benefits of using <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Viral Marketing(hxMSA10) “It’s gone viral!” You’ve probably heard that phrase before. And, if you use social media, you’ve likely seen viral content, too. Funny videos, catchy songs, and internet pranks shared repeatedly. They attract huge audiences across the globe. The reason they’re so popular is simple. They’re honest, emotive, and relatable. But whether they’re humorous or heartfelt, they strike a chord with mass audiences, not just specific targets. Viral marketing works in the same way. It’s essentially traditional “word-of-mouth” marketing, but with a modern twist: the addition of tech to spread the word further. Going viral can be a huge boost for brand marketing, because creating content can be cheaper than traditional methods, it offers businesses a global reach, and, if it works, can bring massive returns. But to work, viral marketing relies on people connecting with, and sharing, your content. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits and limitations of viral marketing • Identify opportunities for viral marketing campaigns • Create and launch a viral campaign, as part of your marketing strategy <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a senior leader in marketing, a marketing manager, or a marketing executive, this course can help you with viral marketing. It’ll explain what viral marketing is, and how to identify opportunities and avoid pitfalls when creating content. By using the tips in this course, you’ll be able to create campaigns with the potential to send brands into viral overdrive. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Development Plan 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 43
Project Management Methodologies Part 1(hxPMA01) Life is full of projects. Whether in your work or homelife, there’s always a task with a defined set of end goals that need completing. It might be a large-scale, multi-stakeholder deal for your company, or it could even be something as simple as cooking a meal or planning your next vacation. So, getting project management right is a must. In business, effective project management helps ensure success and maximize productivity. But achieving the ideal project management strategy can be challenging, and needs to be tailored to suit each project. Thankfully, there are methodologies to help you do this. But which one should you choose? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> •Describe the principles of the Waterfall, Agile, Hybrid, and Scrum methodologies •Identify the pros and cons of each methodology •Identify and employ the most suitable methodology for your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Business success relies on effective project management, so having a range of methodologies to call on is vital to succeed as a project manager. Whether you’re new to the role, or a seasoned professional wanting to refresh, this course is for you. Over 2 parts, it will examine the most widely used methodologies, looking at their pros and cons, and the project styles they are most suited to. This course is part 1 of a 2-part set. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Project Management Methodologies Part 2(hxPMA02) Life is all about managing projects. It might be a large-scale, multi-stakeholder deal for your company, or planning a house move or home improvements. Whatever the project, managing it effectively is vital. In business, effective project management helps ensure success and maximize productivity. But achieving the ideal project management strategy can be challenging, and needs to be tailored to suit your company’s needs. Thankfully, there are methodologies to help you do this. But which one should you choose? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the principles of the CPM, CCPM, IPM, PRiSM, and PRINCE2 methodologies • Identify the pros and cons of each methodology • Identify and employ the most suitable methodology for your business <b>Why take this course?</b> Business success relies on high-quality project management, so having a range of methodologies to call on is vital to succeed as a project manager. Whether you’re new to the role or a seasoned professional wanting to refresh, this course is for you. Over 2 parts, it will examine the most widely used methodologies, looking at their pros and cons, and the project styles they are most suited to, to help you decide which methods are most suited to your business. This course is part 2 of a 2-part set. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Organizing and Motivating a Team(hxPMA04) Project joy: the exciting feeling when a new project lands on your desk. You can probably already see how great it could be, but to get it there will take a lot of work. There are many things to consider when starting a new project. But first and foremost, it’s time to organize your team. To ensure that project goals are successfully achieved, you need the right team for the job. And once you have the right team members, keeping them motivated for the life cycle of the project is just as important. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the factors that need to be considered when organizing teams • Define effective techniques to help organize project teams • Use a variety of techniques to motivate teams • Identify the benefits and pitfalls of self-organized teams <b>Why take this course?</b> In project management, organizing, and then continuously motivating teams, could mean the difference between success and failure. So, getting it right from the beginning is key. If you’re a leader or project manager, this course is for you. It will examine effective ways to organize and motivate teams to ensure projects reach their goals. It will also look at how self-organized teams can help streamline tasks and achieve results when managed correctly. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Time Management in Projects(hxPMA05) “There just aren’t enough hours in the day!” How many times have you heard that phrase? You’ve probably said it yourself, too. In work, and in life, effective time management can be a difficult nut to crack! But in project management, effectively controlling time ensures that projects stay on track and deadlines are successfully met. This makes it an essential skill and a crucial part of any project manager’s job. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define the importance of effective project time management • Identify the 6 steps involved in project time management • Use strategies to control time management within projects <b>Why take this course?</b> A project, by nature, will have a deadline. And achieving deadlines as well as goals will ultimately determine the success of a project. Not getting it right could be costly for your business and detrimental to future projects, so having the ability to control time management is vital. For new and seasoned project managers, this course will help you manage time more effectively. It will explain the importance of project time management, and examine the stages involved in its control. It will also give you some useful strategies to help you keep up with <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/30 48
Developing a Budget (Cost Estimating)(hxPMA06) Starting a car without any fuel in the gas tank is never a great idea, is it? Without gas, the engine can’t start, the car won’t move, and you’ll never get anywhere. Similarly, a project without a proper budget in place won’t go anywhere either. You need approved funding to get all the resources in place before you start your project on the road to success. After all, how many projects really get going for free? Stakeholders want to see every cent accounted for before they give their approval. Whether that’s in direct or indirect costs, or part of a risk contingency plan. But how can you plan for unknown costs and risks? This course is designed to show you how to deliver a thorough and accurate budget for your project. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> •Recognize the importance of a project budget •Choose the estimation system that’s right for you •Describe the steps to building a comprehensive budget for your project <b>Why take this course?</b> Project managers and their teams across all industries will benefit from effective project budgeting. This course will help you to create a fully costed budget to get approval from stakeholders, and lead your project to success. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Ensuring Customer Satisfaction(hxPMA07) When you walk into a situation with high expectations, you’re likely to feel let down if you don’t get what you want. Customers expect to get what they pay for. Giving them anything less will affect the satisfaction they feel after interacting with your business. It’s never a good idea to leave your customers unsatisfied. After all, who knows how many potential customers will read a bad review? So, it’s important to set out a plan for ensuring customer satisfaction in your new project. By planning for positive customer experiences and putting ways of dealing with potential issues in place, you’re building a project with a plan to ensure all your customers leave feeling satisfied. <b>By the end of this course, you will be able to:</b> • Manage customer expectations • Recognize the importance of great product delivery • Describe great after-care techniques <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a project manager or leader who wants to enhance customer experience as part of a new or current project, then this is the course for you. Exceed shopper expectations when running your new project, and you’ll create loyal customers who keep coming back for more. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Managing Project Risk(hxPMA08) Everything is risky to a certain degree. From choosing a career, to starting an exciting new project, to buying an adventurous new flavor of ice cream, there’s always an element of risk involved. And doesn’t it feel great when that risk pays off? Pear and blue cheese ice cream, who knew? That’s not always the case, though. Taking big risks can leave you open to failure. So how do you know when to take a risk, and when to play it safe? When you manage project risk, and measure the likelihood and impact of possible outcomes, you can find out which risks are really worth taking. Learning to track risks, and monitoring the solutions put in place to counter them, will help you and your team make effective decisions. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Create and assess a risk register • Determine the likelihood and impact of risks • Outline the benefits of regular reviews of risk <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is designed to help project managers and leaders put effective risk management measures in place. Heading a well-informed team that shares information on risks effectively, will help safeguard your project from pitfalls and failure. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Monitoring Progress(hxPMA09) Have you set yourself a goal this year? Perhaps you want to run a marathon? Or learn a new language? Or maybe break the world record for the biggest cupcake? To reach your goals, you need to identify your starting point, and keep checking as you make progress. It’s going to take a lot of practice to beat the Georgetown Cupcake, though – it weighed more than 2,500 pounds! Most project managers are happy to let the cupcake record go, but do have their own goals to achieve. Monitoring the progress of your project will help you keep track of how far you’ve come, how close you are to achieving your goals, and whether you need to redistribute resources to keep things on track. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits of monitoring your project’s progress • Explain the use of data in monitoring and improving your project • Evaluate data to extract meaningful information <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re managing a project, you’ll need to monitor its progress. If you don’t, you won’t know how far you’ve come, or how close you are to achieving your goals. Monitoring progress will help you make beneficial decisions for the future, manage resources properly, and keep track of important project milestones. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Producing Reports(hxPMA10) Picture this. You’ve got a load of important information to take to a meeting with the project stakeholders. You’re ready to go and you’re confident you haven’t missed a thing. Problem is, some of the information is in your head and the rest is in handwritten notes. As soon as you sit down, your mind is a blank and the notes make no sense. Uh oh! If only you had a beautifully written and informative report to refer to instead. Using concise and informative reports to keep tabs on everything that’s going on with your project, will help you and project stakeholders see exactly how a project is progressing. And by learning to use those reports to aid decision-making, you might even get ahead. <b>By the end of this course, you will be able to:</b> • Select the right type of report for your project aims • Explain how to write effective reports • Use reports to make informed decisions <b>Why take this course?</b> Project managers in all industries can benefit from producing accurate and up-to-date reports. This course will help you select the right kind of report to use, explain how to write one, and even show you how to use reports to make informed decisions. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 44
Kanban in Practice(hxPMM02) Have you ever stopped to get your morning coffee when you’re in a major rush? Of course the coffee shop is busy. You have to wait in line to be served, and then wait again to get your order. Who wants that? If you put a project management system in place, you can reduce that waiting time. Kanban is a project management system that can help reduce response times between suppliers and customers. Translated from Japanese, “kanban” means “sign card.” Core to the system are the sign cards or kanbans that represent both the demand for a product and the work requirement of producing it. The Kanban system has been adopted by many companies in a variety of industries as a means of improving efficiency. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the core values of the Kanban methodology • Explain the pros and cons of the Kanban methodology • Outline a workflow based on Kanban principles • Build a Kanban board <b>Why take this course?</b> With a toolkit of project management methodologies at their disposal, project managers can choose which one is most suitable for their project. The Kanban methodology can help you to visualize work, limit work in progress, optimize flow, and identify areas for improvement. Use it well, and you can streamline your team’s work, avoid bottlenecks in production, and prevent the buildup of excess inventory. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 45
Scrum in Practice(hxPMM03) The Scrum project management methodology borrows its name from rugby, a sport in which team members huddle together for a “scrum.” Like the sport, this system requires the intense effort of a cross-functional team working across multiple phases, “passing the ball” from one to another. Scrum teams are 100% focused on a single project, working in short cycles called “sprints.” Teams are self-sufficient and without a project manager. A “Scrum Master” is responsible for facilitating work and conducting the scrum meetings or “ceremonies.” These include daily 15-minute scrums, and reviews which take place after each sprint. This course will show you how to implement the Scrum process to organize your projects and optimize teamwork. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the core principles of the Scrum methodology • Explain the pros and cons of the Scrum methodology • Outline a workflow based on the Scrum methodology <b>Why take this course?</b> Every project is different, and when it comes to project management, there are many different methodologies that can be used. With the Scrum method, while the “product owner” is responsible for the overall vision, the responsibility to self-organize and deliver the product on time falls on dedicated teams. If that sounds like a good fit for your projects, this training will explain how the Scrum method can help. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 45
Waterfall in Practice(hxPMM04) Ah, the 70s. The decade that gave us disco music, flares, and the Waterfall project management method. While it was formalized in the software industry, the Waterfall methodology builds on long-established principles from traditional industries like manufacturing and construction. It follows a sequential process: each project is divided into stages, and each stage must be completed before the next one can start. It relies on thorough planning from the start and extensive documentation at every stage of the process. Project managers are offered a clear system of working, in which team members and stakeholders can see progress easily. This means tracking and reporting are straightforward. This course will show you how you can use the Waterfall methodology to deliver project goals more efficiently. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the core principles of the Waterfall methodology • Explain the pros and cons of the Waterfall methodology • Outline the 6 stages of the Waterfall model <b>Why take this course?</b> Every organization, team member, and project is different. Project managers must be equipped with the right tools to adapt to any given environment. The Waterfall methodology works especially well for projects with fixed requirements and whenever processes are predictable and well-rehearsed. Use it wisely, and you can save time and money. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 45
Choosing the Right Project Methodology(hxPMM05) Every project manager is faced with important strategic decisions. When it comes to organizing team members, devising sensible workflows and procedures, and delivering results on time and on target, you have to strike a balance. Do you take a more active role in the process, or do you dictate the project requirements and then delegate to your team? No 2 projects are the same. Each requires its own approach. Some approaches to project management have been formalized into methodologies which are used extensively in business. This course will show you how different methodologies can be implemented to manage different projects, and how you can customize these approaches to meet your needs. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain why different styles of project management are appropriate in different situations • Summarize the pros and cons of the most popular project management methodologies • Describe how multiple methodologies can be adapted and combined <b>Why take this course?</b> Managing projects is all about crafting processes which work best for a particular project. If a project manager is equipped with the right tools, and is able to implement or combine different methodologies, they can be more effective in their role. This training offers guidance on which methods are most suitable in different scenarios. With the right system in place, you can maximize your efficiency. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 45
Greeting Customers(hxR0001) Whether spending time at the front of the store or working the “Live Chat” on the company’s website, you’ve got to understand how to greet customers properly. That first impression is the foundation upon which a great shopping experience is built. Greeting a customer correctly can have some excellent benefits for you. They’re likely to be more satisfied, treat you with respect, and be an integral part of a pleasant work environment. This course is designed to help you get it right the first time. So, when you’re ready, please do come in. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> · Recognize the importance of greeting customers · Identify the benefits and consequences of good and bad greetings · Implement tips to improve customer experience <b>Why take this course?</b> Has there ever been a time when you’ve felt welcome in a store? It made the whole experience more positive, and you’d shop there again too, right? Well, all customers can feel that way, and it all starts from a humble greeting. From shop clerk to manager, store to website, this training should be delivered to customer-facing colleagues working in retail, for the benefit of everyone. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Service at the Cash Register(hxR0002) When you’re taking your turn on the cash register, you might be the only person your customer interacts with in-store. That’s a golden opportunity for you to make their shopping experience a good one. Why is that important? Because good customer service goes a long way. When a customer has a good in-store experience, they’ll be satisfied, which will, in turn, make your role easier. This course is going to explain how to have this short, but important interaction correctly. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Demonstrate the correct greeting and manage personal interactions • Identify opportunities to upsell or exchange for a better deal • Compare different payment measures and how they affect customers <b>Why take this course?</b> The customer is king, so you have to treat them like one. The service you give them at the cash register is an important part of any shopping trip, both for them and for you. This course is perfect for those just starting out in retail, or for employees looking to refresh their customer service skills. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Connecting with Customers(hxR0003) The modern world is a convenient place if you’re a shopper. Businesses compete with each other to bring customers the best quality at the lowest price, but this can be problematic for the company you work for. Customers are faced with too much variety. How are you going to offer them your best customer service if they’re shopping elsewhere? In order to retain customers at the front end, you need to connect with them. All retail staff have a role to play in creating and maintaining these connections. If you do so, you’ll have more pleasant interactions and give them a better experience in store, as well as other worthwhile gains. This course can help you get started. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the benefits of connecting with customers • Demonstrate different ways to make connections • Explain how positive connections to customers can increase job satisfaction <b>Why take this course?</b> Every interaction with a customer is important. But in an increasingly digital world, many traditional opportunities to interact, such as when ordering products, are automated, and therefore no longer available. This means the times that you do get to build connections are limited and crucial. If you work in retail and deal with customers either online or in person, this course will help you upskill. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Giving Advice (Confidently)(hxR0004) It’s your first week at your new job. A customer asks you for advice about a product. You feel like you don’t know the products well enough yet, so you seek help from a co-worker. But the store is busy, and no one’s free to give you a hand. You hesitate, then mumble something about this week’s deals. The customer looks confused. They leave the store empty-handed. That’s not the way it’s supposed to go, right? The ability to deliver accurate and appropriate advice with confidence, is an important retail skill. This course will help you focus on listening to the customer, become an expert in products or services, and increase your confidence so customers trust you. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of focusing on your customer’s needs • Explain how to help your customer choose products or services • Apply strategies to boost your confidence when giving advice <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a retail worker who wants to be more confident when giving advice to customers, you’ll benefit from taking this course. You’ll learn why it’s important to focus on what your customer wants, how to help them make informed choices, and how to increase your own confidence. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Dealing with Stressful Situations(hxR0005) We’ve all been there. An unhappy customer holds you up while the line of shoppers waiting to pay gets longer and longer. Your stress levels are rising. You need to figure out a way to resolve the situation and get the line moving, or you’re going to have even more unhappy customers to deal with. So, what do you do? Being able to deal with stressful situations will help you thrive in retail. If you understand why situations can become stressful, you can prepare for them. Once a stressful event develops, it’s useful to know the most effective action to take. And being able to manage and reduce your own levels of stress will help you keep your cool. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize why situations become stressful • Explain how to handle stressful situations • Implement techniques to manage stress <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone starting out in retail will benefit from taking this course. You’ll learn why stressful situations occur, discover how to deal with them, and learn techniques that will help you handle your own levels of stress. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
The Importance of Procedures(hxR0006) You’ve heard the phrase, “Rules are made to be broken,” right? And sometimes it’s okay to bend the rules a little. Like having a cheat day when you’re on a diet, or staying up to binge-watch your favorite show, even though you’ve got an early start the next morning. You might feel a little guilty, but bending those rules isn’t likely to have serious consequences. But in retail, as in any industry, not sticking to company rules and policies could be much more serious for both you, and the business you work for. So, procedures are put in place to help everyone understand, and follow, company rules. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify different types of retail policies and procedures • Recognize the benefits of following procedures • Explain how to ensure you follow the correct retail procedures <b>Why take this course?</b> Whether you’re a retail assistant looking to progress, or a new retail manager or executive, this course will be beneficial to you. It’ll examine types of retail procedures you might be expected to follow, explore the benefits of following them, and explain how you can be sure you’ll follow the correct procedures at all times. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
The Basics of Commercial Awareness(hxR0007) In London, England, cabdrivers must train for and pass a test called “The Knowledge.” It’s a test designed to ensure they have a deep understanding of their job, and their industry. And, by making sure every driver has commercial awareness like this, they’re able to deliver one of the best taxi services in the world. But having this kind of awareness isn’t exclusive to London cabdrivers. Commercial awareness means understanding how the company you work for, and your whole industry, works. Being commercially aware is vital for everyone, in every business, as it helps drive success. Because of this, employers see commercial awareness as one of the most desirable skills in an employee. While you might not have to sit a test on commercial awareness, improving your knowledge will help you progress in your career. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define commercial awareness • Describe the importance, and benefits, of being commercially aware • Use techniques to improve your commercial awareness <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a new retail executive, or looking to progress, having good commercial awareness is a must. By taking this course, you’ll develop your understanding of commercial awareness, and recognize how it will benefit you. You’ll also learn some useful techniques to help improve your commercial awareness. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Developing Product Knowledge(hxR0008) Making a sale can be tough. Sometimes, to be successful you need access to every sales technique in the book. Of course, it helps if you have a great product. But when you’re trying to sell that product to a customer, it doesn’t look good if they know more about it than you do. That’s when good product knowledge can help. With good product knowledge, you’ll understand the items you’re selling, what they can do for your customer, and even what their limitations are. Know your products inside out, and you’ll be able to sell with confidence and answer any questions your customers may have. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits of good product knowledge • Explain how to improve your product knowledge • Use product knowledge to boost sales <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in retail, then this course is for you. It’ll give you the lowdown on good product knowledge, show how it can benefit you as a retail employee, and explain how to develop it further if necessary. And, once developed, you’ll find out how to use your product knowledge to boost sales. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i>Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
The Desire to Help Others(hxR0009) The desire to help others is 1 of the most important traits in a retail employee. Retail shouldn’t be seen as an opportunity to take advantage and sell to a customer at any cost. Instead, it’s an opportunity to discover what the customer wants and find a way to help them get it. You could be providing the right information, matching the right product, or explaining how the company’s products or services bring them what they need. When you help a customer like this, you’re providing the best possible retail experience, building trust, and increasing your chances of selling successfully. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the benefits of helping others • Identify ways in which you can help customers • Apply your sales skills while helping customers <b>Why take this course?</b> This course is essential if you work in retail at any level. You’ll see how you can help customers in different ways, understand what the benefits of helping customers are, and learn how to apply your sales skills and still help your customers get what they want. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Service with a Smile (Even When Tired)(hxR0010) More often than not, excellent customer service starts with a smile. But retail can be a fast-paced and challenging environment to work in. So how can you deal with things like dissatisfied customers and keep delivering top-notch customer service? While we can’t control everything about our interaction with customers, the attitude we bring to the exchange is something we can control. That’s why helping ourselves and our co-workers to stay positive and customer-focused even when things are tough is such a vital part of providing excellent customer service. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> ● Recognize why service with a smile is so important to customers ● Explain how to create a positive experience for customers ● Demonstrate how to overcome burnout to stay customer-focused at work <b>Why take this course?</b> The quality of interaction with frontline staff has a huge impact on how customers feel about their retail experience. Whether you’re dealing with customers face-to-face or over the phone, or overseeing teams which do, this course will give you an insight into why a positive approach is so effective. It’ll also explain how to keep delivering that all-important smile! <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 46
Researching Your Prospect(hxSSA01) Did you ever have a “thing” about a certain band, actor, or TV personality when you were a kid? If you did, the chances are you read every article about them, saw every movie, listened to every song, or watched every show, so that you knew as much about them as possible. To the outside world, this might have looked like an obsession! But in sales, researching your prospects is the best way to “get the lowdown” on them before you attempt to engage them. And having that background knowledge could be a dealmaker, because being passionate and knowledgeable invites trust. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Research prospects effectively • Use a variety of sources to build up a “full picture” of prospects • Engage a prospect by using your research <b>Why take this course?</b> Sales is all about building relationships and trust to make deals, so a tool that gives you a head start is worth investing in. Whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned pro, brushing up on your prospecting skills will help you get ahead of the game from the start. This course will show you how to research your prospects effectively. It examines what information is useful and where to find it, so you know how to angle your pitch before you even make contact with them. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 47
How to Build Rapport(hxSSA02) If a stranger came up to you in the street and offered to sell you their cell phone, you probably wouldn’t even consider it, right? But if a friend did the same thing, the chances are you’d at least take a look at it. Science has shown that we’re more likely to buy from people we trust. In sales, getting someone to trust you is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Without trust, sales can easily fall apart. But how can you quickly gain the trust you need to complete the deal? Well, it’s all about building rapport. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the benefits of building rapport with clients • Use effective questioning to help build rapport • Use mirroring and matching techniques to build trust • Use “active listening” <b>Why take this course?</b> Whatever level you work at in sales, you’ve probably had experience of deals going wrong. It can be incredibly frustrating and costly, especially if you’ve invested a lot of time and effort into it. This course will show you techniques in rapport building that will help you build trust right from the start of the process, to improve your pitching and close those deals. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 47
Questioning Skills(hxSSA03) To get an answer, you have to ask a question. Sounds obvious, right? But what’s less obvious is the right way to ask a question. There are many ways of asking the same question, and you might be surprised at how different the answers are when you rephrase the question. A lot of salespeople fall into the trap of asking too many leading questions, turning meetings into interrogations and putting clients off. In order to get to the heart of what the client wants and needs, you need to be able to identify and use the right types of questions at the right time. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the benefits of using different layers of questioning • Identify a variety of techniques for questioning • Use questioning skills to improve pitching and deal closing <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work in sales, at any level, being able to ask the right questions is vital to identifying what your client needs. But pitching these questions incorrectly can be a deal breaker. This course will guide you through a variety of questioning techniques. It will also show you how and when to use them, and how varying your questioning can assist in achieving results. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 47
Prioritizing Prospects(hxSSA04) At some point in your life, you’ve likely been told to “get your priorities straight!” Probably by your elders when you were a teenager. And like most of us, you probably didn’t listen to that advice and splashed out on those shoes or that concert ticket, instead of prioritizing wiser choices. But when it comes to sales prospects, getting your priorities straight is crucial. Making sure you spend your time working on the prospects that are the most likely to convert into sales can give you the edge you need to close deals more quickly and successfully. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify the benefits of prioritizing prospects correctly • Describe how analytics can help you prioritize prospects • Use lead scoring to make your pipeline more efficient <b>Why take this course?</b> In sales, time is precious. Spending too much time on leads that are going nowhere could be costly. Whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned pro wanting to refresh your skills, this course is for you. It will show you the benefits of prioritizing prospects, as well as guide you through the use of analytics and lead scoring to make your pipeline more efficient. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 47
Obtaining Commitment(hxSSA05) Commitment. It’s a scary word! It usually signifies something big is about to happen. Whether it’s getting married, or making commitments to your family, or your job; whichever way you look at it, commitment takes work. That’s why, in sales, getting commitment from prospects is a delicate business, and something that needs to occur continuously throughout the selling process. And until you get them to commit, you don’t really have a deal. Approaching commitment from prospects correctly will not only strengthen your pitch, but will also help strengthen your future relationship with them, as it affirms your desire to get things right for them. So, when it comes to getting them to say “I do,” you need to know what you’re doing. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify points in the sales process where commitment is needed • Use strategies and techniques to ask for commitment from prospects • Use commitment in stages to help identify problems <b>Why take this course?</b> Statistics from sales experts at The Sales Board show that up to 64% of salespeople fail to ask for commitment from prospects. So, whether you’re new or a seasoned sales professional, brushing up on these skills could give your pitch an extra boost. This course will show you why and where commitment is necessary. It will also teach you techniques to help gain commitment from prospects and show you how to use commitment throughout sales as a tool to spot problems. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Workbook 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/24 47
Building Trust and Respect(hxTWE05) We’ve all taken part in those team-building exercises. You know the ones. Like catching your teammates when they fall backward, hoping that when it’s your turn you don’t get the guy from accounts that really doesn’t like you. They’re supposed to be fun and inclusive. In reality, they often end up being awkward and embarrassing. But they are aimed at building very important qualities within a team. Trust and respect are essential within teams. Without them, teams just won’t work. Trusting someone means that you know you can rely on them. Respecting someone means that you can rely on their ability and knowledge. Trust and respect go hand in hand. After all, you can’t really trust someone you don’t respect, right? <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the importance of trust and respect • Identify the benefits of trust and respect • Build trust and respect within your team <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re a manager, team leader, or member of a team, you need to be able to trust and respect those around you in order to meet goals effectively. This course will show you the importance of trust and respect within teams, how to build these qualities, and their benefits in the workplace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 48
Roles and Responsibilities(hxTWE06) Watching a great movie can be uplifting. But how did it come to be a great movie in the first place? Well, if you watch the end credits, you’ll see how many people worked on it – actors, directors, producers, editors -- the list goes on and on. Each of these roles had specific responsibilities, whether in front of the camera or behind it. The movie was great not only because of the acting, but because everyone working on it knew what their roles and responsibilities were. A successful workplace should work in the same way. Unfortunately, employee roles and responsibilities are often vague and ambiguous, leading to workplace stress and poor productivity. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Understand the importance of identifying roles and responsibilities • Identify how unclear definitions negatively impact organizations • Avoid role ambiguity and create role clarity <b>Why take this course:</b> When all employees understand what’s expected of them and what specific tasks they’re responsible for, then teamwork and communication become much more efficient. This short course is ideal for managers or team leads. You’ll learn the huge advantages of clearly defining roles and responsibilities, and how to ensure that everyone in your workplace knows what their roles and responsibilities are. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 48
What is a Millennial (Including Values)(hxTWE11) Millennials are defined as young adults, but they are so much more than just that. Born in the latter decades of the 20th Century, this generation have plenty to offer. Millennials are passionate, driven, tech-savvy, conscious about their role in society and many want to make their mark on the world, starting with the workplace. When different generations work together, we’ve all got to get along. Of course, there may be friction, thanks to different ideas and ways of working, but this friction can be resolved with mutual respect. Now is the time to put aside the stereotypes, learn more about each other, and become the strongest team we can be. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Define what a millennial is • Characterize positive attributes of millennials • Demonstrate the benefits of working with millennials <b>Why take this course?</b> Regardless of generation, when a team works together well, they can accomplish great things. Millennials are an integral part of the workforce and will continue to be for many years. Combining our individual skills and learning about generational differences will benefit everyone and promote harmony in your workplace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 48
Communicating with a Millennial(hxTWE12) Forget everything you might have heard about “millennials”. These brilliant young people are an integral part of the population and the generation that will one day inherit control of the workplace and economy in the near future. We’ve all got to be able to communicate effectively. Traditional communication, such as meeting in person and talking over the phone are gradually being replaced or supplemented with tech-based solutions. Many millennials don’t have much experience in them, as odd as that might seem. So, how can they feel comfortable using them? This course helps you find the best ways to communicate comfortably for everyone’s benefit. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify ways to communicate more effectively • Demonstrate that you understand millennials’ values • Recognize the benefits of good communication <b>Why take this course?</b> It may seem like a hassle to try to cater to some of the needs of millennials, but since they will be playing some of the leading roles in the workforce of the future, it’s better to engage and embrace different methods of communication now. You simply can’t run a business working alongside millennials or sell to them as customers if you don’t. Get ahead of the curve and find out how. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 48
Millennials and Technology(hxTWE13) As a generation which has grown up with, well, relatively modern technology such as the internet and mobile phones, it’s not surprising that millennials would be totally immersed in it. More than any others, millennials have adapted to the tech boom and reap the benefits, now and in the future. On the other hand, if you’re used to being able to “Google” something and getting an instant answer, then clearly in situations when this doesn’t apply you could become impatient. Being immersed in tech, millennials may also potentially encounter problems with interpersonal skills. We’re going to explore these issues and find out what to do about them. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Describe the issues that may arise from overreliance on tech • Explain how different generations can learn from millennials to adapt to tech change • Identify the positives of new technology <b>Why take this course?</b> If you work with millennials or they are your target customers, you have to learn how they tick in order to create meaningful connections and work harmoniously. This course is an insight into an incredible new world where different generations and technology coexist in peace. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 48
Training Millennials(hxTWE14) Ever had a job where your “training” consisted of watching an old VHS tape on a wheeled-in TV? Or, in more modern times, a long, boring PowerPoint presentation? Are you getting sleepy just thinking about it? Training shouldn’t be boring. And for the “digital generation” who are taking over the workplace, millennials, old techniques simply won’t cut it. Millennials prefer a broad spectrum of learning strategies. They want learning materials that are delivered to cater to their visual, auditory, and even kinesthetic needs. And who can blame them? This course explores the best ways for you to make your training more effective. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize how millennials learn • Demonstrate techniques to engage millennials • Identify the benefits of modern training methods <b>Why take this course?</b> When you want to get the most out of your employees, you have to know how to train them effectively. Millennials want to learn as much as previous generations, if not more so. But unlike their predecessors, modern tech is deeply embedded in their lives. Finding a way to tap into that is key, so let’s show you how. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Infographic 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 48
Being Punctual(hxWET01) Punctuality. It’s a phrase most of us associate with our school days, usually accompanied by a teacher, a register, and a stern-looking face. No matter what your background, being on time will always be an important part of your academic and professional endeavors. And when applied to the workplace, a person’s punctuality can actually say a lot about them. Think about it: if you’re habitually late, be it to work or deadlines, you run the risk of undermining your professional reputation altogether. <b>By the end of this course you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of punctuality in the workplace • Demonstrate the benefits punctuality can bring to teams • Identify actionable tips for improving staff punctuality and morale <b>Why take this course?</b> Being punctual is an important aspect of professional life, regardless of your industry. It can increase credibility and even enhance productivity for you and your team. This course is for any professional who wants to better understand the ways punctuality can enhance the work ethic of you, your employees, and those around you. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Meeting Deadlines(hxWET02) From delivering work projects on time, to following our favorite soccer teams’ all-important transfer window – deadlines exist in all aspects of our busy lives. When it comes to businesses, establishing deadlines can help companies and individuals clearly map out goals. An ability to stick to them builds a strong reputation for being dedicated, focused, and reliable. Regardless of your role, by meeting deadlines regularly you’ll demonstrate a professional attitude toward the way you run your business and view your customers as a whole. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of deadlines in the workplace • Identify ways to set realistic deadlines • Demonstrate methods for motivating your team to achieve deadlines <b>Why take this course?</b> Love them or loathe them, deadlines will always exist, and they play an important role in establishing our work ethic and productivity. This course is for any professional looking to brush up on their skills when it comes to creating and maintaining deadlines in the workplace. Following these actionable steps will bring you 1 step closer to achieving your professional goals. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Multitasking and Being Organized(hxWET03) We’ve all heard the phrase “time is money” – meaning that in business, time is often our most valuable resource (so, the quicker we can get things done, the better). One way of saving time in our busy workplaces is to remain organized and adopt the technique of multitasking. Organization skills are those related to creating structure and order, boosting productivity, and prioritizing tasks. Multitasking is the ability to do more than 1 task at a time, to enhance efficiency. When performed correctly and combined, these skills will help you carry out more tasks and be more competitive overall. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Explain what is meant by organization and multitasking • Recognize the benefits organizational skills can bring to the workplace • Demonstrate ways to actively improve multitasking skills <b>Why take this course?</b> Organization skills are some of the most important transferable job skills an employee can acquire. This course is for any professional looking to better manage their time and ability to balance multiple tasks. This course will arm you with the knowledge needed to allow your productivity and your business as a whole to thrive. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Self-Management(hxWET04) Think of the best manager you’ve ever had. They likely showed great leadership skills, and were knowledgeable and patient. But, the real secret to their success? First and foremost, they were great at self-managing. Self-management is the ability to regulate your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations. From stress management to goal setting, self-management skills are crucial in the workplace as they help you contribute to a better work environment for yourself and your co-workers. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify what is meant by self-management • Recognize the advantages of self-managed teams • Demonstrate how to apply self-management skills to the workplace <b>Why take this course?</b> Anyone can learn self-management skills, and doing so allows you to carry out tasks professionally and ethically. Having a team that’s able to manage itself in terms of productivity, quality, innovation, and profitability adds enormous bottom-line value to any business. This course is for professionals of any level who want to master their self-managing skills in order to thrive both personally and professionally. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Time Management(hxWET05) “Time and tide wait for no man” is one of literature’s most famously quoted proverbs. The sentiment is simple: that the passage of time is inevitable, so we shouldn’t delay in doing things. As in many aspects of life, time is often of the essence in our busy work environments, too. From increased productivity to reduced stress, managing your time well is an important skill to have; not just for enhancing your professional life, but for your personal life, too. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the importance of time management in the workplace • Demonstrate time-management strategies • Categorize effective techniques for managing limited time <b>Why take this course?</b> If you and your team aren’t working wisely, it could be costing your business time and money. This course is for any professional who wants to better understand the ways time management can enhance your work ethic - leading to a happier and more productive workplace for all. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/30 78
Working Under Pressure(hxWET06) It happens to everyone: a delivery date changes, and you have a week’s less time to work. Or an unexpected extra workload arrives on your desk. When the clock is ticking and a deadline looms, it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Under pressure, some people panic or waste time, others produce poor-quality work. The ability to stay calm, remain focused, and get into a productive state despite increasing pressure, is a valuable skill for individuals working alone or as members of a team. If you’ve prepared in advance and you have a few tools in your back pocket, even when it’s crunch time, your productivity will remain high and you’ll meet your deadlines. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify potential risks that arise when working under pressure • Implement strategies to prepare for a pressurized work situation • Apply tools and techniques to support you under pressure <b>Why take this course?</b> You may have found yourself choking when the pressure’s on, or regularly entering situations in which the final stages of a project become a scramble to the finish. This course will guide you through better strategies to prepare and valuable techniques to smooth the path to your goals. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 15 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Persistence and Resilience(hxWET07) It’s easy to get started on a project when you’re fresh out of the planning stage and your enthusiasm is sky-high. But some projects are marathons, not sprints. It gets harder to stick with them once you’re focusing on the day-to-day tasks. Worse, if you hit a setback, it’s an effort to summon the energy to move ahead. This can delay or even derail your work. While persistence will keep you going when the going’s tough, resilience will help you get back up when you are knocked off course. They’re both aspects of the same drive to move forward. If you know how to identify and harness them, your resolve and productivity will improve. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Identify key differences between persistence and resilience • Explain the value and benefits of persistence and resilience • Utilize tips for enabling persistence and resilience <b>Why take this course?</b> From solo entrepreneurs to those managing teams on long-term projects, the ability to keep moving forward despite setbacks will produce success. If you need an understanding of what persistence and resilience look like, and tips on how to achieve them, this is the course for you. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Avoiding Distractions(hxWET08) It’s an amazing world we live in! Anyone can call you at any time on your cell phone! Anyone can email you at your desk! Anyone can text you... wait. Maybe sometimes it’s a distracting world, too. With a dozen things constantly competing for your attention, you might find it harder to focus on the work you need to be doing right now. But you can fix this. Being able to avoid distractions is a skill you can learn and a muscle you can strengthen. When you become better at it, you’ll be able to start work easily, get into deeper states of concentration, and complete work more efficiently. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> ● Identify the dangers of distraction ● Explain the processes that lead to getting distracted ● Implement techniques to help you focus and avoid distractions <b>Why take this course?</b> If you’re finding your concentration sliced up by constant interruptions, or you always seem to leave one task in the middle in order to deal with another, you’ll benefit from this course. You’ll learn why it’s so easy to become distracted and how to reduce the impact of distractions. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Staying Motivated(hxWET09) Why does it seem so hard to do some things and simple to do others? It’s tough to get yourself back to the gym after a few weeks off, but it’s oh, so easy to enjoy that double cheeseburger with all the trimmings. Or maybe you threw yourself into a project with great excitement but now it’s day 4 and you just don’t feel as enthusiastic. Motivation is what drives you to achieve your goals. But there are different types of motivation, and some work better than others at getting you started and keeping you moving forward. Figuring out how to stay motivated will help you begin projects, keep your energy up as you work on them, and ensure you see them through to the end. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> • Recognize the value of motivation • Identify the different kinds of motivation and their benefits • Use tools and techniques to stay motivated <b>Why take this course?</b> If you find it hard to get started, or feel your enthusiasm flagging in the middle of a project, revisiting your motivation to find out if it’s strong enough, or even if it’s the right kind, can revitalize your drive. This course will help you get started. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
The Importance of Planning(hxWET10) Everyone has a goal to reach or a vision to work toward, whether it’s an individual working solo, or a manager guiding a team through a long-term project. But you can’t just point yourself in a direction and hope you’ll make it there somehow. You wouldn’t build a house without an architectural plan, would you? Effective action benefits from planning. Creating a plan that will take you from where you are to where you want to be, will give you a road map to follow. Effective plans will allow you to work out potential problems before they appear and make a schedule that will keep you on track, so you can achieve your goals efficiently. <b>By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:</b> ● Explain the importance of planning ● Identify ways in which a plan will benefit your actions ● Implement techniques that will help you create a plan <b>Why take this course:</b> If you have goals to meet but can’t quite see the way forward, an effective plan will help make the journey smoother and more achievable. This course will help explain the importance of planning, its benefits, and the techniques you can use to help create effective plans. <i class="icon-clock"></i> 10 mins | <i class="icon-book"></i> SCORM | <i class="icon-book-1"></i> Takeaway Tasks 29.99 2021/07/01 2021/11/25 49
Directing the Conversation - The Communication Cycle(mimhx01) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 2 x 2D animations • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Communication Skills 101 <b>Duration: </b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course will look at a communication model, which helps you direct a successful conversation. This 4-step cyclical process is useful for any conversations you have and is particularly useful for sales and customer service training, 1-2-1 coaching sessions, and important discussions with a client or customer. This model will guide any interaction to ensure there is a satisfactory outcome. This is something you can learn today and implement and practice tomorrow, with the knowledge it will improve your conversation and desired outcomes. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 61
Levels of Communication(mimhx02) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Communication Skills 101 <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This topic is all about communication and raising your awareness to the hierarchy of how we all communicate. There are 4 important factors that influence your communication, and understanding these will refine and improve your style. The course will provide a high level, and necessary introduction to this approach and further subsequent courses will provide more detail on how to improve those skills. By the end of the course, you will have a raised awareness and understanding of everything you communicate, and the impact of this. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 61
Vias(mimhx03) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 3 x 2D animations • 1 x Additional video • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Communication Skills 101 <b>Duration:</b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course will raise your awareness of using tone, facial expression and body language as part of your communication. You will explore what happens when you have strong emotions about something, and when your verbal and non-verbal mannerisms contradict the words spoken, thus making communication less effective. You will learn how to recognise these, and how to improve these areas for more effective communication. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 61
Motive & Intent in Communication(mimhx04) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 3 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Communication Skills 101 <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> 'Motive & Intent in Communication' is an extension to the course ‘Levels of Communication’, and we would advise taking these courses together. This forms the last ‘level’ in our communication model and is the most important level for having highly effective communication. We will explore why motive and intent matter in communication, how you can express your motive in a positive light, and why this has particular importance in the workplace. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 61
Filling Buckets(mimhx05) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • 1 x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Leadership Essentials <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course highlights how powerful praise can be in the workplace, and conversely, how damaging negativity can be. We will highlight and demonstrate an easy, cost-effective approach to positive affirmation, that encourages a good balance of positive feedback for a more effective working environment. You will learn in this course that by filling others' buckets, you will also fill your own, and by taking out of someone else's bucket, you also dip from your own. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/10 27
The Skill Will Coaching Matrix(mimhx06) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • 2 x 2D animations • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Coaching for performance <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes ​ <b>The Course Overview:</b> The Skill Will matrix is a coaching tool that is used to assess an individual’s skill level and willingness to perform a specific task. Using the tool and the knowledge of a person’s particular skill set and motivation can help you create a plan of action, to help them achieve the desired results. The matrix allows you to understand different types of individuals and apply management or coaching techniques that encourage them to perform better. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 34
Path of Engagement for a Manager(mimhx07) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing for Performance <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <bThe Course Overview:</b> The Path of Engagement is a highly important concept to understand as an aspiring or seasoned leader. This course will take you through the path of engagement, which can ultimately lead to disengagement. <b>The Course Overview:</b> Identifying and recognising the traits associated with being disengaged is crucial in supporting your team back into engagement. This course will also provide a framework for coaching and communicating effectively, to ensure your team can have open and honest conversations with you when required. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 74
Be Do Have(mimhx08) <b> This Learning Includes: </b> • 1x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Personal Principles <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This is the Masters In Minds philosophy for growth and development. It’s an idea that has been around for thousands of years and it underpins everything we do at Masters in Minds. It is, if you like, the bedrock of our world, and everything that we do starts from this space. Understanding this philosophy can help improve how you understand and grasp other learnings, therefore we recommend using this course as a starting point, and referring back often. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 76
Changing Your Thought Changes Your Outcome(mimhx09) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 1 x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Personal Principles <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> “Changing your thought changes your outcome”, will raise your levels of consciousness of this principle. If you would like to change an outcome in your life, then changing a strategy to achieve this will often boomerang back to an old outcome. The only way to change an outcome is to get to the root cause, and that is back to your thought. By changing how you think, will change your plan/strategy and will deliver a different outcome and result. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 76
You Always Have a Choice(mimhx10) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenarios • 1 x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Personal Principles <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course is based on our principle, that you are always 'in choice'. This explores the concept that you can choose the experience you have over any situation, even a negative one. In this course, you will learn the term 'Inside Out', you will explore the power of language, and how this can help when choosing your experience, as well as going the distance with your choices. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 76
Your Results Are a Reflection of You(mimhx11) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Personal Principles <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This fundamental Masters In Minds principle course will explore the concept that the results and outcomes you gain are a reflection of your efforts and behaviours. This is a simple concept to understand, but one that is harder to practice in day to day life. This course will consider this principle from all angles so that you can successfully embed this thinking into your work, life and relationships. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 76
You Don't Know What You Don't Know(mimhx12) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • 1 x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Personal Principles <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> The course is based on a principle that should be at the very core of your being every day. This concept will raise your awareness of the idea that we’re never done learning, we’re not the finished product, and that actually, this is okay. You will explore how to remove barriers to your learning, how to suspend your ego and flip your negative thoughts toward more constructive and healthy thoughts. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 76
Communication Transforms a Situation(mimhx13) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Personal Principles <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course is about the fundamental importance of communication. If you desire or wish for a situation to change, the only way to progress that situation forward is to communicate, openly and honestly. It is unhealthy to store up unhelpful thoughts, so communicating to solve and resolve the issues that cause them is key to continually growing and developing. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/05/13 76
Circles of Control & Influence(mimhx14) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Management skills <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course is based upon Stephen Covey's theory on the Circle of Influence. This course will help you identify what and where you should exert your energy, to ensure you experience less stress, and only focus on the things you can control and influence. Being consciously aware of this can make you a happier and more effective individual. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
Labels & Labelling(mimhx15) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course is about the natural, but sometimes problematic, human behaviour of attaching labels to people and situations. When you put a good or a bad label on someone, it will either clear or dirty the lens through which you view them, and this will always create problems with team dynamics; workflows and ultimately, that person’s growth and development. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
The Ego(mimhx16) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Every person is born with an ego, however, not many people are aware of what their ego is, and how to manage it. The ego is immensely powerful and managing it is no easy task, which is why sometimes, even with the best will in the world we all struggle to defeat our inhibitions and to attempt something new. This course will take you through why the ego is an important part of you and your conscious mind, why being aware and managing your ego is essential, and realising when it is important to listen to, or park, your ego. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
Overcoming Barriers to Personal Growth & Development(mimhx17) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> To effectively manage your own state and mindset, it is important to have the awareness of your own personal barriers and understand how to begin to move through and overcome them. This course will encourage you to develop and grow, as it will raise your consciousness of how to recognise barriers, and also how to cross them. You will explore an 8 step process that will aid your understanding of your barriers, and help you recognise that you control barriers and they don’t control you. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
Victim vs. Ownership(mimhx18) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> You are always in choice about your mindset, and how you choose to perceive the experiences in your life. We recognise there are two distinct mindsets you can possess, and either can lead to very different outcomes for you. This course is about choosing to experience either an ownership mindset or a victim mindset, being consciously aware of the benefits of being in ownership, and how to experience more positive outcomes in life. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
Comfort Zones(mimhx19) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course considers the concept that change is inevitable, and if we are to grow as people, then stretching out of our comfort zones will allow us to adapt and respond to change appropriately. This course is designed to raise your awareness of what is inside and outside of your own comfort zone, and how living for too long in comfort can be restrictive to your own growth and development. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
Reframing for a Different Outcome(mimhx20) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 35 minutes <b>The Course Overview: </b> This course is an essential guide to seeing outside of one frame of reference during conversations, and how to apply this logic to changing your thinking. This course will offer 8 reframing techniques and approaches, that will help transform a situation or conversation that otherwise may have ended abruptly or unfavourably. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
Path of Engagement(mimhx21) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Managing Your Mindset <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> The path of engagement is one we will all travel down in our lives, both at work and in our personal lives. This path can lead you to being engaged in something and can sometimes lead to feeling actively disengaged. We know this is something we all experience, but this course will raise your awareness of these experiences, how to manage your own state, what to be aware of, and how to bring yourself from being disengaged, back to fully engaged. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 62
How To Run Effective Meetings Using P.O.A.(mimhx22) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 1x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Management Essentials <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> How many times can you recall being in an ineffective, poorly organised and chaotic meeting? Probably a few? This course provides a bullet-proof approach to running effective meetings, where everyone involved has clarity on the purpose, outcomes and agenda. We call this the P.O.A. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 78
Running a Remote Meeting(mimhx23) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 1 x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Management Essentials <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Remote meetings are the way that many businesses operate. For a remote meeting to be as effective and productive as possible, you need a process and if you apply our 7-step process you will achieve your desired outcome. In this course, you will learn how to deal with non-conformers within a meeting, learn what standards and game rules are best for a remote meeting and find top tips to keep the remote meeting on track. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 78
How To Run Effective Face-to-Face Meetings(mimhx24) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 3 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Management Essentials <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Workplace meetings are an important element of business management. Meetings enable you and your employees to communicate and share information, solve problems, improve performance, build teamwork and move projects forward. This 20-minute course will cover an 8-step process, to ensure your face-to-face meetings are more effective, productive and engaging. We encourage you to also take our other courses on 'How To Run Effective Meetings Using P.O.A.' and 'Running A Remote Meeting' alongside this to understand meetings in different settings. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 78
Effective Time Management(mimhx25) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • 1 x Additional video • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate of completion <b>Category:</b> Management Essentials <b>Duration:</b> 35 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course provides a practical and valuable overview of how to manage your time effectively. By using a time management matrix, you will learn how to prioritise your tasks as urgent and non-urgent, ensuring you stay on top of your workload, and are effective in doing so. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/03/04 78
Delegating Effectively(mimhx26) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 1 x 2D animation • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Management Essentials <b>Duration:</b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Effective delegation is a key skill to learn and master as a manager and leader. This skill may take time to learn and develop, however, it will save time and energy in the long run, and also build the effectiveness of your team. This course will help to kick-start this process, introducing you to important models and techniques, and identifying best-practice methods on how to delegate more effectively. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 78
Pressure Performance Self-Management Tool(mimhx027) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Work Ethic <b>Duration:</b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> The Pressure Performance Self-Management Tool is used when identifying and mapping where your optimum point that delivers peak performance is. It also indicates that everybody’s optimum point is somewhere different, and can move around on a daily basis. In business, there is a thin line between success and failure. This course will provide an overview and introduction to this curve, and show that utilising the curve can help nudge the odds of success in your favour by matching pressure with performance. 34.99 2021/11/10 2022/02/07 49
SWOT Analysis(mimhx029) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Management Skills <b>Duration: </b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course will cover the popular strategic planning technique, the SWOT analysis. This course will cover how to use the tool effectively, helping you to document and assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the project, team or organisation. You will learn how to use the tool, but more importantly, what to do with the information you gather. 34.99 2022/02/04 2022/02/07 74
Technical Training(TT001) 0.00 2022/02/07 2022/02/07 0
Technical Training(TT002) This course enable custoer bei able to buy. 0.00 2022/02/07 2022/03/31 0
Building Resilience(mimhx030) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Interactive resilience pillar model • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Mindset <b>Duration: </b> 25 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Do you often feel at the effect of external forces, feeling like the world is passing you by, with little time to look after yourself? This is due to a lack of resilience, and it can be damaging to your health when you fail to consciously recognise this. This course highlights a tool for recognising and building resilience, called the 'Five Pillars of Resilience'. This tool is brilliant for calibrating how resilient you are to the world around you, both at work and in your personal life. by taking this course, you will learn the benefits of having higher levels of resilience, and understand how to use this tool to keep your resilience topped up. 34.99 2022/02/07 2022/02/07 62
Rapport - Creating and Matching Communication Styles(mimhx031) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Communication 101 <b>Duration: </b> 15 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course is positioned to raise your understanding of rapport within communication and provide tips on how to build rapport with people in your professional and personal lives. This learning is part of 'Levels of Communication', and is designed to enhance your learning from that previous course. 34.99 2022/02/07 2022/02/07 61
Begin with the End in Mind(mimhx033) <b> This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership Essentials <b>Duration: </b> 40 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Everyone has dreams and aspirations. Unfortunately not everyone is able to achieve theirs. Too often people set themselves goals that are not fully thought through, which fail at the first hurdle. This course will focus on how an ‘End in Mind’ strategy gives you the chance to achieve things in life with a structured plan. It stretches your thinking about what is possible and helps you achieve things you may never have thought possible. 34.99 2022/02/07 2022/02/07 27
Managing Mental Health in the Workplace(mimhx037) <b>This learning includes:</b> 1 x Knowledge check quiz Access to course for 3 months Access upon any device Certificate upon completion <b>Category:</b> Health & Wellbeing <b>Duration:</b> 35 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> It is widely documented that 1 in 4 adults will struggle with their mental health at some point in their lives, and only 10% of UK employees feel confident enough to discuss their condition. As a manager, you have a duty of care to prioritise good wellbeing, nurture healthy working conditions, and offer support to those that may require it. This course, designed with managers in mind, aims to increase your understanding and awareness of employee wellbeing, explore how to notice changes within your team, and how to positively encourage better wellbeing across the organisation as a whole. 34.99 2022/02/21 2022/03/14 80
pitch() 0.00 2022/02/23 2022/02/23 64
Proposed() 0.00 2022/02/23 2022/02/23 0
Decision Making Pros & Cons(mimhx036) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership & Development <b>Duration: </b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Everyone is faced with the challenge of making decisions at some point in their lives. However, if you are a manager, situations requiring decision making occur more regularly. These decisions affect not only you, but those around you, and your wider organisation. You therefore carry a responsibility to ensure you make the correct decision each time. This course will teach you to be an effective decision maker by highlighting the importance of it and the impact it can have. It will share the technique required for rational decision making. Using this process will enable informed and considered decisions and the best achievable outcomes. 34.99 2022/03/02 2022/03/04 27
How to Have Difficult Conversations(mimhx39) <b>This Learning Includes:</b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Communication 101 <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> 34.99 2022/03/04 2022/03/04 61
Effective Briefing(mimhx035) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Management Skills <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course will outline the importance of effective briefing in people management and detail the consequences of poor briefing. It will highlight the essential role communication plays in briefing and will equip you with guidance and steps to ensure the most effective briefing in the future. 34.99 2022/03/11 2022/06/09 78
Coping With Stress(mimhx038) <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Health & Wellbeing <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Stress is something that impacts us all, and impacts us all differently. One person’s stress may be another person’s excitement, because we all have different tipping points and levels of resilience. It is important to recognise what environmental factors play a part in adding to your stress levels, and what you do to manage this can be the difference between you coping, or the stress spiralling out of control. This course is designed to help raise your awareness to what may cause you stress, the impact – both professionally and personally, and ways to combat stress in a healthy and proactive way. We will explore practical tools and resources you can use to understand stress better, and identify ways that work for you. 34.99 2022/03/22 2022/03/22 80
Sample Course 1() This course will cover the following topics: ... 0.00 2022/04/06 2022/04/06 0
Optimising Images for SEO() 0.00 2022/06/03 2022/06/03 0
Limiting & Enabling Thoughts/Beliefs() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Mindset <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> The thoughts and beliefs you have shape your attitude and approach to life, such as whether you take a chance when an opportunity arises, or cower away from it. Limiting thoughts and beliefs are so called because they have an extremely limiting effect on your quality of life. This course makes them more easily recognisable, and with particular emphasis on mindset, demonstrates how to transform them into enabling thoughts and beliefs, for improved outcomes all round. 34.99 2022/06/21 2022/06/21 67
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership & Development <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> In his 1943 paper, “A Theory of Human Motivation,” esteemed psychologist Abraham Maslow suggested that humans have varying degrees of needs, from basic physiological requirements to those related to self-actualisation. His hierarchy of needs model is widely respected in the business world and recognised as a great organisational tool for successful leadership and development. Each individual is unique in their needs, and it is the responsibility of the leader to identify where each employee sits and work out the best way to coach them to the next stage of fulfillment. 34.99 2022/06/21 2022/10/13 71
The OSCAR Model() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • 1 x Additional video • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership & Development <b>Duration: </b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> The OSCAR model is a fantastic tool to have as a leader, and one to keep in your coaching tool kit when looking to support an employee through an issue or challenge. This course will explore the model, highlighting when to use it, what questions to use, the model’s benefits, and how to practice this solution-orientated approach. We highly recommend taking this course alongside our other ‘Coaching for Performance’ courses, such as the GROW model and PRO model. 34.99 2022/08/16 2022/09/01 27
The GROW Model() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership & Development <b>Duration: </b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> As a leader, one of your most important responsibilities is to coach your people to do their best. By doing so, you'll help them make better decisions, solve problems, learn new skills, and otherwise progress their careers. The GROW model offers a simple framework, to provide focus to personal development on a deeper level. This course will introduce you to this approach, provide a practical explanation with scenarios, and additional resources to ensure you can implement this tool in your next coaching conversation. 34.99 2022/08/16 2022/09/02 27
The PRO Model() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership & Development <b>Duration: </b> 20 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> The PRO Model is a useful ‘confronting’ intervention – which doesn’t mean being confrontational! It’s about working within a process to calmly raise an issue, encouraging any underlying issue to emerge and inspiring ownership for achieving a positive outcome. Confronting issues can be challenging for some leaders and coaches; this model enables you to do so without emotional conflict and for the benefit of the coach, coachee and the organisation. 34.99 2022/08/16 2022/08/16 27
Knowing Your People() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Principles <b>Duration: </b> 15 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> Knowing Your People is a fundamental course for managers and leaders to understand and actively practice. By understanding and knowing your people, leaders will have a better level of rapport and understand how to communicate effectively with their team. They will, in turn, coach them more appropriately, have higher levels of engagement and as a result, reap better outcomes. This course will illustrate just how to achieve this ideal. 34.99 2022/08/17 2022/08/24 27
Leading Others Through Change() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Leadership & Development <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course covers the constant challenge that all leaders/managers face – change. It demonstrates how you can coach your team through any change, using an effective model called the Change Curve. It also highlights the emphasis that should be placed on communication, resilience and alignment, when leading others through change. 34.99 2022/08/24 2022/08/24 71
Managing Change: The Change Curve() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Mindset <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> This course covers the concept of change and all that it encompasses. Change is inevitable, both personally and professionally, and everyone copes differently, reaching varying outcomes in their own time. The change curve is highlighted to demonstrate the reaction stages to change. It will raise awareness and form the basis on which you react to change in the future. 34.99 2022/08/24 2022/08/24 67
What You Focus On Improves - Measure What Matters() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 2 x Scenarios • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Principles <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> ‘What you focus on improves – measure what matters’ is the seventh Organisational Principle that we deliver at MiM. This principle focuses on organisational mindset and how this influences and impacts what is measured and the subsequent outcomes. What the organisation focuses its time, energy, and resources on, will grow. Therefore, it is important to understand the mindset and thinking behind their processes to understand the outputs. 34.99 2022/08/24 2022/08/24 66
Focus On The Why Before The What() <b>This Learning Includes: </b> • 1 x Knowledge check quiz • 1 x Scenario • Access to course for 3 months • Access upon any device • Certificate upon completion <b>Category: </b> Principles <b>Duration: </b> 30 minutes <b>The Course Overview:</b> ‘Focus on the why before the what’ is the first of our organisational principles. These are in place to help promote growth thinking. Each organisation has a series of ‘unwritten rules’ that predict how things get ‘done’. Areas like culture and working practices are quickly established when you start at an organisation. Once the personal principles have been understood, this drives the design of the processes, which ultimately impacts the performance of the organisation. By unpicking the thinking, using our 5 organisational principles, we can then help to identify weaknesses in the design of their processes, create a solution that bridges that gap, and then the results and outcomes will follow. This first organisational principle relates to always starting with your why and your purpose. Understanding this will ensure you measure what matters, your values, mission and vision are aligned and your people know exactly what difference they are making. 34.99 2022/08/25 2022/08/25 66
Test Vias Aegon() 0.00 2022/12/06 2022/12/06 0
Test Above nad below the line aegon() 0.00 2022/12/06 2022/12/06 0
Test Levels of commuications() 0.00 2022/12/06 2022/12/06 0