Making Deals

The ability to spot and make deals is a key ingredient in a successful business. Companies thrive when leaders use initiative to counter any setbacks. Good leaders are always on the lookout for arrangements with other businesses, or seeking opportunities to negotiate with clients, to maximize profit and negotiate the best situation for their team. They keep an eye on internal affairs too, in order to resolve conflicts by negotiating well with staff.

But making good deals isn’t just about banking a check or resolving arguments – it’s about forming relationships with those in the business, and contacts outside the business, to continue making better deals.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Use techniques to improve your negotiation skills
• Consider future benefits, not just current deals
• Build relationships with those you do business with
• Be transparent with your team to help each other

Why take this course?

Whether you’re leading a small team or you’re the CEO of the next big gaming company, being able to negotiate deals will help improve business plans, make more money, or further the status of the business. This course will show you how to make deals well, build relationships, and stay transparent to your team, showing them how and why you’re making these deals, to help them learn from your example.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

Category: Leadership Essentials