Use the Handrail

Alright, we know. It’s not the most “glamorous” of courses. In fact, it might even sound a bit patronizing. But since over a million people in the US have accidents from falling down the stairs, it clearly is important stuff to know.

A fall down steps, wherever you are, is not only going to hurt your pride, but it could land you with a serious injury, or worse. By making small changes, you can ensure that you navigate steps and stairs without any mishaps.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the importance of handrails
• Stay safe on stairs
• Better understand the consequences of a fall

Why take this course?

Whether in the office, on a building site, at home, or anywhere else with steps or stairs, handrails are there for a reason – to keep you safe. Why take the risk? The statistics are damning, and the consequences can be severe.

Taking this short course will benefit everyone. You’ll discover some interesting facts and statistics to make you pause for thought before tackling your next set of stairs.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

Category: Workplace Essentials