The Power of Silence

Have you ever been in a situation that has blown up because of something someone has said? You know that if they’d just taken a few moments to think about what they were going to say, they could have avoided all kinds of trouble.

Sometimes, silence is most definitely golden. It can give you time to think about what you’re going to say next. It can help you to relax, and it can even make people listen. Without silence, information can be missed, tensions can rise, and patience can grow thin. Harnessing the power of silence in the workplace can improve communication, focus, and overall performance.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand why silence can be powerful
• Identify the benefits of using silence
• Use silence successfully

Why take this course?

Whatever your role, using the power of silence can improve the way you communicate. But if you’re coaching, then it’s a vital tool that you can use to improve performance. This course teaches you how silence can be powerful, why it can be useful, and how to use it in coaching.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

Category: Coaching Essentials